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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Sent to me from Red Earth!
Another true spirtual friend.

Living in the city, I forget about Stars,
not to mention planets like Venus and Mars.
Man, in his arrogance, thinks he can outshine
the piercing light of Heaven.
The full moon and the new moon, I can't help see
as it reflects the light of the Sun to me.
In his Infinite Wisdom, Tunkasila God has shown,
though seeming hidden, I am never alone.
The Light of the World is always there.
I have access to Him through faith and prayer.
So when I worry and start to doubt,
I'll pause for a moment to look about.
Bask in the radiance and beauty on high.
Great lessons are taught by the evening sky.

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Thank you Sandy,
I love Native American prayers and their wisdom.
Here is another Native American prayer that a friend gave me:

Peace...comes within the souls of
men when they realze their relationship,
their oneness, with the universere and
all its powers, and when they realize
that at the center of the Universe dwells
Wakan-Tanka, and that this center is really
everywhere, it is within each of us.

~Black Elk


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  • chief
Last edited by Inda
Mmmmmm Cloud9

This is really beautiful Sandy! Thank you ever so much for sharing this. It is sort of just what I was needing to hear. Yes

I had a magical meeting with Jim Bluehorse a few days ago, he had some wisdom from his grandfather the medicine man.. meeting him was great medicine!

Thanks for this beautiful prayer. You are an angel for sharing it! Angel

Love n light, Teo Smile Smile

Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions

You can't force peace, only lead by example
O our Mother the Earth,
O our Father the Sky,
Your children are we, and
with tired backs.
We bring you the gifts that you love.
Then weave for us a garment of brightness;
May the warp be the white light of morning,
May the weft be the red light of evening,
May the fringes be the falling rain,
May the border be the standing rainbow.
Thus weave for us a garment of brightness
That we may walk fittingly where birds sing,
that we may walk fittingly
where the grass is green,
O our Mother the Earth,
O our Father the Sky.

~Native American


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Daily Prayer of the Wolf

I call to those who went before me for guidance to travel this days path I ask those who are yet to come what this holds for me Of Wolf and Man is what I seek I ask for the Wolf to be at one with the Man and for the Man to walk beside the Wolf I offer this prayer to the Spirits above and humbly ask for their divine help to live my life to the fullest and bring honor to myself and my people.

-Submitted by


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