Love is not subject to veto
it needs not ask for permission
to be received, given and shared,
rejection is not an option
it opens double closed heart-doors
without secret key formulas.
It rises with the sun
It rises with the moon
and with every single star
in the whole infinite vastness
of our awe inspiring Universe.
To pollution it is immune.
Love vibes travel at high speed
freeway-style on preferential lanes
through the air and through space.
It dances softly in your hair
and skips wildly through tall grass.
Love is the nightingale
who never stops to sing
within your heart garden.
May we become aware of IT and play ITS tune ...
Love is the all pervading divine breath.
Love mends all the wounds
that still bleed on our beloved Earth.
Love is at once the nucleus
of the smallest imaginable particle
and the invisible golden light dome
that keeps All there is together
in mind-boggling harmony.
Love adds its grace to your tears
like a rainbow that shines through clouds.
Love blooms in your smiles
and straightens your back
when you forget who you are
and where you come from.
Love is the never drying out river
that invites you to kneel down
to sip from its life giving waters.
It is the common denominator
of all living beings and Nature itself,
it is ordinary and extraordinary ...
Love is this and more,
much more, so much more.
Love is the main ingredient of
the miracle that is YOU ...
Love is All There Is. Love is YOU.
May we become aware of IT and play ITS tune
in all we do ...