May protesters be not seen as "war against war," or "protesting," but rather AFFIRMING positive living together solutions.
It is positive, life affirming, to protest--sometimes. Sometimes there is only peace in active protest. Isn't that true? Aren't we all appreciative of those who have given their lives for workers rights, integration, healthy living rights, voting rights, fair representation, and so forth..
Let us consider PROTESTING to be affirming of the positive, not double negativing the negative.. I love you protesters who wish for peace!!!!
May we all affirm the positive in all people. May we come together in the positive views and visions we all have; even if we find ourselves wanting to correct each other's methods, we are all one, all compassionate caring people trying to make this heavenly planet a nice safe fun place for all.
We are all trying to make a better life for all. I affirm this and appreciate you all so!
May we all affirm the positive and dispell the negative, in the best ways, for all concerned. Amen. And so it is! Lovebeams, Teo

May you find yourself in the world, and may you enjoy the company.