Let us elevate our life energy (CHI), and preserve the ever-changing balance of body and mind that is essential for health and energy.
The following health tips are from the CHI Fitness Center at the Mandarin Oriental:
Lengthening your spine
Visualize a string pulling from the top of your head to the ceiling...draw your shoulder blades back towards each other and open up the chest. While in this position, take deep, long breaths through your nostrils, fil up your lungs and feel your ribcage expand. Exhale out of your mouth and feel the rib cage collapse. Repeat throughout the day.
Push Ups, Lunges, Crunches
The most convenient exercise equipment is your own body which can be used as weight resistance. You will find doing workouts using just your body can be just as fulfilling as going to the gym, and definitely much better than not going at all. Stretch before any resistance exercises and talk to a professional trainer to go over proper form.
Just Get There and Do It
If you can just get your body to the gym, studio, or living room floor, you've got the hardest part accomplished. Do not feel pressured to do anything too vigorous, just be happy you arrived. Commit yourself to get to your destination at least three times a week, and you will be hooked. Your mind and your body will be in the workout mode.
Proper breathing requires your rib cage and abdominals to expand when you inhale while shoulders are completely relaxed. Before sitting up in the morning, place a small item such as a book on your stomach. Take a deep breath and the item will naturally rise. Hold your breath for three seconds and exhale throught the nostrils. Repeat this exercise three times.
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