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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Tagged With "Exciting Classical Arrangements"


Re: Japanese Classic Writing

yoko ·
The poem appeares as No. 658 in the Kokin Wakashu, an old anthology of poems from the 12th century. Komachi was a classic even at that time: she lived in the 9th century. kayoedomo utsutsu ni hitome mishigoto wa arazu A line-by-line translation: in [my] dreams / along dream paths without resting my legs [I] go often [to you] in the real world, a single glimpse is different.

Re: Japanese Classic Writing

Inda ·
Thank you yoko for contributing to classic prose. I don't really know anything about Japanese classic prose or poetry. This is a very unique addition to Givnology. There is only one Japanese poem that I can add: The Fisherman Li Po The earth has drunk the snow, And now the plum trees are blossoming once more. The willow leaves are like new gold; The lake is molten silver. It is the hour When sulphur-laden butterflies Rest their velvet heads upon the flowers. The fisherman casts forth his...

Re: Japanese Classic Writing

Vicky2 ·
Thank you for sharing Japanese classic poetry with us. I really would like to learn more about it. Love Vicky

Re: The Magic of Winter

Vicky2 ·
LOVE OF WINTER Atmospheric circulation patterns Chances of heavy snowfall certain Ultimate personal picture postcard Solo frolic in the freezing fun. Demand for designer snowshoes The classic winter late delivery Frontogenesis fantasia I'll take it as it comes. Scenes of the beauty blanket Take me in your understanding grasp I'll give you a rapid update It's me cold Mother Nature loves. David Suriano

Re: Japanese Classic Writing

Vicky2 ·
Thank you again yoko for sharing Japanese classic writing with us. This is a very beautiful post. Love, Vicky

Re: Winter Poetry

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Margherita for your exquisite poem. This is the loveliest one on this thread. It is truly a classic. Love, Vicky Robert Bateman

Re: Classic Spring Poems

Sue 1 ·
Thank you Vicky. We did not have a topic about classic spring poetry, so this is very appropriate, since spring is trily here. Spring comes on the World -- by Emily Dickinson Spring comes on the World -- I sight the Aprils -- Hueless to me until thou come As, till the Bee Blossoms stand negative, Touched to Conditions By a Hum.

Re: Classic Spring Poems

Gisele ·
Thank you girls. I used to write and study classic poetry, and I remember this little poem by Emily Dickinson, A little Madness in the Spring Is wholesome even for the King, But God be with the Clown -- Who ponders this tremendous scene -- This whole Experiment of Green -- As if it were his own!

Re: Art Timeline - Artists, styles and inventions

Teo ·
Dear friends, Attached is the updated file, it is in MS-Wierd formatted with almost no margins, so it needs fixing, and page numbers, but I want to share it for your enjoyment, information, and as an attachment I suppose it is accessible here FOREVER! he he.. While I'm "backing up" for posterity (LOL ) here is Uncle Blob's' forums replies to Art Timeline and Daadadadaadaa: Harmony and beautiful sounds to you all, ...

Re: Happy St.Valentine's Day

Teo ·
You SAID IT brother! Funny how we think we know what we love.. I spent all day "fixing" Givnology - the attachments, and then a gazillion other things.. and I DO love my propellor spinning on my nerd beany.. but I'm not giving my computer any flowers! he he.. anthough I do say I love it.. Neat story Nick. Glad 1)you have them, 2)these forums let you share them and 3)you do. Boy I used to love those Xena shows! And I think that Hudson (that's a femanine name? ) was on some episodes of another...

Re: Western School of Feng Shui - peaceful joyful web site!

yogionefromobie ·
I'm most of the way back after intense computer feng shui. Quicktime 7 runs both X and Classic 9 on one license. I wish they'd tell you that on the support site. They only say your license will be erased on your earlier version. They neglect to say you have to throw it out on Classic 9 and not to repace the old version six license which halfway works and stops the new one. The frustration is the old one has some features that are lost in the new version. I'm working on replacing "real" sys9.

Re: Plant the Seed of Truth

Vicky2 ·
Dear Inda, thank you for posting the Rumi. Like Sue I have missed this classic poetry. Love Vicky

Re: Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Razi ·
the person who hurted me the most. she emails me and said sorry for what she have done and wished i will move on with my life. but she dont understand that body gets rotten. time passes but the memories never die. how can i forget all those beautiful moments which we have spent together and all those sunsets we have seen together. my heart will never forget her. just because of some bad days in the end of our relation. i will not forget so many great moments we had together. it is not easy...

Re: Elizabeth Barrett Browning

losgann ·
Hey, I was hoping she would answer!!! That's okay, Razi, I doubt that schools in Pakistan teach many classic English poets. On the other hand, they probably teach literature that we don't know about here in North America. By the way, who wrote those beautiful poems you posted? Or have you been holding out on me and not telling me that you write poetry? Well, talk to you later. Namaste

A Vedic View

Inda ·
Humans have expanded and dominated the earth for centuries, presuming that we have the right over animals and nature. We have exploited the earth's resources to get what we want from the world. The Vedas have a different view. This planet and all she...

Full awareness in order to meditate

Teo ·
Q: In your last column you wrote "As a meditator, you are at the center of meditation," and went on to explain that if you don't understand who you are, you cannot meditate. How do I gain an understanding of myself so that I can meditate? Isn't...

Art Timeline - Artists, styles and inventions

Teo ·
ART TIMELINE Dufay, Guillaume (1400-1474) Northern France Artusi, Giovani Maria (1540-1613) Italian composer in 1600 stated: “They…ruin the good old rules handed down…by theorists and excellent musicians… These...

Classic Christmas Poetry

Vicky2 ·
Christmas Trees BY ROBERT FROST The city had withdrawn into itself And left at last the country to the country; When between whirls of snow not come to lie And whirls of foliage not yet laid, there drove A stranger to our yard, who looked the city,...

Bacon and Eliot on Music and Medicine

Teo ·
quote: The poets did well to conjoin music and medicine, because the office of medicine is but to tune the curious harp of man's body. -Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) Although not specifically designed for musicians, the system of movement and bodily...

More Classic Poetry

Sue 1 ·
I like henry Wadsworth Longfellow, so I will start with him: The Day is Done THE day is done, and the darkness Falls from the wings of Night, As a feather is wafted downward From an eagle in his flight. I see the lights of the village Gleam through...


yoko ·
Hydrangeas are blooming now in beautiful pastel shades. These images come from ' Flowers and Gardens' by Victoria Classic. Hydrangea ( / h aɪ ˈ d r eɪ n dʒ i ə / ; [1] common names hydrangea or hortensia ) is a genus of 70–75 species of flowering plants native to southern and eastern Asia (China, Japan, Korea, the Himalayas, and Indonesia) and the Americas. By far the greatest species diversity is in eastern Asia, notably China, Japan, and Korea. Most are shrubs 1 to 3 meters tall, but some...

Prayer for Mothers' Day

yoko ·
Mothers Day Prayer May the blessing of the Divine Be an especially bright benediction Upon mothers everywhere On your blessed day -On Mother’s Day! This is both a prayer of tribute to mothers, and one asking for a blessing for mothers. It is a classic Mother’s Day prayer written by Susan Kramer:

The five elements--water, metal, earth, fire, and wood

Teo ·
quote: From: Secrets of the Tao Te Ching, Mantak Chia and Tao Huang, page 46-47 In Chinese philosophy, the universe is composed of the five elements--water, metal, earth, fire, and wood--each of which has a yin and yang mode. All natural forms are...

Japanese Classic Writing

yoko ·
Poem of Sougi suzushisa wa mizu yori fukashi aki no sora Translation of Steven D. Carter: Ah, for coolness, it rivals the water's depth - this autumn sky.

Deepak on Sirius Radio

Teo ·
quote: I am hoping that as our show evolves it will examine consciousness in such deep and diverse ways that we will collectively see our own transformation, as well. Intuition, insight, imagination, intention,...

Classic Autumn Poetry

Sue 1 ·
AUTUMN. The morns are meeker than they were, The nuts are getting brown; The berry's cheek is plumper, The rose is out of town. The maple wears a gayer scarf, The field a scarlet gown. Lest I should be old-fashioned, I'll put a trinket on. -Emily...

Classic Spring Poems

Vicky2 ·
Spring Song by Robert Louis Stevenson. THE air was full of sun and birds, The fresh air sparkled clearly. Remembrance wakened in my heart And I knew I loved her dearly. The fallows and the leafless trees And all my spirit tingled. My earliest thought...

Classic Rose Poems and Quotes

Inda ·
“That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty, He said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful.” Rumi *******

Givnology CLASSIC

Teo ·
Dearestestest friends, In preparation for a conversion to which Givnology may have to do, I have reduced clutter.. OK excellent resources But aha! I know where they still ARE! I can't see...

Classic Summer Poems

Vicky2 ·
Emily Dickinson A something in a summer’s day, As slow her flambeaux burn away, Which solemnizes me. A something in a summer’s noon,— An azure depth, a wordless tune, Transcending ecstasy. And still within a summer’s night A...

Classic Garden Poetry

Vicky2 ·
William Blake The Garden of Love I laid me down upon a bank, Where Love lay sleeping; I heard among the rushes dank Weeping, weeping. Then I went to the heath and the wild, To the thistles and thorns of the waste; And they told me how they were...

This Planet Belongs to All Beings

Inda ·
From an article by Ranchor Prime: It is often supposed that humans can get what they want from this world provided they are prepared to work hard enough for it - that with our superior intelligence we can win wealth by exploiting the earth's...

Rock groups actually have high cost of touring

colinwesley ·
Some people may think that the life of a touring musician is glamorous and also profitable, but it’s anything but. The cost of touring for a rockband or whatever is really fairly high and very few trips really make large amounts of money, except...

Re: Broken Heart

yoko ·
This is a very interesting topic. Thank you Sue and everyone for your input. You can find some more valuable information at the following website: “BROKEN HEART” SYNDROME: REAL, POTENTIALLY DEADLY BUT RECOVERY QUICK -- Hopkins scientists discover that emotional shock can trigger sudden, reversible heart failure that is not a classic heart attack Hopkins cardiologist Ilan Wittstein, M.D. Shocking news, such as learning of the...

Re: Beethoven's idealist Ninth Symphony, 'Ode to Joy!'

Sue 1 ·
Thank you for the post Teo. Beethoven is one of my favourite classic composers of all time. Ode to Joy is a very majestic and overwhelming piece of music, containing a very deep meaning.

Re: John Denver's Words

Gisele ·
Thank you Sue and Vicky. John Denver's words were beautiful. They have a definite place among the classic composers. Love, Gisele

Re: Classic Christmas Poetry

Margherita ·
Thank you for sharing these classic Christmas poems. This last one is real fun! All of them show us how inspiring Christmas is! Love and joy. Margherita By Elizabeth Barrett Browning The Holy Night We sate among the stalls at Bethlehem; The dumb kine from their fodder turning them, Softened their horned faces To almost human gazes Toward the newly Born: The simple shepherds from the star-lit brooks Brought their visionary looks, As yet in their astonied hearing rung The strange sweet...

Re: Good for the Heart and Soul

yoko ·
From Wikkipedia History Music has been used as a healing implement for centuries.[3] Apollo is the ancient Greek god of music and of medicine. Aesculapius was said to cure diseases of the mind by using song and music, and music therapy was used in Egyptian temples. Plato said that music affected the emotions and could influence the character of an individual. Aristotle taught that music affects the soul and described music as a force that purified the emotions. Aulus Cornelius Celsus...

Re: Classic Christmas Poetry

Vicky2 ·
Merry Christmas. Enjoy the beautiful classic poetry of the season. Christmas Carol Sara Teasdale (1911) The kings they came from out the south, All dressed in ermine fine; They bore Him gold and chrysoprase, And gifts of precious wine. The shepherds came from out the north, Their coats were brown and old; They brought Him little new-born lambs-- They had not any gold. The wise men came from out the east, And they were wrapped in white; The star that led them all the way Did glorify the...

Re: A Vedic View

yoko ·
The Vedas have a different view. This planet and all she produces does not belong to humanity, any more than she belongs to to the other species living here. The earth is satisfied when she sees her produce symbolically returned to God, its original source. This principle is taught in the classic Vedic text Isha Upanishad: Thank you Inda, somehow I missed this post.

Re: Prayer for Mothers' Day

yoko ·
I am bringing back my original prayer for the people that were very close to me. Remembering my mother and grandmother. Mothers Day Prayer May the blessing of the Divine Be an especially bright benediction Upon mothers everywhere On your blessed day -On Mother’s Day! This is both a prayer of tribute to mothers, and one asking for a blessing for mothers. It is a classic Mother’s Day prayer written by Susan Kramer:

Re: Mother's Day

yoko ·
Wishing a Happy Mothers Day to all mothers. Mothers Day Prayer May the blessing of the Divine Be an especially bright benediction Upon mothers everywhere On your blessed day -On Mother’s Day! This is both a prayer of tribute to mothers, and one asking for a blessing for mothers. It is a classic Mother’s Day prayer written by Susan Kramer:



Re: New Book & Websight

Art ·
Well done Teo my friend! I'll buy 12 books each for everyone I know! " PIONEERING ADVANCED Innovation Artistry! New Media, Educational Music Video Designs: SHEET MUSIC VIDEOS. You can follow along and read the sheet music while it plays! Biographical information and stories about the composer, scenes from their lands add beautiful enhancement to the SHEET MUSIC VIDEOS such as in this case Elegant Salsa Dancers keeping the excitement up! Enjoy the Latin Jazz Chopin Chops !"

New Book & Websight

Teo · Many music and sheet music score samples! An exciting new level of Vincent's musical production he calls INNOVATION ARTISTRY like the following video to learn Manuel Maria Ponce's Gavotte! Buy 10 books for each of your friends!

Re: New Book & Websight

yoko ·
Thank you Teo. I also enjoy your new book.

Re: New Book & Websight

Inda ·
Thank you Teo for sharing this wonderful book.

Re: New Book & Websight

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Teo for this very informative information. Looks like a very nice and interesting book.

Re: New Book & Websight

Sue 1 ·
Thank you for sharing Teo. Love the music and the images.
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