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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
I'm really confused on this one. Of course it is legal to be a stoned drunk, and they used to confiscate houses, boats, children, etc.. from anyone with even a joint (marijuana cigarette). So legal-wise alcohol is healthier obviously. Shoot, budweiser funds a lot of music and art events! That said...

My close friends who have seen me quit ganja-kalilove-marijuana (because of possible drug tests - looking for work!) and go to the legal "drug" alcohol, have said to me again and again "marijuana is healthier!"

Of course not a lot before going to work, but in general I hear it is healthier than alcohol. Clarifications? Comments?

HEALING LOVE TO ALL, TEO Cool Cool Smile Wink Eek Roll Eyes Razz Confused Big Grin Big Grin

May you find yourself in the world, and may you enjoy the company.
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Hi Teo,

I know as a fact that consuming large amounts of alcohol over a period of time is extremely toxic to the liver, and the brain.

I believe that both marijuana and alcohol, if consumed in more than moderate amounts ,again, over a period of time are destructive to the body and cause premature aging.

The best is to get our HIGHS naturally,
by enjoying the things that life has to offer.

Smile Smile Frown Big Grin Red Face Razz Razz Cool Cool Eek Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Eek Eek Eek Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Cool Roll Eyes Red Face Razz Razz Red Face Wink Big Grin Frown Smile
I have delved a little deeper into this issue and here is what Dr. Deepak Chopra has to say in his book 'Creating Health.'

`Data on the impairment of the immune system from the habitual use of marijuana has not received the publicity it deserves. In a significant finding by one Columbia University study , the antibodies produced by marijuana smokers declined drastically during one month of heavy use. When smoking was totally discontinued, however,the antibodies only returned to normal levels very slowly, and even five weeks later there were signs of decrease. Althought this finding of immunotoxicity(damage to the immune system)is most striking in the case of marijuana ,it is apparently induced by other drug addictions as well. Unless attitudes towards drug taking change signifcantly, we face the prospect of large numbers of people who use recreational drugs becoming highly susceptible to disease...

~I believe alcohol is a toxin . It impaires clear perception and motor coordination. It has poisonous effects on the heart, liver and brain that do not seem to be reversible. It contributes to sensless deaths from automobile accidents that number twenty -five thousand fatalities a year. Anything that harmful ,even in small doses, is not a legitimate part of perfect health; therefore, I recommend complete abstinence from alcohol...

Something to think about!
Confused Confused Frown Red Face Razz Razz Eek Eek Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Mad Mad Cool Mad Eek Eek Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Mad Razz Razz Frown Red Face Confused Confused
In am looking further into this topic, and here is what I found in a book by Reader's Digest called 'Magic and Medicine of Plants:'

Marijuana,Cannabis sativa L.

Although often abused, marijuana is one of the world's oldest economic plants. Besides providing the material, hemp, for lucrative cordage and cloth industry, it has been a valuable medicinal drug. The ancient pharmacopeias of China, going back more than 2000 years, listed marijuana, and the plant found favour around the world for its abilty to ease pain, induce sleep, and soothe a variety of nervous disorders. Usually the leaves or seeds were taken but in medieval Europe physicians prescribed the root to alleviate the agonies of Gout and other painful diseases. Mixed with oil and butter, the root also makes a salve for burns caused by that new import from the Orient, gunpowder.
Today marijuana is under investigastion as a treatment for asthma and certain types of glaucoma and as a means of controlling epileptic seizures and the nausea caused by radiation therapy and cancer chemotherapy.
Although marijuana's use as an intoxicant is not only widespread but socially acceptable in much of Africa and Asia, it has serious drawbacks. The extent to which marijuana can be physically or psychologically damaging remains a subject of discussion, but there is no dispute that it can be harmful, with a real danger of psychological, if not physical, dependence.

Teo and everyone how are ya? I followed your link to this message board and like it already.

Marijuana like any other thing can be detrimental if heavily used. Although they say more people have died from eating cheese than from smoking marijuana, to me its not a matter of death but rather of living your life more fully. It affects you more than just physically and not in a completely objective measurable way as we are all different. its good in some ways and not in others.

now I must tell you that I have been smoking it for at least 12 years (I'm 29 now) as I have an addiciton to it. Personally, it makes me so lazy that I sit there and do nothing and feel as if life is passing me by when I could be doing so much for myself and others even. so Last month I decided to quit and have smoked only like twice since (which is really good for me since i usually smoke it from morning till night). and I have been more active and seeing things a bit clearer lately.

sometimes, though, when used for spiritual insight I have felt that I could understand some things deeper than in my normally sober frame of mind. BUT I am just beggining meditation and agree with Inda with the natural high theory and dont quite subscribe to completely avoiding psychcoactive substances, because man mushrooms and acid I feel tell me so many of the universes secrets ( i know I sound like a total druggy), I didnt know much about any religion when I first took acid, but while on it the first time I saw teh entire universe as One. I became a spiritual person at this point. I was about to give up on teh idea of there even being a god until I experienced this. my only source of spiritual knowledge came from catholics and baptists and I wasnt comfortable at all with it.

but anyway just wanted to share my thoughts on this. I am not saying that everyone should or everyone shouldnt smoke or drink or whatever. it all depends on how you appraoch it.

<3 Glenn <3

I have delved a little deeper into this issue and here is what Dr. Deepak Chopra has to say in his book 'Creating Health.'

`Data on the impairment of the immune system from the habitual use of marijuana has not received the publicity it deserves. In a significant finding by one Columbia University study , the antibodies produced by marijuana smokers declined drastically during one month of heavy use. When smoking was totally discontinued, however,the antibodies only returned to normal levels very slowly, and even five weeks later there were signs of decrease. Althought this finding of immunotoxicity(damage to the immune system)is most striking in the case of marijuana ,it is apparently induced by other drug addictions as well. Unless attitudes towards drug taking change signifcantly, we face the prospect of large numbers of people who use recreational drugs becoming highly susceptible to disease...

~I believe alcohol is a toxin . It impaires clear perception and motor coordination. It has poisonous effects on the heart, liver and brain that do not seem to be reversible. It contributes to sensless deaths from automobile accidents that number twenty -five thousand fatalities a year. Anything that harmful ,even in small doses, is not a legitimate part of perfect health; therefore, I recommend complete abstinence from alcohol...

Something to think about!

Thank you Inda for this comment.

Young people should not use marijuana because the brain is not fully formed until 23 years of age.

Marijuana is legal in Canada now, but I think it is much stronger than what you are talking about. I see young people whose brains are not full developed until about age 23 behaving absolutely foolishly. I agree, alcoholism is not good either.

Marijuana over activates parts of the brain that contain the highest number of these receptors. This causes the "high" that people feel. Other effects include:

  • altered senses (for example, seeing brighter colors)
  • altered sense of time
  • changes in mood
  • impaired body movement
  • difficulty with thinking and problem-solving
  • impaired memory
  • hallucinations (when taken in high doses)
  • delusions (when taken in high doses)
  • psychosis (risk is highest with regular use of high potency marijuana)

Long-Term Effects

Marijuana also affects brain development. When people begin using marijuana as teenagers, the drug may impair thinking, memory, and learning functions and affect how the brain builds connections between the areas necessary for these functions. Researchers are still studying how long marijuana's effects last and whether some changes may be permanent.

For example, a study from New Zealand conducted in part by researchers at Duke University showed that people who started smoking marijuana heavily in their teens and had an ongoing marijuana use disorder lost an average of 8 IQ points between ages 13 and 38. The lost mental abilities didn't fully return in those who quit marijuana as adults. Those who started smoking marijuana as adults didn't show notable IQ declines.5

In another recent study on twins, those who used marijuana showed a significant decline in general knowledge and in verbal ability (equivalent to 4 IQ points) between the preteen years and early adulthood, but no predictable difference was found between twins when one used marijuana and the other didn't. This suggests that the IQ decline in marijuana users may be caused by something other than marijuana, such as shared familial factors (e.g., genetics, family environment).6 NIDA’s Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study, a major longitudinal study, is tracking a large sample of young Americans from late childhood to early adulthood to help clarify how and to what extent marijuana and other substances, alone and in combination, affect adolescent brain development. Read more about the ABCD study on our Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD Study) webpage.

Last edited by yoko

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