Surya is the God of Sun, His father is the sky god, Dyaush or Indra.
The chariot, symbol of the year's course, is pulled by seven (or four) horses: the Haritas (or one horse sevenheaded named Etasha); the charioteer is Aruna, elder brother of Garuda.
With the rise of Vaishnavism (IVth century b.c.) Surya lost his preminent place, as many Vedic Gods, and at last was replaced by Vishnu, previously a minor solar divinity.
From: http://www.namaste.it/kundalini/kundalini_eng/surya.html
May quantum bright healing light of God's love illuminate and heal. May ignorance be burned away, ignorance and darkness enlightened.
Amen. And so it is.
Love n light, Teo