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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Tagged With "Easy Music Lessons"


Re: Willie Lynch The Making Of A Slave-Watch your language!

Teo ·
Thanks for bringing this topic back!!! Well said Gisele. "So called enlightened" is right! So called HUMANITY! Luckily, we have some rather enlightened souls here @ Givnology... thanks God and Angels!!! Those members in Toronto, Canada, well, you have a special place in my heart. Did you know: York the original name of Toronto, was the first place where slavery was illegal? Niagara Falls was where they could sneak over the border, to St. Catherines the town next door. You can see Toronto...

Re: Imprinted in snow

Teo ·
Hi and heavenly seeing you Bracha (Lilie) !!! What a beautiful magical child dearestest dpm (Dancing Pearly Margherita!) I am soooo glad you have shared these angelic images, and allowed us to say nice things to this beautiful one! Dear little Milo, you look like a very nice baby. Your family seems really wonderful and I wish you the best in your life. May you always know how loved you are, which I know, full well, you certainly are! Thank you for visiting our little treehouse of dear...

Re: I Want to Hold Your Hand=I Want to Scan Your Brain! Ravel's cortexlessness, synesthetic babies...

yogionefromobie ·
Judging by how many freaks there were in the Oberlin Conservatory I'm convinced that there is a physiological component to aberrantly notable talent and genius. They claim Einstein had some neurological differences too that may have explained his ability to jump beyond Newtonian physics and to recognize new and important laws of nature. Einstein was a violinist. Everyone knows about Beethoven's deafness and I know at least three blind musicians (if not mice) who can do amazing things that...

Re: I Want to Hold Your Hand=I Want to Scan Your Brain! Ravel's cortexlessness, synesthetic babies...

Inda ·
Thank youTeo. This topic is very interesting. Thank you for the info regarding the MRI. I knew about Ravel's medical problems, but I did not know that they inspired him to write Bolero. It does go a bit in circles.

Re: Ray Kane, Hawaiian slack-key pioneer has passed away

yoko ·
I remember being in Hawaii reading Ray Kane's full name wondering how I would pronounce it. May he rest in peace. Love, yoko Ray Kane (1925-2008) "This is the music I love. It's the music I've been playing for over sixty years. That's a long time, but I want it to live forever. You know, the music I play is not really my music. It was given to me. All I've done is take care of it while it was my turn and try to make sure the next generation gets...

Re: Ray Kane, Hawaiian slack-key pioneer has passed away

Teo ·
Thank you for this beeeautiful post dearestest Inda! Rest in peace Dear Ray Kane (player of the Hawaiian harp ) From: Ray Kane playing slack-key guitar at home in Nanakuli, O'ahu Photo by Lynn Martin, 1992 Slack-key guitar playing in Hawai'i Pua Sardinia (Gardenia Flower)," composed and performed by Raymond Kane First phrase, 116 kB .AU Complete stanza, 429 kB .AU Spanish and Mexican cowboys who worked on the numerous cattle ranches throughout...

Re: Ray Kane, Hawaiian slack-key pioneer has passed away

Margherita ·
May this Master of beauty rest in peace ... and bless the inhabitants of Celestial Paradise with his music and with his voice. While I am writing I am listening to the samples of amazon. So beautiful! What it must be to hear it on the shores of Hawaii!! What harmony and inner echoes! Love and peace. Margherita Will have to come back here to read more.

Re: Ray Kane, Hawaiian slack-key pioneer has passed away

Vicky2 ·
Sending prayers and peace for the spirit of Ray Kane. He left a beautiful heritage for other generations. May they not forget his gift, and may his music stay alive in the Hawaiian islands. Love, Vicky

Re: Ray Kane, Hawaiian slack-key pioneer has passed away

Sue 1 ·
I have visited Hawaii several times but I was never fortunate enought to hear Ray Kane in concert. Sending prayers. He is now playing his beautiful music with the angels. As Vicky mentioned, may his music remain alive on the Hawaiian islands. Love, Sue.

Re: Ray Kane, Hawaiian slack-key pioneer has passed away

Inda ·
Thank you all for your prayers and thank you Teo for all the information you have posted for us. Ray Kane will continue to play his beautiful music until eternity. Love, Inda *********** Aloha exists beyond motives, desires or opinions. It is sustained by love, fortified by compassion, and it expands in power and beauty as we give it away to all who come into our lives Traditional Hawaiian

Re: Bacon and Eliot on Music and Medicine

Vicky2 ·
Thank you again for the inspiring post Teo. Love, Vicky

Re: With total abandon

Artministrator ·
That is quite a beautiful poem Margherita! You are so kind to us to post it here. Thank you googols. Allow me to take this opportunity to elaborate a few points, for clarity and usefulness. Permesso per favore Margherita is Liebestraum: Inspiration Peak Prayer for Myanmar and China That is the NEW BOARDS at the Peak, the old ones are still linked in our BoardRoom . That has Teo's old topics and lovely replies by Inspiration Peakers. Regarding Teo's embedding the music in this poem. Unlike...

Re: digital music player for classical music

yogionefromobie ·
I don't buy your premise. More accurately you mean that you in particular are "having nightmares" using it for organizing your collections. It's an exceptionally user friendly piece of software and if it's giving you trouble - what isn't? You want something better than i tunes for music collections tailor made? Tell me when you find one. You won't. For starters you can open a running itunes file and with a "get info" command, open a window to add any notes you want and to classify the track...

Re: Embedding YOUTUBE and MPG videos right into posts!

Inda ·
Thank you for this post Teo, and for sharing the information. I was very lucky to have seen and heard Liberace in person, my mom was very fond of his playing and so we went to his concert whenever he came to our city. The music just seemed to flow from his fingers. He was also quite the actor, having great fun showing off his jackets which were lined with every possible sparkling gem.

Re: Embedding YOUTUBE and MPG videos right into posts!

yoko ·
Thank you Teo. I need all the information I can get regarding computers, and what all we can do with them. I never had the luck to see Liberace in person, but I loved his playing and I did watch him on TV whenever it was possible. He was a very good pianist and I enjoyed the type of music that he played. Love, yoko

Re: I will not make a sound

Margherita ·
Dear Vicky, Sue, Inda and Teo, you are as always so very kind with your comments, thank you very much! Hope that the holidays have been wonderful! Dearest Teo, with that smile you are so charming and wouldn't it be simply exciting to have you compose the music to these words! So listen to your muse and create! Thank you all for the broad smiles and also for the spectacular pictures. I do enjoy them very much. …. Must go, I am in the office! Oh, Teo, I loved the poem by Robin Ouzman Hislop.

Re: Schumann's critical antennae - from the book Romantic Music

yoko ·
Thank you Teo. I am faced with quite a challenge to reply to this post. I am quite tempted to get the book 'Romantic Music'. I have always enjoyed classical music and fint this topic very interesting and informative. I will have to spend a little more time digesting all this information. There is quite a lot to absorb here. Love, yoko

Re: Schumann's critical antennae - from the book Romantic Music

Inda ·
Thank you for the tiny little post Teo. This really stretches my brain Now I will give you a short answer I found this on the website listed below. Classical 1750 to 1810 You will want to listen for more defined musical forms. The use of Sonata Allegro form is prevalent in all Classical Instrumental music from concerti to Sonatas to Symphonies to the chamber music. The most common compositional forms during this time were instrumental Sonatas, Concerti and symphonies. Mozart composed an...

Re: Somebody also asked me whether Elise plays better than Beethoven

Sue 1 ·
Thank you for the post Teo. I have never heard Lang Lang play, but I have heard a lot about him. Apparently he is quite a virtuoso pianist. He did play at the Bejing olympics. I understand that China has a great many young classical music students. It is about time that someone starts listening to actual music, and not just deafening noises that inflict pain on your eardrums. Love, Sue

Re: Somebody also asked me whether Elise plays better than Beethoven

Teo ·
What would Chairman Mao think, his great, vast, huge country, will save Classical Music, and perhaps.. even.. capitalism.. he he.. Maybe I had better become Teoteo because another hero of mine is Yoyo! Yoyo-Ma's Silk Road Ensemble is amazing because they truly bring east and west together, and I have seen Yoyo talking to Itzhak Pearlman (spleling?) in the context of he is taking over "carrying on the traditions" of virtuoso classical performance. He was asking Pearlman about how he does...

Re: Somebody also asked me whether Elise plays better than Beethoven

Sue 1 ·
Thank you for the lovely picture Teo. It is wonderful to know that music is back in its highest artform. To be a good musician takes a lot of work and effort, and I know that a great many of the Asian youths will do it. They are very dedicated and very hard workers. Love, Sue

Re: Somebody also asked me whether Elise plays better than Beethoven

yoko ·
This is very funny Teo Thank you. I have Lang Lang's book, and quite a few of his CD's. I truly admire him. I have seen him in concert and love his playing. He gets so very animated and really emotionally involved with the music that he is playing. There are so many talented Asian musicians at the moment, and I am sure that we will see many more in the next few years. Love, yoko

Re: My Love for You

Teo ·
Flower Power! he he.. I guess that dates me, hum? Aaahhhhh dearestest Margherita, look what your amazing love has produced! All of the pictures and messages are so... inspiring! Dear Sue! I guess your dancing cats being.. too friendly some times, now you are having doggies dancing! I love it! Aahhhh may I have this waltz Madame Fleafree? he he.. And even a flower grows! Dear Joie it is a true, pure pleasure to see you ( hear from you? he he..)! I feel like getting all how's Wayne, how's the...

Re: ..the word symphony can be applied to all kinds of structures -Leonard Bernstein

yoko ·
Thank you Teo. This is a very interesting topic, and requires quite a bit of thought. I think that a single answer cannot be found. Yes or No? I don't know. I think that in the far east we will find a lot of new young composers, and they are also interested in keeping the old symphonies alive. I think that it all depends which groups of people will answer these questions. Originally posted by Teo Or, to be more accurate, I can provide far too many answers, all of them possibly true. For each...

Re: ..the word symphony can be applied to all kinds of structures -Leonard Bernstein

Inda ·
Good question Teo. I am afraid that I do not have the answer either. yoko mentioned that there are very many young music students in Asia, and I do believe that they work very hard and take a deep interest in intelligent music. Maybe it will depend on them if the symphony in its present state survives. The same goes for composition. For the moment, let's enjoy the orchestra as it is.

Re: ..the word symphony can be applied to all kinds of structures -Leonard Bernstein

Gisele ·
Very good question. I am not sure that the symphony will disappear completely, but there may be some modifications to its existing structure. As yoko pointed out, we really are depending on the young Asians to keep intelligent music alive. Ther seem to be quite a number of excellent Asian musicians emerging on the wold's classical music scene. Sincerely, Gisele

Re: ..the word symphony can be applied to all kinds of structures -Leonard Bernstein

Vicky2 ·
Thank you for the post Teo. I really don't know what will happen. This is a very changing world, but then we also have many different cultures and people interested in many different types of music. Love, Vicky

Re: Morning Concert

Vicky2 ·
I always loved this poem, I am sure we could create some very powerful music for it. Love, Vicky

Re: Slow Down

Inda ·
Have you ever watched kids On a merry-go-round? Or listened to the rain Slapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight? Or gazed at the sun into the fading night? You better slow down. Don’t dance so fast. Time is short. The music won’t last. Do you run through each day On the fly? When you ask How are you? Do you hear the reply? When the day is done Do you lie in your bed With the next hundred chores Running through your head? You’d better slow down Don’t dance so fast.

Re: Bachground sound

Inda ·
Thank you for sharing the beautiful music Teo. I am happy that my computer has speakers so that I can enjoy the relaxing sound as I am replying to this post. Music resembles poetry, in each are nameless graces which no methods teach, And which a master-hand alone can reach. Alexander Pope

Re: Bachground sound

yoko ·
Thank you for posting Teo. Like Inda, I am enjoying the background music while I am replying to your post. The sound is wonderfully relaxing and soothing, just what I need after a busy day. Love, yoko

Re: Bachground sound

Gisele ·
Thank you for the wonderful music Teo. This is exactly what I like to listen to. Sincerely, Gisele

Re: Bachground sound

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Teo. I really enjoy the music, and thank goodness we have our speakers working again. Love, Vicky

Re: Bachground sound

Sue 1 ·
Thank you Teo. The music is lovely. Bach doesn't look as if he is enjoying it...hahaha. Maybe he is missing the piano which hasn't been invented yet. Love, Sue

Re: Bachground sound

Margherita ·
Beautiful, dear Teo! You put me into a creative mood with this music. Thank you for your sharing. Love, Margherita

Re: Classic Autumn Poetry

Sue 1 ·
To Autumn John Keats (1820) Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run; To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells With a sweet kernel; to set budding more, And still more, later flowers for the bees, Until they think warm days will never cease, For Summer has...

Re: Beautiful Colors of Autumn

Inda ·
"Have you ever noticed a tree standing naked against the sky, How beautiful it is? All its branches are outlined, and in its nakedness There is a poem, there is a song. Every leaf is gone and it is waiting for the spring. When the spring comes, it again fills the tree with The music of many leaves, Which in due season fall and are blown away. And this is the way of life." - Krishnamurti

Re: Winter Poetry

Inda ·
"Have you ever noticed a tree standing naked against the sky, How beautiful it is? All its branches are outlined, and in its nakedness There is a poem, there is a song. Every leaf is gone and it is waiting for the spring. When the spring comes, it again fills the tree with The music of many leaves, Which in due season fall and are blown away. And this is the way of life." - Krishnamurti


Margherita ·
I imagine you sitting there being one with music ...


Teo ·
Aahhhhhhhh.. yes, I was! So lovely I forgot to be here! You are all such great friends! I don't even mind another notch, another ring around my trunk - he he.. Love and *LIGHT* *BEING* , Teo Do (Love You!)

Re: Teo Has Published a Music Book

yoko ·
Congratulations Teo. This is wonderful news. The book must be very inspiring to musicians who would like to keep music alive. Love, yoko I just found your beautiful book at Amazon, and here is the image

Re: Teo Has Published a Music Book

Teo ·
Very nice thing to say, thank you Yoko! Thanks googols dearestestest Inda (I looooove the picture too!) for sharing the good news! It is quite a lot of work getting it all around, and often a thankless job. You all are the wind beneath my wings, and thanks ever so! I put the link to the publisher where you can buy it on most Givnology pages, I'm thinking I should change that to Amazon.. but I haven't put any sound samples or a real preview up there so maybe I should leave the link...

Re: Teo Has Published a Music Book

Vicky2 ·
Congratulations Teo. We have a copy of your beautiful book in the office. I cannot read music, but I am enjoying the story of your ancestors, as well as the poems by Margherita and Eric. Love, Vicky

Re: Teo Has Published a Music Book

Sue 1 ·
Congratulations and best wishes Teo. Like Vicky, I do not read music but I am enjoying your family history and the poetry. I am sure that a lot of musicians will love your book. The cover of the book with your grandmother's picture is lovely.

Re: Teo Has Published a Music Book

Inda ·
We have a cipy of this lovely book in the office, and it is available now from Amazon and Barnes &Noble. As Sue and Vicky mentioned, if you cannot read music, the story about the ancestors and the poems are very nice. Love, Inda **********

Re: Classic Spring Poems

Inda ·
Thank you yoko for all your input. You have been busy. Spring Poem ~ Rumi The Music We Are Did you hear that winter’s over? The basil and the carnations cannot control their laughter. The nightingale, back from his wandering, has been made singing master over the birds. The trees reach out their congratulations. The soul goes dancing through the king’s doorway. Anemones blush because they have seen the rose naked. Spring, the only fair judge, walks in the courtroom, and several December...

Re: The Scent of Lilacs

Vicky2 ·
You are right yoko, there is definitely a wonderful scent of lilacs in the air. Love, Vicky Lilacsby Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Lilacs, False blue, White, Purple, Color of lilac, Your great puffs of flowers Are everywhere in this my New England. Among your heart-shaped leaves Orange orioles hop like music-box birds and sing Their little weak soft songs; In the crooks of your branches The bright eyes of song sparrows sitting on spotted eggs Peer restlessly through the light and shadow Of all ...


yoko ·
MOUNTAIN-ROSE PETALS FALLING, FALLING, FALLING NOW ... WATERFALL MUSIC Basho Yellow rose petals Thunder - A waterfall. Basho

Re: Classic Summer Poems

Inda ·
...As the shadows deepen under the tomal trees, and the dusk gathers on the river-banks; when the milkmaids, while crossing the turbulent water, tremble with fear; and loud peacocks, with tails outspread, dance in the forest, he watchers the summer clouds. When the April night is sweet as a fresh-blown flower, he disappears in the forest with a peacock's plume in his hair; the swing ropes are twined with flowers on the branches; the south wind throbs with music, and the merry shepherd boys...

Re: Off-topic posts moved to this area, have fun!

WarAhamBhak (Guest) ·
Yevgenya Lepskaya's school of music will provide you with proper education service for your child: piano teaching, guitar learning, music scale learning, and music theory learning. We will glad to see you at 10 Main Street Park Ridge, Illinois.
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