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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
In the beginning, O God,
when the firm earth emerged from
the waters of life
you saw that it was good.
The fertile ground was moist
the seed was strong
and earth's profusion of color
and scent was born.
Awaken my senses this day
to the goodness that still stems from Eden.
Awaken my senses
to the goodness that can still spring forth
in me and in all that has life.

~Celtic Prayer


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Thank you Everyone.
Your picture is fabulous, Lilie.

Here is another Celtic prayer; I wasn't sure which one to post when I posted initially.

I watch this morning
for the light that the
darkness has not overcome.
I watch for the fire in the beginning
and that burns still in the brilliance
of the rising sun.I watch for the glow
of life that gleams in the growing earth
and glistens in the sea and sky.
I watch for your light, O God,
in the eyes of every living creature
and in the ever-living flame of my own soul.
If the grace of seeing were mine this day
I would glimpse you in all that lives.
Grant me the grace of seeing this day.
Grant me the grace of seeing.



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This is a nice post, and somehow I missed it.

Originally posted by Inda:

In the beginning, O God,
when the firm earth emerged from
the waters of life
you saw that it was good.
The fertile ground was moist
the seed was strong
and earth's profusion of color
and scent was born.
Awaken my senses this day
to the goodness that still stems from Eden.
Awaken my senses
to the goodness that can still spring forth
in me and in all that has life.

~Celtic Prayer

I watch this morning
for the light that the 
darkness has not overcome.
I watch for the fire in the beginning
and that burns still in the brilliance
of the rising sun.I watch for the glow 
of life that gleams in the growing earth
and glistens in the sea and sky.
I watch for your light, O God,
in the eyes of every living creature
and in the ever-living flame of my own soul.
If the grace of seeing were mine this day
I would glimpse you in all that lives.
Grant me the grace of seeing this day.
Grant me the grace of seeing.


Originally posted by Inda

I watch this morning
for the light that the
darkness has not overcome.
I watch for the fire in the beginning
and that burns still in the brilliance
of the rising sun.I watch for the glow
of life that gleams in the growing earth
and glistens in the sea and sky.
I watch for your light, O God,
in the eyes of every living creature
and in the ever-living flame of my own soul.
If the grace of seeing were mine this day
I would glimpse you in all that lives.
Grant me the grace of seeing this day.
Grant me the grace of seeing.


Thank you again Inda for this nice post. Perfect for St.Patrick's Day.

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