quote:Close your eyes, close out sound as best you can, and picture yourself in a quiet, restful place from your memory. Maybe it's a beach, a certain sunset, a mountain retreat or a park bench. If you cannot honestly recall one, create a scene in your imagination. Go there mentally; see yourself in that spot; smell the air, the salt spray, the pine forest, the flowers; feel the coolness, warmth, tropical breezes. Revel in the moment in that place. Visualize yourself there for as long as you can. While visualizing, it's important to breathe in deeply until your chest fills up with air, then let the air out slowly, repeating the deep breathing throughout the whole exercise.
From: here
quote:Creative visualization is one of the most important tools we have for creating and maintaining good health.
One of the basic principles of holistic health is that we cannot separate our physical health from our emotional, mental, and spiritual states of being. All levels are interconnected and a state of "dis-ease" in the body is always a reflection of conflict; tension, anxiety, or disharmony on other levels of being as well. So when we have a physical disorder, it is inevitably a message for us to look deeply into our emotional and intuitive feelings, our thoughts and attitudes, to see what we can do to restore natural harmony and balance to our beings. We must tune in and "listen" to the inner process.
There is constant communication between mind and body. The body perceives the physical universe, and sends messages to the mind about it; the mind interprets the perceptions according to its own individual past experience and its belief system, and signals the body to react in a way which it feels is appropriate. If the mind's belief system (on a conscious or unconscious level) says that it is appropriate or inevitable to get sick in a certain situation, it will signal the body accordingly, and the body will obligingly manifest symptoms of illness; it will in fact become ill. So the whole process is closely tied in with our deepest concepts and ideas about ourselves, life, and the nature of disease and health.
-Shakti Gawain
From: here
quote:Sit quietly, and focus on your inner being. Don't try to "see" anything, just relax and be receptive to whatever images or messages come. As they appear, focus your attention lightly on them, but don't try to force them to stay on the screen of your mind's eye. Let them flow. Do tune into the symbolism though, and notice what meaning you get from them. What message do they convey? In time, you may come to have very real, clear, "technicolor" movie-like visions. These can be very delightful - who needs TV when you've got your own inner "movie screen"?
Love and light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa...)