About the first of these, the Buddhist religion, I have already told you.
The second, namely Judaism, was founded, as it were, precisely on the teaching of Saint Moses, the name given to one of the genuine Sacred Individuals who, in his turn, was intentionally actualized from Above.
This Sacred Individual was actualized in the planetary body of a boy who arose in the country now called "Egypt," shortly after my fourth sojourn on the surface of this planet of yours.
This Sacred Individual, now called Saint Moses, accomplished a great deal for them and left them many such exact and corresponding indications for ordinary existence that, if they had adopted and applied them more or less normally, then indeed all the consequences of the properties of the maleficent organ kundabuffer might have gradually been decrystallized, and even the predisposition for new crystallizations might have been destroyed.
Gurdjieff has created in me an amazing view, of all religions, as tools designed to help humans get along.
Then he describes fractioning (page 645):
Although the followers of this religion also split up, from the very first, into many different "sects" and "sub-sects"-which, by the way, continue to exist even till now-they nevertheless all subscribe to one or the other of its two independent "schools," as they are called, which were formed at the time of its arising.
These two schools of the Islamic religion are called there "Sunnism" and "Shi'ism."
It is interesting to note that the psychic hatred of each other formed in the beings belonging to these two independent branches of one and the same religion has now, on account of their frequent clashes, been completely transformed into organic hatred.
During recent centuries the beings of certain European communities have greatly contributed by their intrigues to this peculiar transformation of that strange being-function.
And they make use of these intrigues again and again to increase the animosity between the followers of these two independent schools of one and the same religion so that they should never unite, for if this were to happen there might soon be an end of those European communities.
I find it really interesting to see how the same religion, splitting into more than one, then fight each other! It seems silly, but .. on a grander scale, it seems like this is the same thing going on.
Examples of the silliness of the past helps us to wake up to newer awarenesses. May we share the things we believe in common rather than those we believe separately.
At one point Gurdjieff says that an ancient wisdom of Krishna was created, later modified by Buddha, later modified by Llama, and it was amazing to see religions, modified and continuing, it is sort of refreshing, perhaps we will evolve them to be even more useful nowadays eh? he he..
Harmonious religion evolving to all, Teo

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[i]You can't force peace, only lead by example