The key to create physical and spiritual affluence is within each and every one of us.
We have the ability to create anything that falls within the realm of our imagination.
Through meditation we can slip into the eternal quiet and get in touch with God, where we will find ourselves in a state of harmony and love. In this state we can create anything that we possibly desire. Having clear and positive intentions is the most importand step. Sending our clear intentions into the infinite silence is all that we need to do; the universe will take care of the rest.
We may not always see the results immediately, but over a period of time our desires will surely manifest.
Sharing our wealth with others will in turn bring us rewards, because everything that we scatter into the universe will always come back to us. In each successive moment let us create true wealth for all beings, which is comprised of happiness, joy, peace and love.
The Vedic seer states:
"I am the immeasurable potential of all that was,
is, and will be, and my desires are like seeds left in the ground:
they wait for the right season and then spontaneously manifest into beautiful and mighty trees, into enchanting gardens and majestic forests."
Love, Inda
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