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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Tagged With "New Media"


Re: Holy Wholeness - a work in progress

Teo ·
Each section will have 3 functions, indented differently (you see that I work from outline in). My idea is now this: Each section will have a) quotes, poems, sayings that impart it's wisdom, b) practical exercises that allow one to manifest the wisdom of that section, c) writings and commentary on that section. For example, the Obrahmtala section might have something like: Sayings: The all experiencing itself is wrapping around to view itself being the seen seeing the seer. Mind your wants...

Re: Holy Wholeness - a work in progress

Teo ·
(1) Obrahmtala Sayings: The all experiencing itself is wrapping around to view itself being the seen seeing the seer. Mind your wants because someone wants your mind. When you are at the precipice before the highest, careful to not look down! "Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter." The unified field, the conscious all, can never be described in words because as soon as you name (and claim) it, it will move on as a necessity of itself's function of being unknowable. Practices:...

Re: Holy Wholeness - a work in progress

Teo ·
(1) Obrahmtala Words: The all experiencing itself is wrapping around to view itself being the seen seeing the seer. Mind your wants because someone wants your mind. When you are at the precipice before the highest, careful to not look down! "Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter." The unified field, the conscious all, can never be described in words because as soon as you name (and claim) it, it will move on as a necessity of itself's function of being unknowable. Actions:...

Re: Whispered Nearness

Teo ·
Beautiful Eric! Thanks again. Those are beautiful pictures above!!! Sorry all I gots is Love peace and chicken grease, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions You can't force peace, only lead by example

Re: A morning kiss

Teo ·
Thanks for sharing your magic Karima! Love n light, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions You can't force peace, only lead by example

Re: A Native American Indian Prayer

Teo ·
Mmmmmm This is really beautiful Sandy! Thank you ever so much for sharing this. It is sort of just what I was needing to hear. I had a magical meeting with Jim Bluehorse a few days ago, he had some wisdom from his grandfather the medicine man.. meeting him was great medicine! Thanks for this beautiful prayer. You are an angel for sharing it! Love n light, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions You can't force peace, only lead by example

Re: Peace

Teo ·
I'm so peaceful that you are here dear Angela! Peace and love to you and all of yours. May we all find our peace AMEN! Love n light, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions You can't force peace, only lead by example

Re: Evidence of UFO's Finally Emerges

Teo ·
Wow thank you dearly Topaz for this wealth of knowledge given! A heartfelt welcome to Givnology dear Topaz! I haven't read the whole text, only up to what I quoted. Just like email, discussion topics are so great because we can get to them when we get to them, and ain't that speshul! I'm really looking forward to digging into this, it is very thought provoking, if not downright culture shock! I have to give you a little background on my own perceptions of UFOs: 2 musical heroes of mine were...

Re: On Bach´s cantate BWV 115 aria

Teo ·
I hope this reaching out reaches YOU ALL!!! Is this the song dear Karima? (It should be playing in this topic now! Speakers ON???) Love n light, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions You can't force peace, only lead by example

Re: The words of God

Teo ·
Amen. Beautiful Karima! Thanks for sharing this.. Love n light, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions You can't force peace, only lead by example


TaoSeeker ·
P.S. I did try severaltimes to post the song in here, without success as you can see. I DO hope you and All, will have a listen, as it is the most beautiful song I've heard, and it will make you laugh so freely, tears of joy will flow freely with that. TaoSeeker P.S. to my P.S. If anyone knows how to bookmark the song-page, I'd sure like to know how to be able to add it into forums where media files are used. Tao

Re: Tenderly

Teo ·
If mere words could reveal my heart What would you see If mortal eyes could look deep within this soul I think you would see more than just the pain and the tears more than the wants and fears and more than all the wasted years I've learned to love Tenderly Again I hope you don't mind my "media mixing" with your beautiful words dear Lynette! Such fun... Tender love and light being, Teo

Re: Few MIDI classical piano files - test them please!

Sue 1 ·
Thank you Teo. I need to download windows media player and I will do that another time when I am a little less busy. I am looking forward to hearing the music. Sue

Re: Few MIDI classical piano files - test them please!

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Teo. I will test the files later. Like Sue said the computer wants us to instal the media player 10. Right now we don't have time because we need the computer to start our work. I am waiting to hear the music. Love Vicky

Re: Few MIDI classical piano files - test them please!

Vicky2 ·
Hi Teo, I just had time to instal the media player and all three files are beautiful. The sound is very clear. It feels as if the piano is right here. Love Vicky

Re: Few MIDI classical piano files - test them please!

Sue 1 ·
Thank you Teo and Vicky. We sneaked ther media player in. Now it is time for work. The sound is absolutely beautiful. Sue

Posts, poems, prayers, positivity

Teo ·
Dear friends, As the major media seems to have fallen into a scary black hole of terror this and terror that... I feel reinvigorated when I share sacred time in these discussions and we project beauty, love, and positivity. At least for me, I still...

May we have enough compassion

Teo ·
Dear Spirit Universe, May we humans grow enough compassion in us individually and collectively so that the people among humanity that have great gifts of science and health may bring these benefits to all humanity without any fear. Thank you. Love and...

Healing Heavenly Sounds

Teo ·
Love, compassion, health, wealth, abundance, joy, laughter, kindness, fun, peace, fairness, wisdom, nature, happiness, awareness, wellness, beauty, helping, etc.. I just wanted to share some positive vibes with you dear friends. Love...

Economic Stability

Teo ·
Dear Spirit Universe, May we have the balance and relaxation of Economic Stability instead of economic growth that is overdone and not sustainable. May we find the funnest and most fruitful middleground so that economic stability will bring bountiful...

Squashing the first stirring of any remorse of conscience

Teo ·
Beelzebub to his grandson about humans: Here it is necessary to say that these favorites of yours, particularly the contemporary ones, have become experts in preventing this inner impulse of theirs called 'remorse of conscience' from lingering long in...


Teo ·
A very old Chinese Taoist story describes a farmer in a poor country village. He was considered very well-to-do, because he owned a horse which he used for plowing and for transportation. One day his horse ran away. All his neighbors exclaimed how...

Wu wei = Doing without doing

Teo ·
The Way does not get closer by searching farther. Therefore, The sage keeps to the beginning to discover the end. And finds without seeking; Arrives without leaving; Does without doing Teo 's presence: Givnology forums , freeboards , tradigital music...

The terror of infinity -P.D. Ouspensky

Teo ·
The world is one - but the means of perceiving it are different. And with imperfect means of perception it is impossible to penetrate into that which is accessible only to the perfect. Attempts with the logic of the phenomenal world to penetrate in...

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ

Teo ·
quote: From The book has Jesus studying in India in the Orissa area; while this is an historically important ceremonial area, it didn't come into prominence until nearly a millenium later. None of this lessens the...

Development of various religions

Teo ·
On such surviving fragments which, in recent times, have strangely inspired them, and from which with thier bob-tailed Reason they have borrowed ideas for inventing their newer and ever newer religious teachings, there were based five religions which...

Thank goodness for our evolving beyond barbarism

Teo ·
The following is very graphic and gruesome. Those with weak stomaches don't read! It is just reminding how we are evolving, thank God! ----------- As I have just said, your favorites cannot even approximately understand that individual persons are in...

"There has never been the number 7 in important spiritual symbols" - Relic Hunter TV show

Teo ·
Welcome and thank you for joining The primary way that I view the chakras (7 energy vortexes each on an endocrine gland, basically going up the spinal column) is in relation to a person or thing's spiritual character. People stuck in the first...

Holy Wholeness - a work in progress

Teo ·
Holy Wholeness Sacred lessons to wellbeing. These are 7 areas that I will be 'fleshing in' with exercises and practices to help people be balanced. This is 'in process' and unfinished, but I am using this area to develop these projects / products....

Free karma-wash! Holy wholeness work in process

Teo ·
Dear friends, Though my life is rather ragged right now.. I have made more updates to this Wholiness work, it is now here: Thanks for appreciating this! YOU all have made it happen, and what a heavenly group you...

Triamazikamno - sacred law of 3

Teo ·
Dear friends, You know I am into the "seven chakras" and have coordinated that with music and other systems. Gurdjieff reminded me that there is also a system of a sacred three, we can look at this three many various ways, basically the first is "+,"...

Peace Priest - Atari Global Peace software

Teo · © Atari Global Peace software Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Evidence of UFO's Finally Emerges

Topaz ·
This was given by ETs to a pilot in France for dissemination to the world. I have answered YES! Change The World. Decide Whether We Should Show Up. Whoever transmitted this translated message to you is irrelevant, and should remain anonymous in your...

Heptaparaparshinokh=sacred law of sevenfoldness

Teo ·
quote: All And Everything Series book 3 Gurdjieff page 49 ...all the cosmoses of various scales as well as each of the seven independent parts of the manifestations of these cosmoses are in almost all respects similar to the Megalocosmos; and in each...

Collective conscious, subconscious and unconscious

Teo ·
Dear friends, Carl Jung sort of started the "collective consciousness" idea, it integrates well into the "unified field" theories, and is a great thing to ponder. Collective subconscious: this would be things that collectivelly are "under" or sub- eh?...

Mozart in Egypt

Teo · quote: "More than 200 musicians & singers have participated in Mozart in Egypt 2, bringing together peoples from Europe and the Middle-East - a symphonic orchestra conducted by the Bulgarian maestro Deyan...

Click Farms-many clicks are generated by low-paid workers

Teo · Facebook "likes" and Twitter followers may not always be the measure of marketing success they are presented to be; many clicks are generated by low-paid workers in "click farms" in countries like...

Happiness you're my best friend!

Teo ·
Happiness You're My Best Friend 3MB You're there when I'm wake (Oh yeah!) You're there when I'm sleep (Oh yeah!) Happiness you're my best friend! Rubber reflective aura protects me and all mine that's why we're happy all the time. Bright light from...

Cosmic Shiva

Teo ·
Jai Jai Mahadev Jai Jai Mahadev Shiva Shambho Jai Shiva Shambho Shiva is the destroyer of attachment. May his wisdom bless us all. Jai Jai Mahadev. Om tat sat. Namaste. Love n light, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions ...

Multimedia Creations:

Teo · Has great poems by Eric, Margherita, Sylvie, Tim, done in a new style with images and music backgrounds. May we find more and more "Beautiful Media Combinations." And so it is! Lovebeams, Teo Captain 7 Sees on...

All the Multimedia and New Media links you could ever need

Teo · Bottom of the page, an incredible list of web sites with movie clips, movies, animations, new technologies of media, oh boy! Get your BOOKMARKS or FAVORITES ready, here are many many hours of fun media delivery!...

Freeboards dot-coming to you live!

Teo ·
Dot-Coming to you Live! (3MB) Well, it is now back to business, 2004 style, I wanted to share some good vibes with you dear friends for your work week. These are some experiments in music composition and...

How to put music in your post

Teo ·
quote: Originally posted by Karima: Dear Margeritha, I am touched...first I wrote cantate nr 17 and in this way made Teo look for that one... Please try to listen to BWV 115, specially the second aria.... With Love Lilie This is all due to YOU ...

It's nice to have you hear

Teo ·
It truly is the greatest blessing to be able to share music, art, ideas, and good feelings like love with you all. This sacred haven Givnology, with the wonderful submissions and replies that you angels have given, has blossomed into a full fledged...

Happy Hanukwanzastmasidan!!!

Teo ·
Happies holidays, all holidays, peace joy & blessings to all. Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

No longer posting samples of music - it is now built into Givnology

Teo ·
The funniest thing, I was talking to a person, who literaly is a Guinnea Pig, and Unkle Bob's forums.. and it is the last time I'll be posting little unfinished whatevers, now at the bottom of EVERY page in Givnology, you'll see the "Dot Composed...

How to put images behind text

Teo ·
Dear friends, Some of you know about Wellbeing Creativity, well it was a site of poems with images behind and sound - music. It is the "new media" link in my signature. Well, this site, Givnology is in many ways the present day Wellbeing Creativity....

Re: people deer and huming birds..

KarenCharin0 ·
A friend sent me this video of a lion who was saved by a lady then she gave him to a zoo when he was better and she comes to visit him. In the video, he sees her and reaches through the bars and gives her a big hug and kiss. The file is too big to add as an attachment but I thought that I would up load it to rapid share and then post the link to the download. You can click on this link and download it and then play it back on your windows media player. ...

Re: Few MIDI classical piano files - test them please!

Scodoldbraill (Guest) ·
Write your favorite web hangouts. [u] Some Simple Rules before posting your favorite sites: [/u] 1) Only publish entertaining sites 2) No Forced Signups or Registration Sites 3) No Spam or Promotion Sites 4) No Illegal sites. (No warez, hacks, spyware) 5) No publishing sites who request emails or credit card info Ok, so here is my vote of the greatest online web portals.... Free MP3 Downloads - An all time Free music download site - Favorite mp3 media for downloading...

Re: Importaqnce of Bees

Margherita ·
Yes, this is a very important topic now. I have heard through the media of this disquieting state of things. Pollution may be the problem. I hope this problem will be a priority task for researchers worldwide, in order of accelerating answers and solutions. Love, Margherita Long life to the bees!
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