below is from: A Musician's Dictionary, David W. Barber, Cartoons by Dave Donald, http://SoundAndVision.com
quote:From: page 21...
Drums: A percussion instrument originally played on the battlefield to inspire the troops and frighten the enemy. Even in modern times drums retain their millitary connotations, being chiefly played by teenagers who wish to frighten their parents or by those wanting to do battle with the neighbors.Early Music: In classical music, anything before about 1600. In rock music, anything before about noon.
Encore: A nasty method by which performers get back at the audience for its feigned appreciation in the form of applause. It consists of performing an extra piece "off the cuff" (which has been slavishly prepared for weeks). Audiences would be well advised not to applaud at all, so that everyone can get home that much sooner.
Expression 1. An indication in the score conveying information about tempo, dynamics, articulation or other means of shaping a musical phrase. 2. The pained look on the conductor's face when the performers ignore such indications.