Ok guys, sweet dreams are great! When waking up too is sweet .... sometimes it transforms into sweat!
Just had this little experience which I connected in some way to the fatal number 666 ...
A few days ago, when coming home and parking in the street I saw that the kilometers done showed the number 19666. I am NOT superstitious, but I don't know that number has something strange in it! Anyway a thought crossed my mind: "maybe I should drive a little while, so that the number changes into 667 ... But then I said to myself that I was being really silly ....
In the morning .... after the sweet dreams ... in a hurry to go to work, I came to my little car waiting .... and could hardly believe what I saw: the rear thermic crystal had two enormous holes and broken glass was everywhere, even on my front seat! I thought "Good God" they tried to steel it.... But no, everything was in place (except the window!), nothing else had been touched. When I tried to look inside the .... well I don't know the correct name! ... the place for the luggage let's say ... the whole crystal crashed of course .... and then I saw something: there were a few seeds of pinecones and some pieces of pinecones ..... This my friends means that TWO PINECONES had actually hit my car! There were two holes. Of course the Pinetrees are very tall and so the distance was great and the weight of fresh pinecones is remarkable ... Still everybody thought it wasn't possible ... but the one who put in a new glass KNEW that such things do happen.
I won't annoy you with the incredible difficulty of finding that special thermic crystal in these days of August, when here half the town is closed ... It was an adventure, I had to go very far and had to leave the car there for a day (the time to dry the adhesive ... I took the underground, several busses and in the end I paid € 276.=, which is about that much in dollars). Funny, eh? 666!
One thing is sure, I should have given in to the inner urge to MOVE the car, so it would not have been right under the falling pinecones.
Ok. I tell you I have never been more grateful for my little car. In this heat I am blessed to have air-conditioning in there.
... here the beautiful ones!
Love to all.

I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight
senryu by Margherita