Tagged With "Theodore Teo Barry Vincent"
Re: Neolgism jokes like: Frijoles: A church without a collection plate!
Thank you for the funnies Teo. I will come back to read it all when time permits. Sincerely, Gisele
Re: Neolgism jokes like: Frijoles: A church without a collection plate!
Thank you for the humour Teo. Acupuncture. The ancient Chinese are credited with discovering that if you tell a sick person you are going to keep inserting sharp, flesh-piercing instruments into him at $100 a pop, he will tell you he feels better already. yoko
Re: First try MIDI - snippet
This is really nice Teo. Now we have speakers and it is good to hear the music. I will be on holidays now. Have a nice summer playing music. Love Vicky
Re: Stephen Foster
Thank you Teo for the music, and thank you yoko. My old kentucky home, good night! The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home, 'Tis summer, the darkies are gay, The corn top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom While the birds make music all the day. The young folks roll on the little cabin floor, All merry, all happy and bright: By'n by Hard Times comes a knocking at the door, Then my old Kentucky Home, good night! Weep no more, my lady, oh! weep no more to-day! We will sing one song...
Re: Controlling your health one thought at a time
Thank you Teo. What about 'Integrated Medicine', this is being taught in a lot of medical schools? What is Integrated Medicine? Integrated Medicine couples the latest scientific advances with the most profound insights of ancient healing systems, giving you the best ways to preserve health, increase longevity and speed recovery from illness. Integrated Medicine is a revolutionary approach to healing people — not just treating diseases — using the unique tool called person-centered diagnosis.
Re: Controlling your health one thought at a time
This is a very nice post Teo. Thank you for bringing this subject to our attention. In the East, people have always considered the mind and the body connected. Practices such as meditation, yoga, tai chi and acupuncture, which focus on the person as a whole to help the individual attain harmony and well-being, have been used both in medicine and religion for centuries. http://www.stnews.org/package-10-149.htm
Re: Controlling your health one thought at a time
Thank you for sharing this Teo. I just got back to the office after some days off, and work has caught up with me. I will spend some more time here later. Love, Sue
Re: Controlling your health one thought at a time
Continuing from your quote, dear Yoko,I especially like: ...the immaterialists battled the materialists. Immaterialism states that no substance is mindless . In order for something to exist, it is either perceived by the mind or is the mind itself... is the mind itself? In the pictures above, one is immaterial (Yoko's), one is The Material Girl This topic is a joy! for everyone! or is it just mind? Love and LIGHT BEING , Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, Soul, LaaAAA!!!)
Re: Controlling your health one thought at a time
Thank you Teo. I will remember not to think of too many things at one time, no wonder I get mixed up where I have to be at any certain time. Sincerely, Gisele
Re: Harmony With Nature
Amen and Awomen! You KNOW I truly LOOOVE This post! "Rings my bell!" Thanks dear Inda for starting it! Beautiful images all! Love and *LIGHT BEING*, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Far....)
Re: Is There?
Thank you for another GEM dear Eric! GOOD QUESTION!!! Love and light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Faaar...)
Re: The five elements--water, metal, earth, fire, and wood
Thank you for the post Teo. It is interesting about the fives. yoko ----- The Taoist approach is to mindfully find the middle way as we navigate the stimulation of our encounters with all the forms of the world.[/quote] ------------------------------------------------- Legend reports that the minister of the Yellow Emperor was sent on a quest to find the Huang Chung the musical tone which was the fundamental vibration of the cosmos. He discovered it to be none other than the sound of his own...
Re: The five elements--water, metal, earth, fire, and wood
Thank you Teo. Wonderful and interesting post, especially the 5 elements. The wise are pleased by nothing, and pained by nothing, delighted by nothing, and angered by nothing. Everything is mysteriously the same. There is no good and bad. Lao Tzu
Re: The five elements--water, metal, earth, fire, and wood
Thank you for the post Teo. This all is quite new to me. I don't know much about eastern philosophy, so here is something for me to learn. Love, Sue
Re: The five elements--water, metal, earth, fire, and wood
Thank you Teo for shaing the Chinese philosophy. Love Vicky
Re: The five elements--water, metal, earth, fire, and wood
Thank you for your interesting post Teo. I had no idea about the 5 elements, fire, water, wood, metal, and earth that is used in Chinese philosophy. There is always something new to learn. Sincerely, Gisele
Re: Charistics of creative people - Dr. Deepak Chopra
Thank you Teo for sharing this info and the wonderful pictures of Dr. Chopra. I have heard him speak a few times and I have always enjoyed listening to him. Love, Sue
Re: Charistics of creative people - Dr. Deepak Chopra
Thank you for this nice post Teo, and the pictures of Dr. Deepak Chopra.
Re: Charistics of creative people - Dr. Deepak Chopra
Thank you Teo for sharing the Deepak Chopra wisdom. Like Sue, I have heard him speak many times and I have always enjoyed his lectures and his books. **************************************************** Life: Deepak Chopra Quotes Everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices you've made in the past. Kindness: Deepak Chopra Quotes Giving connects two people, the giver and the receiver, and this connection gives birth to a new sense of belonging. Happiness: Deepak...
Re: Burying the Elephant Patsy
Rest in peace dear Patsy ALL THE PEANUTS YOU CAN EAT!!! All the water you could want to swim in and blow out your nose... We love you Patsy! Love'n lite beams, Teo
Re: Charistics of creative people - Dr. Deepak Chopra
Thank you for the post Teo. I am also a fan of Deepak Chopra. I heard him speak, and I enjoy his books. Love, yoko
Re: First try MIDI - snippet
Glad you are all enjoying the MIDI music show! I'm still trying to get these TAGS into the files, so that they show who made them! I went here: http://www.artlythere.com/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl?m-1154280348/s-0/ then here: http://www.harmony-central.com/Software/Mac/midi.html and got MIDI Kit 2.7.1, I think it has put these tags in correctly: Full Song Name Copyright Author Let's see if that works hum? I still want Genre, Recorded Date, URL, Instruments??? but hey, we have a start at least!
Re: Have a Nice Summer
That's it for now, dear Sue, Vicky, Gisele, Sylvie, Teo and Inda, sending you much love and joyous Summer days! Margherita ... the view from the Sanctuary:
Re: Gees ease: Nice sounds coming, and more HELP 4 U 2!
I found some great animated backgrounds, loud enough to completely bedazzle folks, though from what some of you said, you are already bedazzled enough.. They are from a neato gallery here: http://www.light-speed-web-graphics.com/spellbinder_ani...t/visual_delight.htm Which, when we set up instruction to put text below images, you know, one of Arty's (insane!) ideas, we ll, maybe we'll point people to this site - it seems designed with this kind of thing in mind, I mean... encouraging...
Re: First try MIDI - snippet
MidiKit let me set FULL NAME, and COPYRIGHT - which is 256 characters, so I filled it with lots of indexable information. And, the copyright seems to show up in a few Windows music players. Sharing my MIDI files has become a hot topic here: Magle classical forums But I'm still waiting to be able to cross-index the way I want to. PEACE, of music, Teo
Re: Have a Nice Summer
Oh, and dear Sylvie I wish you to be able to visit these enchanting islands! Dear Teo thank you for appreciating the pictures. Continue all enjoying the Summer ... as long as it lasts. Hugs and kisses. Margherita Poseidon - thermal bath Ischia - one of the most beautiful thermal water gardens of the world ...
Re: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany
The attachments are from somewhere on this page... http://www.sandrak.nl/doghouse/ BEAUTIFUL TOPIC YOU ALL! THANKS!!! Love and ***LIGHT BEING*** , Teo Do (Re, Mi, Far...)
Re: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany
Hi Teo Louis Comfort Tiffany would make a window of smiles.
Re: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany
Thank you Teo for the cute images. Here is another little interesting painting by Louis Comfort Tiffany.
Re: Benefits of Laughter
Boyo this is fun! I don't know if my finding all these goofy laughs is therepy for you or me! Great topic dear Inda! It's kinda hard to cry, if you're laughing! LOVE AND LEVITY, Teo
Re: Here, there and everywhere
Here, there and everywhere I am the air you move with every step you take, I am the space in between when you fold your hands in silent prayer, I am the everlasting echo of the words you pronounce, I am the sound wave you produce with the song of your heart. I am the energy you emit with your every thought. I am in the depth of the sea, in the heights of the ether. I am here, there and everywhere. I am what you see with your eyes wide open and what you perceive with your eyes firmly shut.
Re: Enjoy the Moment
Beautiful story Susan Strange how we HAVE TO MAKE THE TIME to see what is right in front of us already sometimes! I'm glad for every second of reading your wonderful story though! Thanks for taking the time to share! Love and *LIGHT* *BEING* , Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, So, LaaAAAA!!!!)
Re: Do You enjoy me?
Do You enjoy me? Do You enjoy me? Do You enjoy me? Tell me, do you enjoy me? Sooooo Much! Love and *LIGHT BEING*, Teo Do (enjoy you!)
Re: Do You enjoy me?
Beautifully said! Maybe it's the pianist in me, but I appreciate what you are saying, "...make the best choices to move ahead on our Path of spiritual evolution..." a good pianist even wants to help OTHERS be enjoyed, u no? It's a beautiful thread. Thanks googols dearestest dpm! Love'n'light beams, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Far...)
Re: Compassion
This is an excellent topic dear Inda and all! I've been busy, "haven't had time" to be here reading this... but now I wish I had read it when it first showed up! so many great quotes, images.. woweeEE!! Wow. Wise. But would the Earth or the beasts be sad if there were no more men? http://au.greetings.yahoo.com/browse/Holidays/Buddha_Purnima/ http://www.prospirit.org/art_monk.htm I think my compassion , is sharing all these happy buddha buddy pix! Love and light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, ...
Re: William Butler Yeats
Amen and Awomen! Music of Yeats and now a seeeerious test of multimuddy.. he he.. from: http://www.cyntx.com/ip/images/images.html Those Images What if I bade you leave The cavern of the mind? There's better exercise In the sunlight and wind. I never bade you go To Moscow or to Rome. Renounce that drudgery, Call the muses home. Seek those images That constitute the wild, The lion and the virgin, The harlot and the child. Find in middle air An eagle on the wing, Recognise the five That makes...
Re: William Butler Yeats
Thank you for posting Sue. Thank you for the notes Teo. Are You Content? William Butler Yeats I call on those that call me son, Grandson, or great-grandson, On uncles, aunts, great-uncles or great-aunts, To judge what I have done.
Re: Compassion
Thank you Teo for your nice reply. Deepak Chopra: Compassion Quotes Giving connects two people, the giver and the receiver, and this connection gives birth to a new sense of belonging.
Re: Slow Down
veee- eee- ee- ee- e- e- rr- rr- y True Inda. slow enough? he he ... Love and light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Far...)
Re: William Butler Yeats
Thank you for the Yeats everyone. I like the notes Teo. I have not read his poetry in a while, so this is a nice refresher. Sincerely, Gisele
Re: Saint Cecilia is considered one of the muses of poetic art (11-22 Feastday)
Thank you for sharing Teo. I did not know anything about this. It is amazing, but I always learn something new on Givnology. Love, Sue
Re: Saint Cecilia is considered one of the muses of poetic art (11-22 Feastday)
Thank you for the interesting post Teo. Love Vicky
Re: Saint Cecilia is considered one of the muses of poetic art (11-22 Feastday)
Thank you Teo for posting the information on Saint Cecilia. I am not too familiar with her life, so I find this website quite interesting. Sincerely, Gisele
Re: Saint Cecilia is considered one of the muses of poetic art (11-22 Feastday)
Great replies you all! Thanks!!! Great image dear Inda! That reminds me, Susan, a friend said that at the school where she works they collected all the holidays for the Christians, Jews, Arabs, and all the other religions, and they had to organize all the days off for each one, observances for each, and it was very difficult with all the different holidays - correctly "Holy Days" but no one thinks of them that way anymore hum? Another think you make the thing of.. he he.. I used to keep a...
Re: Saint Cecilia is considered one of the muses of poetic art (11-22 Feastday)
Thank you for the website and the post Teo. Chaucer presents an almost word-for-word translation of the Acts of St. Cecilia in the tale: And while the organs maden melodie To God alone in hart thus sang she: 'O Lord, my soule and eek my body gye Unwemmed, lest confounded be.' (McKinnon 46)
Re: Eye talk
And Eye Listen Eye really love this poem dearestest dpm! Thank you ever so for sharing it with us! Love and LIGHT BEING , Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, So, LaaAAAA!!!)
Re: Brainy Animals
Yes, those humans are smart sometimes.... mmmmrrrrrooooowwww!!! I mean... well, yes, they are the cruelest animals too.... Well said, Bird! Personally? I think it insults animals to call humans animals! No animal would destroy it's environment, genocidal tendencies and suicidal stupidities... boyo! I agree with you Margherita, animals have souls, and sometimes I wonder about some of our fellow humans... Some of us are kind though... mostly us here in Givnology! he he.. Love and light being,...
Re: Brainy Animals
I'm going to try and attach the Real Audio file ".ram" of N'kisi's conversation, or just go to the page it's from: http://www.sheldrake.org/nkisi/nkisi1_text.html I don't know if it was the parrot, or human, who came up with this idea, but singing "Old Macdonald" with "Old Madonna" is just tooooo hilarious! Hey this is pretty fun! I always wanted to be on top of Madonna... he he... just kidding! Just kidding! he he.. I wonder if N'kisi surfs the internet? If so, Hey N'kisi! View the folder...
Re: Brainy Animals
I love your images and comments Teo Evidence of the typically human emotions, grief, parental love and joy, as well as the existence of complex social interactions and structures, are further indicators of the highly developed intelligence of whales and dolphins. In one example, despite the risk of dehydration, stranding and shark attack, a group of false killer whales floated for 3 days in the shallows of the straits of Florida, USA to protect an injured male. Such was their cohesion and...