Seeing the sweet posts and such in here, Givnology, I was compelled to share some more of my music projects currently underway.

Soulsa Performance Video Capture with Logo
Some would feel the time I'm putting in to share freely this stuff is.. well, stupid. I am constantly looking at my own work to hopefully perfect it in some lifetime. Specifically though there is more possible "content" coming and why convert for web stuff when more is coming? Why?
Because you all are so sweet. So, that said, it became fun, of course, and now I get to present to you .. oh boy! Teo and Jeanette on a hilltop overlooking SF Golden Gate bridge, doing this "composed music" stuff (Dot-Commonalitywise it's a Freeboard Edutainment in the "Dot-Composition Project"), basically jamming in a beautiful environment!

The beginning of the "Ice Cream Chords"
Quicktime Movies 25MB! 1MB tiny!
Audio Files 2.4MB 208K
Image Captures 240K 170K
Images With Logo 172K 28K
The "edutainment" possibilities are endless!
Another thanks to YOU all for this opportunity to share with you.
Love and lightbeams, Teo