Great replies you all!

Originally posted by yogionefromobie:
There is often conflict among yogis about the motion of prana in relation to the motion of the breath. Some suggest that the prana is drawn down through the Crown of Brahmin with the inbreath. Others would have us believe that it rises from the base chakra throught the upper chakras with the inbreath and the prana is drawn back in from the cosmic void with the outbreath.
I like to think that on my in breath I am breathing in, and on my out breath my environment is breathing (my breath) in!

Nick (Yogi1..) again:
The difference is that we believe what we want to believe and we are aware of what actually is - like breathing out and breathing in.
Nawmustard 2 u 2
In the graphic from notice an arrow up on one side and an arrow down on the other, like yin and yang both things (and thinks) are probably true. In other words, chi/prana life force building up with each in breath, but in another way, being released with each in breath, hey, some organs probably like the oxygen, some probably are fueled by the lack of it.
In the MCO (microcosmic orbit) chi comes up the spine/chakras/endocrine gland system, this usually takes a few minutes at least, and then when it connects on the top a shower of chi comes back down the front of the body, fueling reservoirs upper=brain, middle=heart, lower=abdomen. I sometimes visualize this happening with every breath, as Nick said: "...we believe what we want to believe..."
Since you brought up breath... Living things sort of enjoy that in breath right? The last thing spirit might experience might be out breath, so we might identify with the in-breath fueling us, but spirit might identify with the out-breaths!
And we haven't even mentioned how many people believe each nostril is a different kind of breath!
In the chakra page here @ Givnology I used a top-down approach, sort of trying to help us identify with our eternal spirit that "came down here" to be living mammals. That spirit would likely experience the out-breath more than we do, and that's where on level 6 going up or level 2 coming down,
THE THIRD EYE CHAKRA (or the pituitary endocrine gland) represents the balance or awareness of both at once, HA and KSHA are the 2 petals of Ajna Chakra, the 2 sanscrit letters, Ha=breath and Ksha=loop of body, well Ha would be out-breath.. hmm... you CAN make the ha sound with an in-breath..
So much focus on breath, well, like focusing on it for meditation - at least I stopped thinking about the rest of the world for a minute!
Love and light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, So, LaaAAAA!..)