Align to me
Beyond your walls of fortification
against attacks by an unfriendly world,
despite dark clouds and luring flames,
your beauty and trust long to bloom,
like a glorious delicate cactus flower
born in midst of defensive spines.
You can sip at pure love’s chalice,
head on the wings of your desire
to the core of everything that is,
all the portals open to daring souls
who remember their immortality
even in the face of apparent chaos.
Listen to my tune and align to me
receive the shower of my tears
create a pond within your heart
keep it transparent and dazzling
for these tears are the essence
of my overwhelming happiness.
Move through your reminiscent moods,
climb tenaciously upwards to the peak
enjoy the embrace of crystalline air,
lose your mind over the utter splendor
peel off all the layers of illusion,
let your soul bloom and surrender.
Listen to my tune and align to me.
Beyond fear and earthly limitations
there are hidden treasures waiting,
pink horizons unfold and open wide
for your soul riding gossamer clouds
reaching untold heights and vast skies.
Align to me ...