I have been eagerly awaiting crop circles using musical symbols, well, as a musician they are the most spiritual, "deep," and meaningful symbols for me personally... (sometimes as in "oh no, here comes another of Franz List's 8 bar sustain pedal symbols!" ) Join me in sending "out there" the idea that we would like some musical symbols in crop circles? Thanks!
Me personally, I would overlay the 5 note scale pentatonic: Eb - Gb Ab Bb - Db, this looks about the same distances hum? Well in Givnology's chakra (endocrine gland) page (https://www.givnology.com/chakras.htm) you see the "external chakra points" that supposedly can create the "Mercaba" that can be used for time and space travel...
Well, Givnology is, if nothing else, a "gathering" hum? Here is the CropCircleConnector's explanation of the Beckhampton Formation:
The Beckhampton formation is a representation of the global Michael/Mary energy current - also known as the 'Rainbow Serpent'. See www.rainbowserpent.co.uk for info on this. Not only did it appear on 5th June, which in the Mayan Dreamspell = Magnetic Skywalker, which= '1 Reed' in the True Count= Quetzelcoatls birthday....who was also called the 'Rainbow Serpent'. It also was ON the Mary energy line, which is part of the global Rainbow Serpent.
Here notice a pretty embellishment:
The original crop circle, to me, with the arcs surrounding either endpoint shows how overlapped circles give moon-looking arcs, how various sine waves look overlaid, but is more like a wavey line than the spiral I'm familiar with for chakras (Ida and Pingala coiling like a DNA).
I always enjoy ideas and images based on the chakras (mainly healing positive vibes ones). So, shall we take our explorations even farther!
The chakras of the globe:
So now the earth has chakra(means wheel) power vortex lotus flower energy centers... maybe the humans are the endocrine glands? do they align? are they "balanced?" I remember the first time I associated each with a note going up the music scale... well, how do we get Mt. Shasta in Califunny as chakra 1? Survival and adrenalin.. uhm.. when skiing? he he..
May we all have healthy, happy, beautifully balanced chakras Including you, dear Momma Eartha!
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