You looked at me with such sadness in your eyes that I wished for an instant to become a blank page where you could released all the hurt and pain lying in your heart.
Life has giving you a challenge that you wish would go away, disappear. I hoped for this too. What a joy it would have been to wake up one day and realise that it was gone. That you were free to be like all the others...happy and content. I came to the realisation that your path was different from the others and that I was here to assist you and love you. I have come to peace with what life has given us. I do know that I can't make you happy for happiness is a state of being but my commitment is to help you while you look for your own.
There is so much you have to go through that I am always amazed at how courageous you truely are. Even when you get so angry...I still see the beauty of you.
We may not always be close to one another but I am and will always be a breath the confine of your heart.
May you find some solace knowing that you are embraced by so much love, in every moment. May peace comes to your mind. May your eyes shine again with the light of joy and a thousand stars.
I know that I sometime make choices that are affecting you and with wich you disagree. I am sorry if any of these caused you pain for it never was my purpose.
There is so much I could tell you...
But from my heart ...only three words sum it all up:
Be well my daughter.
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