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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Tagged With "New Media"


Re: Lioness Goddess Sekhmet brings forth Ra

Inda ·
Dear Teo, Thank you for giving us an insight into the highly advanced Egyptian civilization, as well as their religion. Greek and Roman scholars were fascinated by the Egyptian civilization, which was already ancient in their days; they were also much interested in their complex religion. The Egyptians left us records in a wide range of media from temple walls and tombs, papyrus scrolls, wooden coffins and colossal statues. Classical accounts as well as discoveries made by Egyptologists over...

Re: The Challenge of the Highest Self

Teo ·
Thank you Inda, Sue and Vicky. I am reminded of something a dear friend Nina told me: "There is a Ninja technique where you are completely non-confrontational. You simply slip over to the side and allow your opponant to fall of his own energy." This is the kind of think (he he..) I believe the world needs nowadays. We can't keep putting ourselves into "sides," saying "you won, we lost" and junk like that. If we are truly all aspects of one being, then our lesson now is in how to play part in...

Re: Sleep holds on...

stephen009 ·
thank you for the media...for your time and your reading stephen

Re: Excellent animated diagrams of yoga techniques!

Teo ·
EXCELLENT POINTS! So many things are automated away, we study what used to be ONLY aural tradition... music sure has a lot of this!!! And someone loaded up on "cheat-sheets" and quick whiz tricks, when in the presence of a real teacher, will probably just annoy them... I guess for someone like me who just needs reminders of the postures, and variations, I like these. Also, simply the MEDIA-MAKING ability of layering drawings into an animated GIF graphic like these do, well, the nerd in my...

Re: GIVNOLOGY UPGRADE SOON!: Use email to log in.

Teo ·
ATTACHMENTS WILL RETURN NEXT WEEK!!! 3 years of paying Infopop's bill, making useful suggestions, and what do they do? DELETE MY POST in the support forums listed above... and insult my intellingence in the support ticket about disk usage... hey, mom and pop bird DO need to kick baby bird out of the nest and make him fly huh? I guess so... HARD LOVE... Well I'm just relating THE TRUTH to you here, I give up completely trying to communicate to Infopop/Groupee - why go get insulted more? Why...

Re: First try MIDI - snippet

Teo ·
It seems to work! I MADE IT PLAY IN THE BACKGROUND TOO! Did that work? Next test... The above file (that is now background sound) was EXPORT AS MIDI from Quicktime player on my Mac G3. The attached file below is SAVED AS from the same Quicktime player, I want to know if the TAGS that I included, Artist=Teo come through, maybe in Media Player, Quicktime Player or what have you - it would be nice to give credit back to the artist / creator now wouldn't it?

Re: Pop Wisdom

Teo ·
Eric this is just awesome! Is this.. InfoPop wisdom? he he.. I AM in complete agreement with your statement of "watch out saying I AM angry.." all these things we say "I am" to eh? how silly! I AM joy and abundance, wisdom and wit, shiney bright light happily bouncing off of various colors and textures, all to please you, and I and I[/b. I love you Eric, you are the greatest. All of you here are the greatest and know I love you deeply. You are an angel to remind people to speak of their love...

Re: Senses

Teo ·
Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: Happy Hanukkah

Teo ·
Amen! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: Nothing More

Teo ·
I think you are totally a l love magic technician ! Like spiritual tactilisms.. You 'touch' us in such a marvelous way.. you strengthen the strand that connects us with universal love.. while we are in the material world.. it is a great feeling when words can open our hearts and essences to the magnificent nothingness.. the everpresent love and voidness.. anyway these are the feelings that your 'touch' evokes in me , I'm sure reading your words is an experiential experience, for everyone a...

Re: Unitheum

Teo ·
Wonderful idea! Nice website. Thanks!!! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: My love

Teo ·
How magical! Now I have to ask: Am I dreaming this? Are YOU dreaming this??? he he.. Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: Nightsong

Teo ·
Really beautiful JC! Thanks for sharing it! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: Your Touch

Teo ·
Beautiful poem dear Tim! Now we are truly having "holy days" with the great gifts our wise ones have brought! I guess your dew, or your do, has finally dripped right onto our screens Tim! You have made us all so very happy. Thanks googles. Wishing the best for you and yours in the holidays and all days! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: From the Amazonas

Teo ·
These are really beautiful images Karina! YOU are such a holydaze gift.. he he.. Wishing the best for you and yours. Lovebeams, Teodoro Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: Oliver

Teo ·
What a wonderful reply! I guess you already have a pseudo-name, dpm (dancing pearly margherita), so I can't call you Magickerita.. he he May the precious little kitties get along and continue bringing joy to your house Sue. And so it is! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: Somewhere

Teo ·
I can feel the sparks! Incredible.. tremorism dear Eric. Wow! Thanks for sharing the tremormbling.. intense! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: When I close my eyes

Teo ·
<table border=8 background=><tr><td background=> <blockquote><font size=+1 color=purple face=sand>[i][b]<blink> When I close my eyes I discover many truths deep within my soul </blink>[/b][/i]</font></td></tr></table> The only strange thing about doing this in these discussions is this: Instead of having to use...

Re: The Edge of My Hand

Teo ·
Eric, your edgelessness, another beauty! Oh, whoops! Those are hands! he he.. Hey! Put your hand away! Stop that! Put your hands where we can't see them! Nimblicity! he he.. Teo 's presence: Givnology forums , freeboards , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media May we have enough compassion so that people with solutions for us all can bring them to us without fear

Re: A Holy turtle

Teo ·
Wow, beautiful words AND images! Thank you so much for giving the knowledge! he he.. Love and lightbeams, Teo Teo 's presence: Givnology forums , freeboards , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media May we have enough compassion so that people with solutions for us all can bring them to us without fear

Re: Beautiful Flowers of Hawaii

Teo ·
What beautiful images dear Inda!!! What a beautiful post this is! They have this butterfish in Hawii too, but I think they have it everywhere, it seems to get all around! Love peace and pineapple grease, Teo Teo 's presence: Givnology forums , freeboards , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media May we have enough compassion so that people with solutions for us all can bring them to us without fear

Re: Moonstruck

Teo ·
I am Margheritastruck This is really beautiful dpm. I can really identify as I still go to my lake as therepy for .. "Traffic’s noise" oh wow.. Hey I just realized we have no flower smilies! I took Harold there for a minute, that is my magic , nature. Wow. This is so wonderful, now you share MORE magic of healing nature.. mmmm... XOXOXO Love n light, Margheritastruck Teo 's presence: Givnology forums , freeboards , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media May we have enough...

Re: "There has never been the number 7 in important spiritual symbols" - Relic Hunter TV show

Teo ·
I just uploaded an old 7 chakra presentation: Let me know what you think! It has 7 little songs that play as it teaches you each chakra slowly, click the spinning house and you get a huuuuge page of chakra information.. and my friend Verlon rest in peace. Love n light, Teo Teo 's presence: Givnology forums , freeboards , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media May we have enough compassion so that people with solutions for us all can bring...

Re: "There has never been the number 7 in important spiritual symbols" - Relic Hunter TV show

Teo ·
You all are so heavensent! I have decided to make about 2 changes to the chakra presentation: 1) I am nowadays going to use true rainbow colors, meaning: the crown will be violet and the third eye indigo. 2) I will add the ENDOCRINE GLAND for each chakra, and the petals - sanscrit letter for each (I should explain: the root chakra, muludhara, has 4 petals, each petal of a chakra is a sanscrit letter. The next, the sex one, has 6 letters, etc.. I'll list the letters for each chakra as well).

Re: Collective conscious, subconscious and unconscious

Inda ·
Thank you Teo, for sharing. Originally posted by Teo: May all of our collective consciousness have the light of wisdom. May we collectively do and be the best that we can for us all. May we do what is best for all of us, not a few, because those left behind will cause problems. May collective consciousness grow and awaken. May the' Collective Unconciousness 'diminish. May all beings exercise and make full use of the brain they were given ,so that they will not be brainwashed by the...

Re: I feel love

Teo ·
Lovinglight, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions You can't force peace, only lead by example

Re: Layers

Teo ·
Wow Eric, I haven't felt better about empty moments. Your caress is unlayering, unpeeling, unflowering as a science! I have been busy so haven't been around so much OK maybe I was hiding out.. But great microcosmic poetry is such a great blessing to come om to.. he he.. Love n light, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions You can't force peace, only lead by example

Re: My New Home Business

Teo ·
Thanks for sharing this dear Sandy! The products all look sooo nice! And the site has a nice soft purple, pleasing to the eye! I was lookin in the pages fo ya, but then on top you give a welcome! Nice! Sending you every successful new business energy I can. Seeing you so successful it is difficult with so much business! The orders are having trouble staying in line! You have just the right successful experiences. And so it is! Love n light, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media...

Re: Of Flesh and Prayers

Teo ·
You wonderful hinting wordsmith! You, as usual, have me on the edge of my seat.. such subtlety.. where'd it go? he he.. Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem buddy! Love n light, Teo Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions You can't force peace, only lead by example

Re: Awakening

Teo ·
This is so beautiful dear dpm! Just what I needed... aaaaahhh Dear Margherita, forgive me, I have been trying to fix a few things.. some attachments aren't showing up on Givnology.. getting my check for October.. my life.... I finally got a gazillion legal letters out this weekend, so.. mmmmm... What a wonderful H-om-e! he he.. "There's no place like om. There's no place like om. There's no place like om. (Heels clicking)" Yes! I am back Om!!!! Now I can get back on track - on my creative...

Re: Only Fingers

Teo ·
Waving to you from across sacred holy space! Could the sound of one hand clapping.. be the sound of reading Eric's magical poems??? Thanks for sharing your beautiful gifts of poetry with Givnology. What a buddy! Love and lightbeams to you and all of yours, Teodoor Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions You can't force peace, only lead by example

Re: How to Settle Our Differences

m00nbeast ·
I am pleased to learn you feel this way. with a strong united vision of an ideal One World society I think we have a great chance of shaping such a future. some visions I hold (although how to acheive them I will leave up to God ): no corporate crime intermixed with govt. dealings. a fair and balanced media with more focus on real news and not what is handed to them from PR people with some corporate agenda. I want to see REAL investigative reporting. earth-friendly energy policies and...

Re: Posts, poems, prayers, positivity

Inda ·
Thank you Teo. Your words are compassionate and wise. I ,myself, am not influenced by the media, and I spend very little time listening to the news. I come to Givnology, which is a place of beauty, where we can stop for a rest, and share messages of lovingkindness, peace and compassion. The earth is still filled with nature's beauty, may all beings open their eyes and see. Love, Inda

Re: Posts, poems, prayers, positivity

Vicky2 ·
Thank you. This is a very nice post. Instead of listening to the media I will come here and read the beautiful poetry and messages. Vicky

Re: Posts, poems, prayers, positivity

Margherita ·
AMEN! You are right, dear Teo. We need a island of peace! Unless we learn to not let ourselves be influenced by all the bad and horrifying news, indeed it is better to limit the bombardment by them. The strongest faith can shake, if you only concentrate on negative events. However the best thing we can do is taking notice of bad news and trying to neutralize them and send out healing energy to that person or situation. This needs power, power of faith. My husband, who "absorbs" a lot of news...

Re: Posts, poems, prayers, positivity

Sue (Guest) ·
Thank you Teo for your post. I ,like Inda have stopped listening to the media. I try and think for myself what is the right thing. Hoping that the media will stop influencing people. Joining in prayer for world peace. May there be an end to all wars. Sue

Re: Prayer for Peace on Earth

Teo ·
Wow! This topic is so wonderful! This really makes my day! Thanks Inda and all for such a beautiful topic! Joining in prayer for peace on earth. Peace in the Middle East Peace in the world Inner peace peace Love n lightbeams, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: We Collide

Teo ·
Wow.. that ANTICIPATION is amazing eh? Another little magical gem dear Eric. Thanks ever so for blessing us with these fine gifts. Quantum love to you and yours, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: Merry Christmas

Teo ·
Beautiful post dear Inda! So many beautiful images too, thanks all!!! Now Inda... This post is such a sneaky but beauty sharing trick to inspire our dear friend Friar Tim to visit us here! he he.. And I agree totally with your intention! And we DO have Tim Cannon here, since you are such a Givnologist.. Mmmm... so thankful to read this poem, thanks! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity...

Re: Happy New Year

Teo ·
Beautiful poem! Thanks Tim and Inda Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: Only This

Teo ·
Thanks for your oh so beautiful words dear Eric! I'm feeling the loving holy-days spirit NOW! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: Until We Meet Again

Teo ·
Knowing you will have the most magical trip! And get away from the digital world! We'll certainly miss you Indra! he he.. Mz. Sabatini that is. I'll be hiding behind my computer nerness.. he he.. But we really have you to thank for Givnology's design! And an angel like Dancing Pearly Margherita for the NON - DOT - COMPETABLE Beautiful bouquets! Fragrant! he he.. Quantum love and light to you all, Teo Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media...

Re: The winged heart

Teo ·
Dear Karima, Your angelic wings have lifted and carried off Givnology to magical realms. We joyously hibit and habit in this heavenly web you weave with your enlightening posts! Another trip of yours, like riding a magic carpet, floating.. Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem! Uhm.. you wouldn't mind if I use it to experiment with putting the text over bird images like the "new media" link in my signature? Can I .. share with you how to do that in posts? Combining the two you'll surely...

Re: Explosion of joy of sharing

Teo ·
You angel! Teo 's presents: Givnology forums , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance

Re: How to put images behind text

Teo ·
Look at Margherita's "When I Close My Eyes," I used her picture and text as examples. Hey, we all know "No great things are simple." So it's not that big of a deal.. he he.. what I mean to show you in THIS reply here is, just look at a post you wish to learn from. DPM, Karima, JC, for example, I'll make a table and background HERE in this reply, so if you want to see how, just click the quote icon and lookie! My successes are here Now there's no fear All that I want and I need It comes to...

Re: So Now

Teo ·
Tim! Tim oh Tim oh Tim, I forgot to say.. What Heaven you bring Sharing your poetry with us! Such a blessing. Thank YOU and thanks Creator. Amen! Hopefully you don't mind, on your welcome, if I use your poem as an example for these eager students of givnologizing? he he If anyone wants to see how that was done just click the quote icon and it'll show you the code. I'm considering making the 'help' so that people can post pictures (and sounds!) with posts really accessible. Like a "posting...

Re: Siren's Song

Teo ·
Beautiful Siren! I mean JC.. he he.. Thanks for sharing! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presence: Givnology forums , freeboards , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media May we have enough compassion so that people with solutions for us all can bring them to us without fear

Re: Candlelight

Teo ·
Red tulips whisper a warm welcome. The candle is lit, its flame dances to our breath. Light and shadows perform a magical play on the wall. Time stops while life is lived. The candle consumes itself in tears of deep devotion. The flame’s last flicker meets the tulips’ gaze. Eyes wide open now, they tell a story of merging souls, of burning candles and of love. You are always soooo magical dear dpm! It is such a blessing that our "high technology" can be used to remind ourselves of things...

Re: Principle

Teo ·
Sorry I missed this post earlier.. well.. sooo glad I found it now! Hey hi hi Abhay! This is such a wonderful message Barbara!!! We have NOLOGY to GIV because of wonderfull blessings like this.. mmmmm.... Thanks googles! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presence: Givnology forums , freeboards , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media May we have enough compassion so that people with solutions for us all can bring them to us without fear


Teo ·
Wow! Great 2 C U here bud! Love n light, Teo Teo 's presence: Givnology forums , freeboards , tradigital music , Third Millennium Thinking , new media May we have enough compassion so that people with solutions for us all can bring them to us without fear
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