When long-buried dreams
sprout anew
and you know
they will come true
when snow and ice melt
to the sun’s kiss
and water drops gather
jumping down the hills
to play a brand new song
echoing in your heart
and you feel that
you are part
of the tune
when the dead
emerge from oblivion
and bloom
in your thoughts
when blossoms
are carried by the breeze
to adorn your bed,
when lilacs wrap you
in their scent
and you are ready
to share
in the sacred rite
of creation
when the skies
your song of life
and the star beams
caress your face,
when Universe
rocks you in its womb
and you will know
the meaning of Home
when Love
shows you
all the colors
of existence
and you tremble inside
in awe
then you know
you are One
with All.
When finally
Spring has expanded
with all its power
of renewal
within you
then the awakening
has taken place.
Then you are Love
Then … you ARE.
Love, Margherita