Breathing God
I see you climbing lonely hills
burdened by all the mysteries
randomly gathered over the years.
From atop the world you scrutinize
frosty cosmic valleys of tears
and shiver in the grip of solitude.
You long for soothing replies.
A tiny flower wants your eyes
to reflect its charm upon your soul.
As if guided by soft petal whispers
you feel ready for contemplation.
To those who are willing to listen
nature offers deepest revelations.
You long for a new awareness.
See how the little flower sways
how it graciously dances in the breeze?
How it bravely withstands the storms?
See how it surrenders to its fate,
how it displays its innate loveliness?
It smiles right into the Creator’s eyes!
It makes love to the air and to the sun
to the stars and to the moon,
it gracefully receives the rain
or awakens to the caress of dew.
It opens to life without fear,
it asks for nothing, it just is.
Yet it is never ever lonely,
for it quietly breathes God.
You long for true oneness.
Do you hear the flower’s love sighs?
In gratitude it sings its song of praise!
It really says you are never alone,
not even in midst of nowhere!
You are immersed in divine essence
clinging to your skin, mind, heart and soul!
Peel off the layers of encumbrances,
it’s time for you now to sing along …
…. breathing God.