Magical Mind, Magical Body, A guidebook for approaching perfect health and total well-being, Deepak Chopra, M.D.,
page 37
The Seven Secrets of Creativity
Creative people have the following characteristics:
- They are able to enjoy SILENCE.
- They connect with and enjoy NATURE.
- They trust their FEELINGS.
- They can enjoy and function in the midst of CHAOS and CONFUSION.
- They are CHILDLIKE.
- They are not rigidly attached to any POINT OF VIEW.
Dear friends, I found this "old" booklet, and amazingly, it had very pertinent information - much of the main information that makes me appreciate dear Dr. Deepak Chopra.
This was one of my favorite pages, let me know if you want more from this book!
Love and ***LIGHT BEING***, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, Soul...)