Dear Lilie,
this makes me want to go back to sleep.
Now my dream bird flew me up to the top of a tree
Dear Inda,
Did you get a glimpse of this baby up there?
Did you get a glimpse of this baby up there?

I see that sunsets are your favourites...I happened to come across this one and could not him some attention could probably find him where the tree is

We might need this in our further excursions...catching whatever...

Dear Inda,
Hope you get all the rest you need, these birds are watching over you as you are passing to the world of dreams...
Hope you get all the rest you need, these birds are watching over you as you are passing to the world of dreams...

An image of a tree within a leaf....
back to the theme of trees
back to the theme of trees

Dear Inda
So when talking about mixing things...I am mixing trees with number three...and look! these children promptly wanted to come into our dream scenery...I don´t know why...
So when talking about mixing things...I am mixing trees with number three...and look! these children promptly wanted to come into our dream scenery...I don´t know why...

By the is celebration of 2 months for this thread...

What a wonderful table and nice gesture from Monet. After celebrating, eating the cake and drinking some wine...lets have a walk across this bridge and see what awaits us there..

Yes, Inda...and did you notice the similarity between Givnery and Givnology?

As you still are sleeping the sun is rising...
and your dreams...
and your dreams...

I am still enjoying all these images.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Sue (Guest)
I agree with Vicky.
This is a fabulous thread.
I especially like the chocolate cake.
This is a fabulous thread.
I especially like the chocolate cake.
I am still enjoying this,
especially the Claude Monet,
and the cake.
Please continue.
especially the Claude Monet,
and the cake.
Please continue.
Here too I see there have been great developments ... now as it is night I will post an awesome moonrise ....
The perfect image to accompany me into sleep ... it is time!
Love to all, Margherita
The perfect image to accompany me into sleep ... it is time!
Love to all, Margherita

bracha (Guest)
As I was driving the car last night through a beautiful landscape...the moon was almost full and seemed so big...
I was thrilled to see Margherita also had an idea of a moon...
I was thrilled to see Margherita also had an idea of a moon...

Back to art again...sister moon
Yes, where I am, the day is certainly coming to an end...every night I decide to remember what I dream...but most often in the morning I usually forget them...which is a pity...them being the kings´ road to the unconscious....
Do you remember?
Do you remember?

I am off to gaze at the sky and hopefully see some shooting star ..... to wish upon!
Oh Lilie had an appointment with the moon, I see!
Love, Margherita

Oh dreams .... last night I had a nightmare .... Good god I screamed like hell and cried in terror, my husband shook me to wake me up. I think our neighbours must have heard .... Thanks to God I rarely have such horror dreams. I have had some really wonderful dreams that I remember well, but this does not happen very often.
The nightmare was about my sweet Mom. This dream must have originated from some of my worries.
Dream of Love by MM Ramirez
Better to dream of love .....
Love, Margherita
The nightmare was about my sweet Mom. This dream must have originated from some of my worries.

Dream of Love by MM Ramirez
Better to dream of love .....
Love, Margherita

Sue (Guest)
I usually don't remember my good dreams either, but I am enjoying all of your dreams a lot.
I am still enjoying these dreams a lot.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for these beautiful images.. I guess this dream keeps us moving...

Thank you! don´t remember so much of dreams but slept without interruptions...your dream brought different feelings and thoughts...
artist Jan Luuik
[This message was edited by bracha on Tuesday August 12th, 2003 at 02:14 AM.]
artist Jan Luuik

[This message was edited by bracha on Tuesday August 12th, 2003 at 02:14 AM.]
bracha (Guest)
continuing with dreaming..I hope you are fine today Inda...not to much stress
artist Rossetti
artist Rossetti

Dear Moon
You are very welcome
to play...there is so
much power in your image intensity...
Here comes an image of the mother
[This message was edited by bracha on Friday August 15th, 2003 at 03:58 AM.]
You are very welcome
to play...there is so
much power in your image intensity...
Here comes an image of the mother

[This message was edited by bracha on Friday August 15th, 2003 at 03:58 AM.]
Thank you Lilie!
Interesting you posted the picture of the mother. I was wondering what made you think of it. There is a sort of coincidence happening on the Chopra message board concerning a poster named Mother and the Pink Floyd song Mother. I think that the image of the Mother be very meaningful in so many ways.
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
Interesting you posted the picture of the mother. I was wondering what made you think of it. There is a sort of coincidence happening on the Chopra message board concerning a poster named Mother and the Pink Floyd song Mother. I think that the image of the Mother be very meaningful in so many ways.

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
Dear Moon..
Sometimes I am not fully aware of all the thoughts and paths leading to a picture.But I think it is more meaningful for us all to go with the flow in ourselves and see where it lead us....
Anyhow your image for me was full of father and sexuality....and in this case I can say that I found this mother when looking for Eros and I found her so beautiful....
the path to the father
Sometimes I am not fully aware of all the thoughts and paths leading to a picture.But I think it is more meaningful for us all to go with the flow in ourselves and see where it lead us....
Anyhow your image for me was full of father and sexuality....and in this case I can say that I found this mother when looking for Eros and I found her so beautiful....

the path to the father
Dear Lilie and Glenn,
I am really enjoying your stories.
I had no electricity for 24 hours, so I was able to catch up on my dreams. It is amazing how dark it is when there is no power anywhere, and there is a quiet as well that we usually don't get when everyone is doing their usual chores.
I found this sculpture that appeals to me
I am really enjoying your stories.
I had no electricity for 24 hours, so I was able to catch up on my dreams. It is amazing how dark it is when there is no power anywhere, and there is a quiet as well that we usually don't get when everyone is doing their usual chores.
I found this sculpture that appeals to me

I don't see it as being messed up! beautiful image!
I have some pretty mixed up drimes I tells ya

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
I found a nice prayer on this theme of roots...

Thank you Lilie,
This is a very beautiful and appropriate prayer.
Here is another prayer to add to our dreams tonight:
The stillness of God be mine this night
that I may sleep in peace.
The awareness of the angels be mine this night
that I may be alert to unseen mysteries.
The company of the saints be mine this night
that I may dream of the river of love.
the life of Christ be mine this night
that may be truly alive in the morning
that I may be truly alive.
~Celtic Prayer
This is a very beautiful and appropriate prayer.
Here is another prayer to add to our dreams tonight:
The stillness of God be mine this night
that I may sleep in peace.
The awareness of the angels be mine this night
that I may be alert to unseen mysteries.
The company of the saints be mine this night
that I may dream of the river of love.
the life of Christ be mine this night
that may be truly alive in the morning
that I may be truly alive.
~Celtic Prayer

Sleeping beauty by Thomas Ralph Spence
Beautiful pictures .... I love sleeping beauties .... there is so much going on behind those closed eyes in the dreamworld. Don't I know?
Love, Margherita

I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight
senryu by Margherita
Often our nightly dreams are connected to our day dreams ..... answers come during the night and solutions indicating the way to realise the dreams we dream during the day.
Ok this one isn't a sleeping beauty ..... she is hidden!
Love, Margherita

There, the Roman girl is dreaming with open eyes ...
Love, Margherita
[This message was edited by Margherita on Sunday August 17th, 2003 at 07:10 AM.]
Love, Margherita

[This message was edited by Margherita on Sunday August 17th, 2003 at 07:10 AM.]
I went to bed with that beautiful celtic prayer in mind. After all these beauties I chose an image with something of horror in it....for balance...
[This message was edited by bracha on Sunday August 17th, 2003 at 12:49 AM.]

[This message was edited by bracha on Sunday August 17th, 2003 at 12:49 AM.]

I prefer spiders in their natural endeavours ... nice dewdrop web!
Noooooooooooooooo...... did you hear my scream, dear Lilie? I am checking my skin if there is no alien invading .... You had me nearly fainting!
Well I have had dreams of ants crawling over me .....grrrrrrrrrrr.
I see the lovely Roman girl has disappeared. Probably she was shocked too!! haha.
Love and hugs.
Oh, dear Inda, thank you for sharing that beautiful celtic prayer!

I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight
senryu by Margherita
I have found something really beautiful and want to share it ....
But I am having some problems with pictures here, hopefully it will work.
I want to heal from nightmares ...
Love, Margherita
I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight
senryu by Margherita
But I am having some problems with pictures here, hopefully it will work.
I want to heal from nightmares ...
Love, Margherita

I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight
senryu by Margherita
You might call me naughty, and yes....maybe

Amazing with the unicorns, was almost my choice yesterday...

Thank you so very much, Inda...they go so well together with Erics latest text...on the tattvas..Here more dreamings of unicorns..
artist: Suzi dePoo
[This message was edited by bracha on Monday August 18th, 2003 at 12:00 PM.]
artist: Suzi dePoo

[This message was edited by bracha on Monday August 18th, 2003 at 12:00 PM.]
Thank you for all this beautiful artwork.
I am really enjoying this thread.
I am really enjoying this thread.

Sweet friends, I should be packing .... but then just for one moment I HAD to come in...
Yes Lilie this IS amazing and it becomes even MORE amazing with the explanations dear Inda supplied.
Because ..
I actually found the "Unicorn Love" image while searching for an adequate picture to accompany my reply on Eric's latest Tantra essay about the meaning of a moment of no-meaning ... I loved it instantly, but wasn't sure if I could use it for that purpose, so I saved it. You see, my subconscious mind had actually shown the right image but in my ignorance I did not recognize it!
But thanks to you both, now I KNOW. These unicorns are worth a deeper research. I have just read the legend regarding King Arthur ... Well, there is so much to know.
The synchronicities never cease to give me goosebumps.
Sweet ladies, I will not be around much for the rest of this month. But you will be in my heart always. If I get an opportunity to come in, I will.
Otherwise, see you in September.
Enjoy life and each other!
God bless you.
I love you. Margherita

I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight
senryu by Margherita
Dear Margherita
We will have to explore more on unicorns
when you come back...will you tell us some?
I wish you a wonderful time and hopefully a lot of cool breezes...
I love you too, dear friend... will miss you
We will have to explore more on unicorns
when you come back...will you tell us some?
I wish you a wonderful time and hopefully a lot of cool breezes...
I love you too, dear friend... will miss you

ah it must have been the unicorns that boosted my psychic abilities so that I could hear what was going to be said on the radio when my alarm went off...
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
Sue (Guest)
Thank you Everyone,
I am thoroughly enjoying this thread.
I am thoroughly enjoying this thread.
Dear Inda,
Wonderful images! And yes, very appropriate...
and here a break, something else...a certain mood when summer turns to fall, slowly...
[This message was edited by bracha on Monday August 18th, 2003 at 11:59 PM.]
Wonderful images! And yes, very appropriate...
and here a break, something else...a certain mood when summer turns to fall, slowly...

[This message was edited by bracha on Monday August 18th, 2003 at 11:59 PM.]
Thank you for more beautiful images.
I am really enjoying this thread.
I am really enjoying this thread.

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
bracha (Guest)
After the news on terror attacks I take a pause in dreaming...praying

Blessing From the Medicine Man
by Howard Terpning
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
by Howard Terpning

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
This thread is getting more and more enjoyable.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
I shall now light my candle, and go through this beautiful gate to the land of dreams once more.
What was in that candle's light
that opened and consumed me so quickly?
Come back, my friend. The form of our love
is not a created form.
Nothing can help me but that beauty.
There was a dawn I remember when my soul
heard something from your soul.
I drank water from your spring
and felt the current take me.
Sweet Dreams!
Love, Inda
What was in that candle's light
that opened and consumed me so quickly?
Come back, my friend. The form of our love
is not a created form.
Nothing can help me but that beauty.
There was a dawn I remember when my soul
heard something from your soul.
I drank water from your spring
and felt the current take me.
Sweet Dreams!
Love, Inda
Oh, my God...this poem by Rumi
touches me so deeply, also with
sadness in that joy...
How truely beauty reaches where nothing else can...
With Love,
touches me so deeply, also with
sadness in that joy...
How truely beauty reaches where nothing else can...

With Love,
Thank you Glenn and Inda for all this beauty.....
"If you are a friend of God, fire is your water."
artist; Ian Khan
With Love,
"If you are a friend of God, fire is your water."
artist; Ian Khan

With Love,
Thank you Lilie,
This is an extraordinarily beautiful image.
It carries me right into the land of dreams.
Real Prayer can only be yours
when you have staked and gambled yourself away
and your essence is pure.
Then "a joy of the eyes" are your prayers
and no separation remains,
for knower and known are one and the same.
~Mahmud Shabistari
This is an extraordinarily beautiful image.
It carries me right into the land of dreams.
Real Prayer can only be yours
when you have staked and gambled yourself away
and your essence is pure.
Then "a joy of the eyes" are your prayers
and no separation remains,
for knower and known are one and the same.
~Mahmud Shabistari
"Whatever pearl you seek,
look for the pearl within the pearl!"
look for the pearl within the pearl!"

Dear Lilie,
Thank you. I love this.
My dreams will carry me through another door now to look for pearls within the pearls.
In Being's silver sea
lustrous pearls of knowledge are washed up
on the shore of speech,
and dainty shells bring poems in their curving forms to strew the beach with beauty.
Each wave that breaks in foaming arcs
casts up a thousand royal pearls
that hold strange, murmuring voices,
gems of devotion, joy, and love.
Yet tough a thousand waves
at every moment rise and fall,
scattering pearls and shells,
yet there are ever more and more to come,
nor is tat sea of Being less by one sheer drop.
~Mahmud Shabistari
Thank you. I love this.
My dreams will carry me through another door now to look for pearls within the pearls.
In Being's silver sea
lustrous pearls of knowledge are washed up
on the shore of speech,
and dainty shells bring poems in their curving forms to strew the beach with beauty.
Each wave that breaks in foaming arcs
casts up a thousand royal pearls
that hold strange, murmuring voices,
gems of devotion, joy, and love.
Yet tough a thousand waves
at every moment rise and fall,
scattering pearls and shells,
yet there are ever more and more to come,
nor is tat sea of Being less by one sheer drop.
~Mahmud Shabistari
Thank you for this poem, beautiful...
today I am in the mood for Rumi again and again..
Sometimes I wonder, sweetest love, if you
Were a mere dream in a long winter night,
A dream of spring-days, and of golden light
Which sheds its rays upon a frozen heart;
A dream of wine that fills the drunken eye.
And so I wonder, sweetest love, if I
Should drink this ruby wine, or rather weep;
Each tear a bezel with your face engraved,
A rosary to memorize your name...
There are so many ways to call you back-
Yes, even if you only were a dream.
today I am in the mood for Rumi again and again..
Sometimes I wonder, sweetest love, if you
Were a mere dream in a long winter night,
A dream of spring-days, and of golden light
Which sheds its rays upon a frozen heart;
A dream of wine that fills the drunken eye.
And so I wonder, sweetest love, if I
Should drink this ruby wine, or rather weep;
Each tear a bezel with your face engraved,
A rosary to memorize your name...
There are so many ways to call you back-
Yes, even if you only were a dream.
Dear Lilie,
Thank you.Rumi is my alltime favotite.
I went searching far and wide and finally came up with a treasure of pearls within pearls.
...The sea is Being, the shore is body;
The mist, grace, and the rain knowledge of the Name; human wisdom is the diver
who holds entrapped in his garment
a hundred pearls.
The soul in a swift lightning's flash
bears to the listening ear voices and messages
from the shells of knowledge;
but when the husks are opened,
behold the royal shimmering pearls!
~Mahmud Shabistari
Thank you.Rumi is my alltime favotite.
I went searching far and wide and finally came up with a treasure of pearls within pearls.
...The sea is Being, the shore is body;
The mist, grace, and the rain knowledge of the Name; human wisdom is the diver
who holds entrapped in his garment
a hundred pearls.
The soul in a swift lightning's flash
bears to the listening ear voices and messages
from the shells of knowledge;
but when the husks are opened,
behold the royal shimmering pearls!
~Mahmud Shabistari
Thank you Inda,
here something calming...
here something calming...

I hope you all are doing well
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
I really like all the poetry and the images.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
aboriginal art pearlshell
[This message was edited by bracha on Tuesday August 26th, 2003 at 06:16 AM.]

[This message was edited by bracha on Tuesday August 26th, 2003 at 06:16 AM.]
I love this thread. I enjoy dreaming immensely!
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
bracha (Guest)
I love this topic!

Something about that image really struck me
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
Sue (Guest)
Thank you for continuing this thread.
This is really nice.
This is really nice.

I am in a moody mood....
there is a heron in the boat
there is a heron in the boat

ut oh....
is it a boat-billed heron?
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
is it a boat-billed heron?

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
And again....I am longing to the shore
probably by seeing all these pearls..
probably by seeing all these pearls..

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3

And now another dream took me back to the shore. Here I found imprints of the pearls that found a way to return to the sea.
A river's journey is toward the sea, toward the final embrace of the great silence, towards oceanic bliss.
A river's journey is toward the sea, toward the final embrace of the great silence, towards oceanic bliss.
only with the tone of
a violin could my feelings
be response
to the last image,
return to the sea
With Love
a violin could my feelings
be response
to the last image,
return to the sea

With Love
Oh, those images are so wonderful
touching me...thinking of a Swedish
With love,
touching me...thinking of a Swedish

With love,
Lijiang river China
Today I have this longing

Today I have this longing
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
bracha (Guest)
artist: Winnlederer

ah I dream of a simple country life
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
bracha (Guest)
and here are some friends visiting you

This is so wonderful.
I am truly enjoying all these beautiful dreams.
Thank you everyone.
I am truly enjoying all these beautiful dreams.
Thank you everyone.
hahaha Lilie you cracked me up!
i DO LOVVVVVVE the company of animals!!
whats beyond that doorway to the dream dimension?
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
i DO LOVVVVVVE the company of animals!!
whats beyond that doorway to the dream dimension?

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
bracha (Guest)
I love doors and even more openings
With Love,

With Love,
bracha (Guest)
This is who met me behind that door
with love

with love
What a nice surprise, to meet someone so beautiful.
I will go through another door now, and I will stay in the land of dreams for a month. I will wake up once in a while and come and share my dreams when I can, but I will be very busy for a month, so please continue and share your dreams ; I will come and share them whenever I can.
Love, Inda
I will go through another door now, and I will stay in the land of dreams for a month. I will wake up once in a while and come and share my dreams when I can, but I will be very busy for a month, so please continue and share your dreams ; I will come and share them whenever I can.
Love, Inda
bracha (Guest)
Dear Inda
I wish you a good, inspiring time
and I will be here when you come back
I wish you a good, inspiring time
and I will be here when you come back

I love this sheep counting
now I will count the days until
you are back....
Love, Lilie
now I will count the days until
you are back....

Love, Lilie

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
bracha (Guest)

bracha (Guest)

bracha (Guest)
Finding pictures that touches...doesn´t matter where...

bracha (Guest)
all our paths look different...and the goal?

instead of the cubicle...
you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3

you have the right to remain fabulous - Chief Wiggum
<3 Glenn <3
bracha (Guest)
Another path....Inda I am so glad just to see you...even if it is for short...

Sweet dreams girls.
I love you, Margherita
Horses dancing among the clouds ...
[This message was edited by Margherita on Monday September 15th, 2003 at 03:26 PM.]
I love you, Margherita

Horses dancing among the clouds ...
[This message was edited by Margherita on Monday September 15th, 2003 at 03:26 PM.]
bracha (Guest)
Dear Margherita
what a wonderful,wonderful picture
i find it very inspiring and it
awakens spirit to dance...and smile
the name of this image is friendshipcup from the Celts
With Love
what a wonderful,wonderful picture
i find it very inspiring and it
awakens spirit to dance...and smile
the name of this image is friendshipcup from the Celts

With Love
Let us drink from this cup of friendship dear Lilie! Beautiful gesture.
I send you this golden light ... the dharma wheel
Going to dream of the power of light!
Hugs. Margherita
I changed the wheel, as the first one always disappeared ...
[This message was edited by Margherita on Sunday September 21st, 2003 at 08:35 AM.]
I send you this golden light ... the dharma wheel

Going to dream of the power of light!
Hugs. Margherita

I changed the wheel, as the first one always disappeared ...
[This message was edited by Margherita on Sunday September 21st, 2003 at 08:35 AM.]
bracha (Guest)
Dear Margherita, Iam curious of that wheel....
Maybe because I was on an icon-painting
course this week -end that I was touched
by this picture....
artist: Hoover
Maybe because I was on an icon-painting
course this week -end that I was touched
by this picture....
artist: Hoover

Dharma wheel
Dear Lilie, I see the Dharma wheel tends to disappear. You can open it at the above url. Sometimes it gives "error".
It's great that you have attended this course regarding icons!
I found this one, there is that gentle smile ... touching my heart.
Love, Margherita
Dear Lilie, I see the Dharma wheel tends to disappear. You can open it at the above url. Sometimes it gives "error".
It's great that you have attended this course regarding icons!
I found this one, there is that gentle smile ... touching my heart.

Love, Margherita
Oh I love that Dharma Wheel
and also both icons you two
have chosen.
All these images give me
joy in heart....looking
for that smile
I love you!
Here an image of my inner me....
With love
and also both icons you two
have chosen.
All these images give me
joy in heart....looking
for that smile
I love you!
Here an image of my inner me....

With love
Thank you all for these beautiful pictures. They really make me dream.
Sue (Guest)
Great images. Beautiful dreams.
Thank you all.
Thank you all.
Dreams in our hands....
with love

with love
bracha (Guest)

I have missed you Inda...did you know?
Before seeing this image of yours I had fallen for this one
With Love
Before seeing this image of yours I had fallen for this one

With Love
Glad to be back here. I am still enjoying this thread very much. keep on dreaming.
Thank you Everyone.
Thank you Everyone.
a dreaming couple
with love

with love
Ludmilla Kolayova, Giselle
Love, Lilie

Love, Lilie
Two unknown dancers...


I am still enjoying this thread a lot. I don't really have any time at work to post images, but I enjoy all of yours very much.
Thank you everyone,
Thank you everyone,
bracha (Guest)
Vicky, I should not have time at work either...
here some more dreams
here some more dreams

A night for dreams, close to dawn
Breaking through....

I love those words by Rumi and you Inda bringing them alive here...


Today I want to honor my Mother's golden heart, it is her birthday, October 11th.
Will they have a joyful gathering in heaven?
Thank you Pfuetzchen! May I dream of you tonight ... and hug you in deepest gratitude for what you have been to me and for what you have done for me!
May the seeds of your golden heart grow down here on Earth in the hearts of all those who were lucky enough to meet you here ...
Love to all. Margherita
Oh dearest Lilie and Inda, you are two wonderful souls ...... you have touched me deeply with your love, your words and pictures and now I sit here shedding my tears of love for my Mother .... today, trying to find something, I came across the story of her life, which she had written herself and I was so touched again ... she was such a giving person.
Mary Cassatt - Mother and child
So beautiful! I have not seen this one before. She is a wonderful artist, American Impressionist
Love and hugs to both! You made my day.

Mary Cassatt - Mother and child
So beautiful! I have not seen this one before. She is a wonderful artist, American Impressionist
Love and hugs to both! You made my day.
bracha (Guest)
Dear Margherita
Please tell more about your mother, if you would find that as a wish from your heart. I am here to read and listen
Please tell more about your mother, if you would find that as a wish from your heart. I am here to read and listen
Dear Margherita,
Thank you for sharing.
I would be glad to read something more about your Mother as well.
Love, Inda
Thank you for sharing.
I would be glad to read something more about your Mother as well.
Love, Inda
When you close
your eyes
and see God
You are God's Hero.
When you open your eyes
and see God in everyone,
You are God's Hero.
When you let anger pass you by,
with a smile
upon your lips,
You are God's Hero.
When you hold love
in your heart
and peace within
your mind,
You are God's Hero.
When you behold
the beauty of a
and feel the kinship
with all living things,
You are God's Hero.
When you look at someone
who is different,
and see only how you are alike,
You are God's Hero.
When you feel more joy
in helping another,
than you do
in your own personal gain,
You are truly God's Hero.
When you hear
the true name of God
in every man's religion,
You are a Hero to God.
When you can hear
the silent voice of God
in the wind,
the birds,
or even the
roar of a crowd,
You will hear God
calling You a Hero.
When you take time everyday,
for silent communion
with God,
She listens and You are God's Hero.
When you can see
beyond appearences
and have the wisdom
to see God's truth
that we are all truly One,
Again, you are God's Hero.
When you have compassion
and love for All,
even those with whom
you may disagree,
You are a Hero to all mankind and to God.
When you know
that forgiveness is blessed
and forgive all,
no matter how large or small
that trespass against you,
You will be God's Hero.
When you give love to all,
holding none back,
you will know love
for yourself,
for God,
And you will be Her Hero.
When you demonstrate patience
with others
and see Divine Good
in everyone and every event,
You will have learned to see God everywhere,
and you will be Her Hero.
When you trust in God
with all your heart,
Knowing that the Universe
is formed from Love,
your trust will pay off
with love,abundance,joy,
And the knowledge
That you are God's Hero.
When your desire to know God
is so great
that in desperation
you finally give up searching for Her
where She never has been found,
You will find Her
where She has always been,
Ready to welcome
Her Hero Home.
Eric P. McCarty
Dear Lilie and dear Inda, thank you for your words full of love and for your interest in my Mother ... You know, Eric's famous poem "Does God have a Hero?" came to mind, when thinking of her. So I share it here again with you.
She was a hero surely in some of the ways so beautifully expressed by Eric. But she was not aware of this. She thought it was normal to exist in deep harmony with All there is.
She lived as an example for all, she LIVED LOVE.
I will come back when possible ....
Thank you again!
I love you. Margherita
your eyes
and see God
You are God's Hero.
When you open your eyes
and see God in everyone,
You are God's Hero.
When you let anger pass you by,
with a smile
upon your lips,
You are God's Hero.
When you hold love
in your heart
and peace within
your mind,
You are God's Hero.
When you behold
the beauty of a
and feel the kinship
with all living things,
You are God's Hero.
When you look at someone
who is different,
and see only how you are alike,
You are God's Hero.
When you feel more joy
in helping another,
than you do
in your own personal gain,
You are truly God's Hero.
When you hear
the true name of God
in every man's religion,
You are a Hero to God.
When you can hear
the silent voice of God
in the wind,
the birds,
or even the
roar of a crowd,
You will hear God
calling You a Hero.
When you take time everyday,
for silent communion
with God,
She listens and You are God's Hero.
When you can see
beyond appearences
and have the wisdom
to see God's truth
that we are all truly One,
Again, you are God's Hero.
When you have compassion
and love for All,
even those with whom
you may disagree,
You are a Hero to all mankind and to God.
When you know
that forgiveness is blessed
and forgive all,
no matter how large or small
that trespass against you,
You will be God's Hero.
When you give love to all,
holding none back,
you will know love
for yourself,
for God,
And you will be Her Hero.
When you demonstrate patience
with others
and see Divine Good
in everyone and every event,
You will have learned to see God everywhere,
and you will be Her Hero.
When you trust in God
with all your heart,
Knowing that the Universe
is formed from Love,
your trust will pay off
with love,abundance,joy,
And the knowledge
That you are God's Hero.
When your desire to know God
is so great
that in desperation
you finally give up searching for Her
where She never has been found,
You will find Her
where She has always been,
Ready to welcome
Her Hero Home.
Eric P. McCarty
Dear Lilie and dear Inda, thank you for your words full of love and for your interest in my Mother ... You know, Eric's famous poem "Does God have a Hero?" came to mind, when thinking of her. So I share it here again with you.
She was a hero surely in some of the ways so beautifully expressed by Eric. But she was not aware of this. She thought it was normal to exist in deep harmony with All there is.
She lived as an example for all, she LIVED LOVE.
I will come back when possible ....
Thank you again!
I love you. Margherita

I was moved reading this poem
and thinking of you and your mother
Thank you dear Margherita
Wish you all good!
and thinking of you and your mother
Thank you dear Margherita
Wish you all good!

Sue (Guest)
This is a very beautiful tribute.
Your Mother is always with you, Margherita. Her spirit has never left.
Your Mother is always with you, Margherita. Her spirit has never left.
Dear Margherita,
This is a really beautiful message for you Mom.
All the replies are very touching as well.
Your Mom's spirit is always with you; that will never leave.
This is a really beautiful message for you Mom.
All the replies are very touching as well.
Your Mom's spirit is always with you; that will never leave.
bracha (Guest)
Now, I feel like just resting with what is

Just beautiful!
Thank you All,
Just beautiful!
Thank you All,
Looking for blue finding this woman....
what is she thinking/dreaming of?
what is she thinking/dreaming of?

So we avoid the painful?
This regal man is beautiful
as well as the woman....
This regal man is beautiful
as well as the woman....


Blue dawn - Wisdom flowing from the Source
Thank you again Lilie, Inda, Sue and Vicky for your loving words.
When last night I read a few of Eric's beautiful poems, I came across this one and I was reminded of another of my mother's gifts ...
To see (Eric P. McCarty - from "A thousand sighs - Prayer visions of the beloved)
And before
the seed has
yet to be planted -
the tree has blossomed
within the eye that lives
beyond the reach
of time.
My mother had the incredible gift to see "beyond time". She was to some degree a seer and she did not make any fuss of it. She lived this with humility. She sometimes reproached herself when not listening to the voice ... the voice was always right! And she just gave good advice when she could and as she also could see sad things she always tried to help in avoiding such sad events or in soothing the impact when things were inevitable. She "lived" events that had yet to manifest. Sometimes she was scared, but always accepted it as a mystery from Above. She revealed this secret to me when I was already adult.
She was a sunshine for all those who met her. A bright sunbeam, really.
It was Eric's beautiful poem that brought back these memories and I just enjoyed sharing them .... even though my mother was rather secretive about this. But then I think we ALL have these faculties, we just have to learn to listen better.... the flow from the Source - beyond time - is constant.
Going on to listen!
Have a beautiful day.
Sending much love and light.

Dear Margherita
For your mother
For your mother

I had something else in my thoughts...You, Inda
concentration,not dreaming

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