My dear friends,
I feel I need to thank from the bottom of my heart Our Lord, my Guardian Angel and Archangel Michael, whom I also called upon today, for being safely home again, after a really adventurous day.
Today is my husband's birthday and we went out of Rome with our dearest friends. The weather was bad, but we thought it would get better. (The weather forecasts were not so totally negative..). Instead it got worse!! On our way to the lake we enjoyed the coloured trees, so beautiful! On our way back everything was just totally grey. Visibility nearly zero. I must say I have never been in such a risky, dangerous situation as this afternoon with the car!! The lake is about 40 km from Rome and we had a great meal there in a nice restaurant, but it rained rained rained ... On our way back through the countryside the street was flooded in many parts and at a certain point we could not go ahead, as the street was like a river!!!!! Good Lord of Heavens! I even had the camera with me, but I was so highly concentrated on driving and on thinking what we could possibly do that I did not think of taking some pictures, which would have been highly dramatic! Many cars were in great difficulty and we were afraid in certain moments there was no way out. I looked at the nearby hills and in my mind I had images of passing the night up there without shelter all wet and cold!! But I even doubt that we could have walked safely through the water as it rushed by at high speed! It already touched the doors of the car!!!!! Then a young man shouted that, if we could manage to go ahead for about 30/40 meters, we would probably be slightly better off. I think it was a miracle that we managed to "swim" through this river safely, I thanked my car for its efficiency every second. And then there was suddenly a side road (slightly ascending) which seemed less flooded and ... without knowing where it would take us ... I followed another couple of cars. The most dangerous moment was yet to come .... THE MUD, which had invaded the street!! My car lost its stability and "danced" and I thought "this is the end" but I called the Angels and miraculously I came out of the mud again. Then further ahead we found a villa and rang the bell to ask where we were and where that road led. "Swimming" across another couple of "lakes" after a time which seemed eternal we finally reached the highway and I can't tell you how grateful we were! Now I am thinking of those who had remained in that terrible situation and the hundreds of sheep on the flooded pastures !.... Now on tv we have seen that in that area they had to evacuate about fifty families as their houses were flooded.
What an adventure!!!
I am so deeply grateful that we are safe. I must say I had "red cheeks" but even though we were worried we managed not to panic, trusting that the Angels would come to our rescue! But there were moments when I hardly breathed!
Well this is our Sunday story!
Love, Margherita
Trevignano in autumn with beautiful weather
Trevignano in stormy weather
Another beautiful panorama of the place
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