Aristotle went on to say that all men can think because "it is possible to put things before our eyes, the way those who invent trained-memory techniques teach us to construct images."quote:The perceptions brought in by the five senses are first treated or woked upon by the faculty of imagination, and it is the images so formed which become the material of the intellectual faculty. Imagination is the intermediary between perception and thought.
It is the image-making part of the mind which makes the work of the higher process of thought possible. Hence the mind never thinks without a mental picture. The thinking faculty thinks of its forms in pictures. No one could ever learn or understand anything, if he had not the faculty of perception; even when he thinks speculatively, he must have some mental picture with which to think.
Harry Lorayne is teaching you, now, how to "construct images" with intangibles. The pictures (Substitute Words, thoughts or phrases) that you use must remind you of the intangible material. And, again, simply trying to apply the idea must better your memory. Trying to find a Substitute Word for anything forces you to think about it, to concentrate on it as you normally would not.
-The Memory Book, Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas, page 21
I found this fascinating, how creating "substitute words" helps the memories. Maybe all my word-play and "sum-sillilies" aren't so rediculous after all! he he..I think I'm very punny...
Love and light beings, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa...)