I would like to share a little bit with you.
By offering blessings to others, you can heal your own heart.

This week find the time to do a ceremony of blessing. Sit down, light a candle, and stay with the breath. Breathe in, feeling that the flame of the candle enters your heart. Breathe out, feeling that the flame moves out into the world, showering grace and blessings.
For the next 10 or 15 minutes bring to mind the people in your life and imagine that the light from your heart flows to them as a blessing. Make sure to include people whom you particularly don't like. Create a simple phrase such as "May they be blessed" or "May they have health, joy and peace."
Or use the Buddhist lovingkindness prayer , the ancient mantra :Lokaha samastaha sukhino bhavantu, or"May all beings be happy"-or a prayer of your own.
Following this, bring to mind people, singly oras a group, from different parts of the world, hungry people, angry people, grieving people, suffering people, and whomever else you would like to bless. Feel that the blessings touch all of them with gentle light flowing from your heart.
Finally bless yourself-all your so-called good qualities, and also the qualities that you wish were different. Sit for a few minutes, noticing and feeling the climate of blessing that you have created.