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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Thank you Lilie for the picture of Hafiz
and thank you Margherita for your beautiful words.


O nights, O passing days and nights!
The drip from eaves and window sills,
The shining icicles on gables,
The chatter of unsleeping rills!

~From March by: Boris Pasternak

This little one is trying to keep warm


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Good night Dear Friends.
I will now sail into the land of dreams.

Love, Inda

Are you searching for your soul?
Then come out of your prison.
Leave the stream and join the river
that flows into the ocean.
Absorbed in this world
you've made it your burden.
Rise above this world.
There is another vision...

[This message was edited by Inda on Wednesday February 25th, 2004 at 05:42 PM.]


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Time to dream ....
to dream of peace

I slow down ...
I breathe consciously
lifting my spirit
to ethereal heights
listening to
the vibrations
of my soul ...
being aware of
the greatness
of All there is
inhaling peace
from the stillness
of my depth
exhaling love
embracing the world
and all life ..

Love and Peace to all of you!
Margherita Smile
Dear Margherita,
Thank you for always painting a canvas of love and peace. Everything you touch becomes a thing of beauty.

Good night All. Cloud9
Love, Inda Love2

...The Self is the ultimate Reality:
That which was before creation
And from which creation was born.
Yet who sees this Self
Sees it resting in the hearts of all..

~From the Katha Upanishad


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That Self, ever pure and radiant,
Continues to create all that delights us.
Even as we sleep and dream,
That self is the immortal
And the transcendent-
The ground of all beings.
There is no beyond beyond that.

~From the Katha Upanishad

[This message was edited by Inda on Friday February 27th, 2004 at 04:34 PM.]


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I have spent an hour here trying to catch up on this beautiful thread. Thank you everyone for your wonderful contribution. I am afraid I have no skills at all with the computer, especially posting images, so I will leave you with a
Native American saying that will fit in with all theswe beautiful dreams:

Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking

Have a beautiful day everyone, and beautiful dreams tonight.

Love Stories are being shared:

From Our Hearts

Love is a short word, but it contains all: it means the body, the soul, the life, the entire being. We feel it as we feel the warmth of the blood, we breathe it as we breathe the air, we carry it in ourselves as we carry our thoughts. Nothing more exists for us. It is not a word; it is an inexpressible state indicated by four letters....
~Guy de Maupassant


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  • lovers
Last edited by Inda
Well, and isn't that just good news, dear Inda! So you had happy dreams or better still you were living a life of dream. Hawaii must have refined your peaceful perceptions of the beauty of the world and the beauty of life!

Would you believe it? I went through every single page of this thread and enjoyed it immensely. Couldn't remember, but was so happy to rediscover all of our dream expressions!

Looking for a picture now that fits into Winter and my visions of perfection, of elegance and bliss ...

Love and hugs.

World Champion Carolina Kostner
Such lovely pictures!

I have had a most beautiful dream, not a winter dream, but rather an anticipation of Spring, must see if I can find an adequate picture ... in the dream I was hugging a tree with wonderful white flowers ... it was such a fantastic feeling, I even inhaled the flowers' fragrance Smile

this one comes close (cherry blossoms):

And this too (apple blossoms):

I’m open to love,  my heart invites you to dance,  come share my delight

senryu by Margherita

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