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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Tagged With "Theodore Teo Barry Vincent"


Re: Edutainment: Videos with optional captions teaching while entertaining

Vicky2 ·
This is very nice Teo. Thank you for sharing.

Re: Edutainment: Videos with optional captions teaching while entertaining

Inda ·
Nice video Teo. Thank you for posting it for us to enjoy.

Re: Edutainment: Videos with optional captions teaching while entertaining

yoko ·
Thank you for sharing Teo. This is very nice. I love classical music.

Re: CD Notes: Synthegration Soundcheck

Sue 1 ·
Thank you Teo for this amazing post.

Re: CD Notes: Synthegration Soundcheck

Vicky2 ·
Very nice Teo. Thank you for sharing this material with us.

Re: CD Notes: Synthegration Soundcheck

Inda ·
Thank you Teo for sharing. Nice music and lovely images.

Re: CD Notes: Synthegration Soundcheck

yoko ·
Thank you kindly Teo for the beautiful music. The images are also very nice with the beautiful flowers in the background.

Re: CD Notes: MW3 Romantic Era

Teo ·
The new "Booklet" format, 3 to a sheet of legal paper

Re: Should this be the icon for our boffing area? He he..

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Teo. Good cartoon.

Re: Zounds! New Freeboards sounds tests 1 2 3 testing!

Teo ·
Last night I recorded 3 songs! This 1 is pretty much finished!

Re: Zounds! New Freeboards sounds tests 1 2 3 testing!

Sue 1 ·
Good for you Teo. keep up the good work.

Re: Zounds! New Freeboards sounds tests 1 2 3 testing!

Vicky2 ·
This is all very nice Teo, and a lot of work. Thank you for sharing it on Givnology.

Re: Zounds! New Freeboards sounds tests 1 2 3 testing!

Inda ·
Thank you Teo for sharing this incredible amount of work that you have done. Nice music and lovely images.

Re: The serenity prayer

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Teo for this prayer. I have seen it in quite a few versions.

Re: The serenity prayer

Sue 1 ·
Nice version of the prayer. Thank you Teo.

Re: The serenity prayer

yoko ·
Nice prayer. Thank you Teo for sharing it.

Re: The breeze effect

Teo ·
Sooo beautiful dearestestest dpm (Dancing Pearly Margherita)!!! Thanks for blowing our way! Love, Teo

Re: The breeze effect

Margherita ·
Dear Teo and dear Yoko, I so enjoy your touch here, we are connected always. Thank you for your most loving replies. Happy Easter. May the breeze be soft on your cheeks and speak of love. Love and hugs. Margherita

Re: Franz Liszt's AMAZING B Minor Sonata - Sir Frederick Ashton choreographed especially for Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev, amazing!

Inda ·
Thank you Teo. This is a very beautiful ballet and fabulous music. I love every minute of it.

Re: Franz Liszt's AMAZING B Minor Sonata - Sir Frederick Ashton choreographed especially for Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev, amazing!

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Teo. This is really beautiful, both the dancing and the music. Thank you for sharing. Love, Vicky

Re: Franz Liszt's AMAZING B Minor Sonata - Sir Frederick Ashton choreographed especially for Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev, amazing!

Gisele ·
Thank you for this wonderful post Teo. I love Franz Liszt, and I always enjoyed Rudolf Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn. Sadly I never saw them in person. I did see the movie "I am a Dancer," and many episodes on TV. Sincerely, Gisele

Re: Franz Liszt's AMAZING B Minor Sonata - Sir Frederick Ashton choreographed especially for Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev, amazing!

Sue 1 ·
Thank you for sharing this video Teo. I was very fortunate to have seen Rudolf Nureyev dance in person. He had a tremendous amount of charisma, and all his movements, even the position of his head, were perfectly executed.I have never enjoyed another dancer as much as Nureyev. Sadly, I never saw Margot Fonteyn in person. Love, Sue

Re: Franz Liszt's AMAZING B Minor Sonata - Sir Frederick Ashton choreographed especially for Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev, amazing!

yoko ·
Thank you Teo. This ballet and the music is really beautiful. Love, yoko

Re: Feel the cosmic hug (haiku)

Margherita ·
Thank you, dear Inda and dear Teo, for coming in here with your loving comments. Wow, Teo, that sound is just fantastic! Your musical EVOLUTION is amazing really. Have a wonderful time "working on it"! Love and hugs. Margherita ps It is extremely hot these days here in Rome and my niece and her daughter are coming from Switzerland ... I think we shall go out only during the fresher night hours otherwise it will be a continuous sauna, which isn't a good thing!

Re: Prayers for Peace

Vicky2 ·
These are 2 old posts that Teo posted a long time ago, and I think they fit very well well into this topic May we have enough compassion so that people with solutions for us all can come to us without fear. May we have enough compassion to make way for people offering solutions for us all. May we have enough compassion that those with solutions for us all know we deserve them. May we have enough compassion to always be aware and share the awareness that solutions for all of us are possible...

Re: Beyond imagination

Margherita ·
Dear Teo, dear Sue and dear Gisèle, thank you from my heart for your kind comments and for welcoming me back so kindly. I missed you too. The last weeks have been very stressful, as I helped a dear friend in preparing her move. Often I returned towards midnight at home ... but now my friend is gone and lives far away and I am sad, but goodness gracious getting through all of her things trying also to reduce the quantity of things was tough, because she had accumulated so much I recommend...

Re: Orange Benefits

Teo ·
A heartfelt W E L C O M E ! Dear Great Warrior! Wonderful info, and wonderful pictures dpm (dancing pearly Margherita)! Love and *LIGHT* *BEING*, Teo

Re: Diffusion of Light

Margherita ·
Thank you, dear Teo, for your loving comment. I won't participate often in such events, as the crowd is overwhelming, but I must say the EMOTION of all the present people was TANGIBLE. Love and hugs. Margherita


Inda ·
Thank you Vicky, yoko and Teo.

Re: Chopin's favorite piano maker shuts down :(

Vicky2 ·
This is very sad Teo. All the beautiful crafts are no longer made. I am afraid that this will be the way things are going to go. Love, Vicky

Re: Chopin's favorite piano maker shuts down :(

Sue 1 ·
Thanks for the info Teo, but this is really sad. Like Vicky, I am afraid that all the good things will disappear slowly.

Re: Chopin's favorite piano maker shuts down :(

yoko ·
This is truly sad news. Chopin is one of my favourite composers, and he played and wrote his music using the Pleyel piano. Thank you for sharing the news Teo. Love, yoko

Re: Chopin's favorite piano maker shuts down :(

Inda ·
This is very distressing news Teo. Chopin and a lot of other classical composers loved this Pleyel piano.Too bad that all the beautiful hand crafted items will no longer be appreciated, and soon be gone.

Re: Parade of the Painted Elephants

Inda ·
You are really funny Teo.

Re: Our Living Oceans

Inda ·
Thank you Teo. Let us keep the oceans intact for all the beings who call it their habitat, otherwise all these beings will become extinct. Love, Inda *********** ...So sing one day to all of us The songs you learned in dol-phin lair Giving home to life as all we must And teach us how their grace to share John Denver

Re: Can you tell a Strad violin from a new one?

yoko ·
Thank you Teo, but I cannot get the sound on my computer. I will try again later. yoko

Re: Can you tell a Strad violin from a new one?

Inda ·
Great post Teo. I will go with nr. 2 for the Strad, but I really don't know.

Re: Can you tell a Strad violin from a new one?

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Teo for this puzzle. The more I listen to the various examples, the more confused I become. What a challenge. Do you have the answers? I really want to know. Love, Vicky

Re: Rossini's Duetto Buffo Di Due Gatti

Vicky2 ·
This is so funny Teo. They really look and sound like cats. Thank you for sharing. Love, Vicky The mouse better hurry up and run away!!!

Re: Rossini's Duetto Buffo Di Due Gatti

Inda ·
Thank you Teo. They do look and sound like cats. And you are right Vicky, the mouse better watch out.

Re: Rossini's Duetto Buffo Di Due Gatti

Sue 1 ·
Thank you Teo. This is really funny. Reminds me of the cats that I had so so many years. Love, Sue

Re: Rossini's Duetto Buffo Di Due Gatti

yoko ·
Thank you Teo. This is incredibly funny. Love, yoko

Re: Mother Of The Year (Baltimore)

Vicky2 ·
This is so funny. Thank you for posting Teo.

Re: The air was full of you

Margherita ·
Dear friends, Vicky, Sue, Gisele and Teo, you bless me with your most loving comments. It feels good to be here in this most special place. It is a haven. Love and joy to each of you. Margherita

Re: Can you tell a Strad violin from a new one?

Inda ·
Thank you teo, but I still don't know for sure.

Re: Can you tell a Strad violin from a new one?

Inda ·
Thank you again Teo for the interesting topic. I still do not have the answer, but the Stradivarius has an amazing sound. I have heard a few artists play the genuine Stradivarius and it has truly an amazing sound.

Re: Reaching for the Light

Teo ·
Re: Reaching for the Light

Re: Neolgism jokes like: Frijoles: A church without a collection plate!

Sue 1 ·
I am bursting at the seams Teo Sue County Seat, n. the public rest room on the courthouse square. Despite mind-bogglingly (or perhaps bog-mindingly) expensive attempts to render it immune to assault, it has been inoperable much of its history because, as Bob Dylan sang, "the vandals took the handle." If it had a video surveillance camera, that would be vandalized, too.

Re: Neolgism jokes like: Frijoles: A church without a collection plate!

Vicky2 ·
Thank you for the jokes Teo. I needed to read something funny today Conventional Wisdom, The First Law, [phil.] If an action fails to produce the intended result, you obviously need more of it.

Re: Neolgism jokes like: Frijoles: A church without a collection plate!

Inda ·
Thanks Teo for all the funny post. Something Important, n. usually not very.
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