Tagged With "Givnology Wellness Arts"
Re: Benefits of Laughter
"The art of medicine consists of keeping the patient amused while nature heals the disease." - Voltaire
Re: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany
Louis Comfort Tiffany became interested in glassmaking from about 1875 and worked at several glasshouses in Brooklyn between then and 1878. In 1879 he joined with Samuel Colman and Lockwood de Forest to form 'Louis Comfort Tiffany and Associated American Artists. Tiffany's leadership and talent, as well as by his father's money and connections, led this business to thrive.
Re: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany
The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art in Winter Park (Orlando), Florida, houses the world's most comprehensive collection of the works of Louis Comfort Tiffany including Tiffany jewelry, pottery, paintings, art glass, leaded-glass windows, lamps, and the incredible chapel interior he designed for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Comfort_Tiffany
Re: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany
Tiffany tended to favor naturalistic designs for his lampshades as well as his windows, which can be associated with his lifelong interest in horticulture, but also prompted by the popular Art Nouveau movement. The beautiful and innovative floral motifs for shades were implemented by a team of prize-winning designers, many of whom were women, including Clara Driscoll, Mrs. Curtis Fueschel and Agnes Northrup. http://www.albanyinstitute.org/exhibits/archive%20pages/tiffany.bio.htm
Re: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany
There is a small town in England, but I have forgotten the name where a minister started a collection of Tiffany art and it is apparently quite a large collection and a major tourist attaraction in the area. I will try and find the name of the place. Love, Sue
Re: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany
This might help Sue, I just found this on line: Another interesting collection of "Favrile" is held in a museum in the small Northern English town of Accrington. Haworth Art GalleryThis collection was donated by a locally born man, Josepth Briggs, who left England in 1891, and who worked with L.C. Tiffany on many projects over many years, being Tiffany's works manager amongst other jobs. Briggs' personal collection was donated to the town in 1933.
Re: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany
Thank you for your post.I like Tiffany's work. It is quite ornate but has a beautiful unique artistic touch. Tiffany was a painter, craftsman, philanthropist, decorator, and designer, internationally recognized as one of the greatest forces of the Art Nouveau style, who made significant contributions to the art of glassmaking.
Re: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany
Thank you Vicky. Tiffany was a good painter as well as a glassmaker. Here is a little study of a boy
Re: Benefits of Laughter
Patrick O'Leary showed up at Mass one Sunday and the priest almost fell down when he saw him. O'Leary had never been seen in church in his adult life. After Mass, the priest caught O'Leary and said, "Mr. O'Leary, I am so glad you decided to come to Mass. What made you come?" O'Leary aid, "I've got to be honest with you, Father. A while back, I misplaced me cap. I really, really love that cap. I knew that Donald Shaunessy had one just like mine, and I knew that Shaunessy came to church every...
Re: Benefits of Laughter
Glad you enjoyed that! I just thought I'd see if I could relieve some pain and boost a few immune systems. You all have been doing that for me with your prayers as well as humorous posts.
Re: Love prayer to the Goddess Moon
You are the moon, dear Sylvie, and this is absolutely beautiful, it wraps the reader in the warmth of love. My love to you, Margherita Moon glow by Nancy Bryant
Re: Japanese Classic Writing
Dear Yoko, thank you so much for sharing some of classical Japanese poetry, which is truly beautiful. I appreciate haiku/senryu form. But, other than the 5 - 7 - 5 syllable pattern, probably Western attempts of this "condensed" poetry doesn't come close to the traditional Japanese art. But it is a sign of connection in beauty to what the culture of the World has to offer. The following is a senryu I wrote and posted a while ago in a haiku contest (on www.poetry.com ): Life flows placidly we...
Re: Benefits of Laughter
An Art Thief Recently a guy in Paris nearly got away with stealing several paintings from the Louvre. However, after planning the crime, getting in and out past security, he was captured only 2 blocks away when his Econoline ran out of gas. When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied: (brace yourself) (this is going to hurt.) (really bad.) "I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh."
Re: Japanese Classic Writing
Thank you all for joining me in my post. Zeami, a famous Noh author, in his play Izutzu, some verses: "A boy and a girl, the children of two men who traveled over the countryside, used to play together beside a well. As they grew up, they both felt rather self-conscious about continuing the old relationship, but the boy had set his heart on marrying the girl, and she was determined that she would be his wife, and refused to agree when her father tried to betroth her to someone else. The boy...
Re: Benefits of Laughter
Two zebras pondering Two zebras are talking and one asks the other, "Am I black with white stripes or white with black stripes?" The other replies, "Well I don't know. You should pray to God about that and ask him." So that night he did and God replied, "You are what you are." The next day he said to the other zebra, "I still don't understand what I am because God just said, You are what you are." The second zebra responds, "You must be white with black stripes or else God would have said,...
Re: Poems of Boris Pasternak
Thank you all for your wonderful contributions to this topic. Thank you Margherita for your touching reply. *************************************************** Intoxication Nearth a willow with ivy entangled We take cover in blustery weather. My arms are wreathed about you; In my raincape we huddle together. I was wrong: Not ivy, my dearest, But hops encircle this willow. Well, then, let's spread in its shelter My cape for a rug, and a pillow! Boris Pasternak
Re: Eye talk
Dear Margherita, reading your beautiful poem is magic for the eyes . Thank you for posting it on givnology; it is a wonderful way to start the week. I have missed your poetry as well. Love, Sue
Re: Brainy Animals
Thank you for the post. Many animals are very intelligent. I will bring back your post about Koko and the dental appointment to prove the point: This article was published in: "Ontario Dentist" October 2004 When Koko the gorilla used American Sign Language to tell her teacher Penny Patterson that her mouth was in pain, 12 specialists, including three dentists, sprang into action. When Koko began explaining her discomfort, pointing to a molar on her upper left, Dr. Patterson devised a pain...
Re: Brainy Animals
Yes, those humans are smart sometimes.... mmmmrrrrrooooowwww!!! I mean... well, yes, they are the cruelest animals too.... Well said, Bird! Personally? I think it insults animals to call humans animals! No animal would destroy it's environment, genocidal tendencies and suicidal stupidities... boyo! I agree with you Margherita, animals have souls, and sometimes I wonder about some of our fellow humans... Some of us are kind though... mostly us here in Givnology! he he.. Love and light being,...
Re: Benefits of Avocado
Thank you everyone for your replies. Your point about sunflower seeds is a good one yogionefromobie. We will soon have a post about that. Why don't you start a post on that topic? You probably know a lot about the benefit of those seeds. More on the avocado: A whole medium avocado contains approximately 25% of the recommended daily amount of saturated fat. Avocados also have 60% more potassium than bananas. They are also rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamin E and K[citation
Re: Brainy Animals
I love your images and comments Teo Evidence of the typically human emotions, grief, parental love and joy, as well as the existence of complex social interactions and structures, are further indicators of the highly developed intelligence of whales and dolphins. In one example, despite the risk of dehydration, stranding and shark attack, a group of false killer whales floated for 3 days in the shallows of the straits of Florida, USA to protect an injured male. Such was their cohesion and...
Re: The Magic of Winter
Blow, blow, thou winter wind by William Shakespeare Blow, blow, thou winter wind, Thou art not so unkind As man's ingratitude; Thy tooth is not so keen, Because thou art not seen, Although thy breath be rude. Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly: Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly: Then, heigh-ho, the holly! This life is most jolly. Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky, That does not bite so nigh As benefits forgot: Though thou the waters warp, Thy sting is not so sharp...
Re: More About Hummingbirds
Thank you for the update. I get the hummingbirds in my garden as well in the summer. They are really amazing little birds. Love, Sue
Re: Benefits of Soy
Dear yoko, I found this on the internet. maybe we should be careful in how much soy we consume? High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children. Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy...
Re: Abigale Circles
Thank you so much! Tomorrow will be a week since she's left this plane. There has been only had one day that I haven't broken down & cried this past week. Her mother was a feral cat who walked in the door one morning as my husband was leaving for work. She came right over to where I was sitting and laid down in between my feet and proceeded to have a litter of kittens. Our parrot Bobo became very curious right from the beginning and stepped up on my shoulder and watched with great...
Re: Abigale Circles
Originally posted by dear the stranger: Thank you so much! Tomorrow will be a week since she's left this plane. There has been only had one day that I haven't broken down & cried this past week. Her mother was a feral cat who walked in the door one morning as my husband was leaving for work. She came right over to where I was sitting and laid down in between my feet and proceeded to have a litter of kittens. Our parrot Bobo became very curious right from the beginning and stepped up on...
Re: Abigale Circles
Beyond Forget I would like to go To a place that's never been. Where pain is gone And memories are left behind. A place beyond forget. Eric P. McCarty *********************** Lotus Wilkinson Angel Art site
Re: Abigale Circles
Sending prayers to Abigale Circles, and to you stranger.Welcome to Givnology. I know how difficult it is to lose a pet. I had a cat myself. Don't forget, Abigale is in heaven, in the best possible place, but she will always be beside you. I Remember I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep. I could see that you were crying. You found it hard to sleep. I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear, "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here." I was close to...
Re: Alexandre Dumas
Thank you Gisele and Sue. I was not really familiar with Dumas. Nothing succeeds like success. Alexandre Dumas Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit. Alexandre Dumas Infatuated, half through conceit, half through love of my art, I achieve the impossible working as no one else ever works. Alexandre Dumas
Re: Alexandre Dumas
Abbe Faria: In return for your help, I offer you something priceless. Edmond: My freedom? Abbe Faria: No, freedom can be taken away, as you well know. I offer you my knowledge.
For all of you who celebrate HAPPY EASTER Love, Inda ***** Easter eggs! Easter eggs! Give to him that begs! For Christ the Lord is arisen. To the poor, open door, something give from your store! For Christ the Lord is arisen. Those who hoard, can't afford - moth and rust their reward! For Christ the Lord is arisen. Those who love freely give - long and well may they live! For Christ th Lord is arisen. Eastertide, like a bride, comes, and won't be denied. For Christ the Lord is arisen.
Re: Christina Georgina Rossetti
EASTER EVEN The tempest over and gone, the calm begun, Lo,"it is finished" and the Strong Man sleeps:All stars keep vigil watching for the sun, The moon her vigil keeps. A garden full of silence and of dew Beside a virgin cave and entrance stone: Surely a garden full of Angels too, Wondering, on watch, alone. They who cry "Holy, Holy, Holy,"still Veiling their faces round God's Throne above. May well keep vigil on this heavenly hill And cry their cry of love. Adoring God in His new mystery...
Re: Tulips
I am dreaming of this as well Sue. Margherita, those rare tulips are exquisite. I have never seen them in any garden. Right now I will be delighted to see any tulip in bloom. At the moment we have only the leaves which do promise that blossoming spring will come. Love, yoko
Re: Benefits of Vitamin D
Good post Sue. Thank you. Long recognized for aiding calcium absorption and thus promoting bone health, adequate vitamin D intake helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis. In 2006, studies published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested that vitamin D may help reduce the risk of various other diseases and alleviate the symptoms of certain medical conditions as well. "These studies...
Re: Aflame
... I knew that you had some good reason for choosing it, still I say these eyes are SUPPOSED to shine, but they do not. In Art everything is a creative act, so of course I respect the artist, but still I don't like it. You are my Starry Sky! And YOU shine! Love, Margherita
Re: Benefits of Vitamin D
Thank you everyone for your input. Here are more facts: http://www.vitamindcouncil.com/ The high rate of natural production of vitamin D3 cholecalciferol in the skin is the single most important fact every person should know about vitamin D because it has such profound implications for the natural human condition. Vitamin D is a steroid hormone precursor that has recently been found to play a role in a wide variety of diseases. Current research indicates vitamin D deficiency plays a role in...
Re: "Drums: ..to inspire the troops and frighten the enemy." from a Musician's Dictionary!
That's some good stuff. I always heard it as a question: "Who hangs out with musicians?" Answer: Percussionists. Teo can tell you, of course that a piano is also a percusion instrument. I'm not so sure about them thar midi board things. They could be more akin to virginals and harpsichords and the like. The attached was produced on the Commodore 64 which, as I recall did record in real time, although you might call it an early sequencer. I've become a bit fascinated with it like a collector...
Re: "Drums: ..to inspire the troops and frighten the enemy." from a Musician's Dictionary!
Thank you for the amusing post. I wonder what the composers would say to this. Well, let us hope that they continue to rest in peace. Sincerely, Gisele
Re: "Drums: ..to inspire the troops and frighten the enemy." from a Musician's Dictionary!
? I'm sure they are.. And if they need any counting sheep... There we go! Nighty night...
Re: On Love
I missed this lovely post as well. We must have been on holidays. Thank you Sue for going through the archives and bringing it back. Love, Vicky
Re: On the "law of attraction"
Wow! Such juicy, meaty concersation! Thank you ever so, dear Staranza Nutty Buddy Sylvie for starting this topic/forum/discussion, and .. yum yum.. allow me to dive in! It is soooo great to hear/read "the most beautiful and fun experiences are happening..." yay of yays! hey danebe, you are a gem and now you are just experiencing yourself! Let me back up, to the topic heading. Attraction. Like magnetism - often the key is BE WHAT YOU WISH, it'll simply resonate, gravitate, harmonize and...
Re: Enjoy a preview of 8 classical music channels I'm sharing
Hi Teo. I like both the straightly rendered stuff and the pieces you have "jazzed up." I think they both have their appropriate place in the archive. If one does happen to have the ability to mess around with midi, these are all great source tracks. Who knows where this work might show up either as is, or transformed? As you know, I'm with you on the notion that midi which can be written in real time by playing into a sequencer is a performance medium and that one ought to be able to claim...
Re: Classic Summer Poems
Summer is a beautiful time of the year. People have always enjoyed summer, especially if there is a cold season. This is especially for you Sue. (traditional English round, c. 1250) ORIGINAL MIDDLE ENGLISH LYRICS: Svmer is icumen in Lhude sing cuccu! Groweþ sed and bloweþ med and springþ þe wde nu. Sing cuccu! Awe bleteþ after lomb, lhouþ after calue cu, Bulluc sterteþ, bucke uerteþ. Murie sing cuccu! Cuccu, cuccu, Wel singes þu cuccu. ne swik þu nauer nu! Sing cuccu nu, Sing cuccu! MODERN...
Re: Classic Summer Poems
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? (Sonnet 18) Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, Nor...
Re: I am...
I am ... is very beautiful, dear Sylvie! Love is the one thing that unites all the souls and in love we are everything, as you say so well, closeness and distance, one. Love and hugs. Margherita
Re: Satie Sates! -satisfying Erik Satie music... aaahhh..
Oui oui! Maybe when you hear these you'll see why I'm... in love! http://webpageexperience.com/mid/Enchantedness.mid loops well! http://webpageexperience.com/mid/EnchantedWaltze.mid more, on piano http://webpageexperience.com/mid/SatieGymnopedie.mid http://webpageexperience.com/mid/GymnoTest0.mid Intro ideas - solos - impromptu sketches... May I have this waltz?
Re: Creating wealth
I missed this nice post as well. Thank you for finding it and bringing it out of the archives Vicky. sincerely, Gisele