At just about any point in time, one could say to one's self: "I could be doing so much better, having so much more!" and at that exact time there are so many people who wish that they had as much as you!
There is always more to be had, always less too! Be thankful!
Count your blessings, not your failings!
I have these awareness often with so many unfinished music projects - but they got started! he he..
btw. won't it be great when the overly-greedy people (not us of course!) shift their greed to be wanting it all for themselves, or their families, or clans, to wanting it all for all people! Hey, go ahead and be greedy greedy greedy - wish the best for ALL PEOPLE!
Let's greedily make all people's lives better eh? he he..
Amazing how incredibly valuable I find typing in little boxes, on internet computers, sharing blab with others who have the time to read this stuff.. wow.. FANTASTIC VALUE!!!!
Lovebeams, Teo

May you find yourself in the world, and may you enjoy the company.