Tagged With "Help to Learn Improvising&Improvisat"
Re: The Challenge of the Highest Self
Thank you Teo for the enlightening message. We can learn to let go of hatred and fear. We can rest in forgiveness, love and peace; yet to sustain love we must cultivate and strengthen the natural compa*sion within us. ****************** Love, Inda
Re: The Challenge of the Highest Self
Thanks for sharing Wayne Dyer's message Teo. We all need to use a bit of intelligence in these times, and not get anger, disappointment anf frustration control our lives, making us bitter and whining people. __________________________ Refuse to defend yourself to anyone or anything on the earth plane. You must learn to stay within your higher energy pattern regardless of what goes before you in the material world. This means that you become like an unknown sage who refuses to lock horns with...
Re: Lioness Goddess Sekhmet brings forth Ra
Thank you Teo. I have enjoyed reading this post. Ancient Egypt has always inspired me. We have a lot to learn from this great civilization. Too bad that it came to an end; but as always, all good things come to an end. Hopefully to be replaced, at some point in time, with something equally good. Sincerely, Gisele
Re: Finding Unconditional Love
Dear Inda, I had printed this out the other day and I have read it again now ... with an open heart I absorb this light-filled message. Thank you for sharing Paramahansa Yogananda's words. I bow to his wisdom. We are here to learn this divine truth ... and in some special sublime moments we know we are able to LIVE LOVE in this way. Sending out love and joy to all of you, my dear friends. Margherita Paramahansa Yogananda ...pure Love
Re: New Year's Prayer
Dear Inda, I will join you in praying for the victims and their families in Asia. Before the New Year, I would like to share these beutiful words to all our friends. Honor the Ending (by Melody Beattie) The journey of a year is drawing to a close. Cherish the moments, all of them, even the ups and downs. Cherish the places you've visited, the people you've seen. Say good-bye to those whose journeys have called them someplace else. Know you can always call them back by thinking loving...
Re: Stress Relief, Improve Your Senses and other quotes from Dale Power's site.
Thank you for sharing the "Common Sense" Teo. And thank you for the link.
Re: One of the best ways of becoming wealthy
Welcome to Givnology ESZ! ONE of the best ways of becoming wealthy, though not a very popular one, is doing a good job, working hard, and being thrifty with your earnings! I am reminded how Arjuna, the oldest of the Pandava brothers in the Bhagavad Gita Hindu text, by stupidly betting away their kingdom, later in the years they were exiled in the jungle he had to learn to be the best at cards and gambling tricks! The universe sometimes seems one giant irony. As long as no-one bets away the...
Re: Agni Yoga
Welcome to Givnology A.k.M! Thank you for sharing this very interesting link as well! This here: I find veeeery interesting! All of the sections sound great, I'll investigate further...The following is from the Glossary, only the "A's!" Thanks googols AkM-an! he he.. Love and light being, Teo Do
Re: For Snickers
If A Dog Were Your Teacher You would learn important things like: * When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. * Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. * Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. * When it's in your best interest -- practice obedience. * Let others know when they've invaded your territory. * Take naps and stretch before rising. * Run, romp, and play daily. * Thrive on attention and let people touch you. * Avoid...
Re: Make Your Choices
Thanks dear Inda! *BEING POSITIVE* Love and LIGHT BEING , Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, Soul....)
Re: GIVNOLOGY UPGRADE SOON!: Use email to log in.
lol Looks like we were both determined to get here! I kept forgetting to use my e-mail. Oh well, I guess old habits die hard. But let me bang my head on a wall a few times and I do learn. Beam me up, Teo, I'm ready to fly again. Having fun with change
Re: On Children
Thank you for posting these wonderful words of Gibran. When I think of my own daughter, I cannot help but recognize how much I have been blessed by having her in my life and having the opportunity to teach and to learn. Somewhere on my shelf is 'the prophet.' I think I need to pull it out and re-read it. Love and blessings to you always Inda, Joie
I love these too. Gosh, I'll have to study up on my new dig. camera from my girls--to take pix like these and learn how to upload them into these forums. Thank You, Bless you... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Barbara Only the pure in heart shall see God.
Re: What the great poets and artists can do
Dear Lilie, Thank you for sharing this message of wisdom and beauty. We are here to gather knowledge and wisdom, what better place than Givnology! May we all learn how to recognize beauty in all of existence. Love, Inda Artist: David Griffin
Re: Tantra Is
Thank you SeaAira, We do as best as we can. We are here to learn. Thank you for taking part in the lesson. I don't know much about the subject either, but Margherita has really enlightened me. Thank you Teo for starting the topic, there is much to learn. Love, Inda
Re: For Snickers
You would learn important things like: * When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. * Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. * Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. * When it's in your best interest -- practice obedience. * Let others know when they've invaded your territory. * Take naps and stretch before rising. * Run, romp, and play daily. * Thrive on attention and let people touch you. * Avoid biting, when a simple growl...
Re: The Wealth you Desire
Thank you. Very wise message. Sometimes I wish I had pursued the Goddess of Wisdom a little more when I was younger. But, I guess its never too late to learn as much as possible. Sue
Re: The Wealth you Desire
Thank you. This message is very wise. It is always good to get as much knowledge as possible, about anything at all. It is always good to learn about yourself, the work skills that you need and about other people and life itself. Vicky
Re: A story with roots in the world of dreams
Blue dawn - Wisdom flowing from the Source Thank you again Lilie, Inda, Sue and Vicky for your loving words. When last night I read a few of Eric's beautiful poems, I came across this one and I was reminded of another of my mother's gifts ... To see (Eric P. McCarty - from "A thousand sighs - Prayer visions of the beloved) And before the seed has yet to be planted - the tree has blossomed within the eye that lives beyond the reach of time. My mother had the incredible gift to see "beyond...
Re: A story with roots in the world of dreams
That prayer is so beautiful, Inda Here a poem by Rumi: In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art
Re: A story with roots in the world of dreams
Dear Lilie, This IS a dream...so beautiful! ******************************* The way of love is not a subtle argument. The door there is devastation. Birds make great sky-circles of their freedom. How do they learn it? They fall, and falling The're given wings. ~ Rumi *********
Re: Plurality of our being
Dear Teo, Thank you for sharing the wisdom. May human beings learn to set aside the ego and realize that you and I are really similar and alike.I, You, We are really all "One." The ego has given our physical bodies many roles to play like I, the mother, I the wife, I the artist, I the teacher, I the carpenter etc... The soul recognizes only the light within that is love. Love continues to work far out of sight of the ego and it permeates all things. May we all return to a state of innocence...
Re: Slowing Down the Aging Process
Lilie, sweetheart, your words are so sad and I feel an urge to reach out to hug you. I know that life can be extremely difficult, especially when we carry with us experiences of childhood. I guess through the picture you posted ... maybe you were a lonely girl, or there was little sunshine in your heart. And then in Sweden it is really also true, that melancholy is more diffused than in Southern countries, where there is more sunshine. I think for myself it has been important to live in a...
Re: Oliver
Dear Sue, nice to know that Ollie is fine. Lilie and Ollie sounds good, they will learn to co-exist in the same space, but it is absolutely normal that Lilie is jealous of the newcomer. Probably you will have to spend some time with them together, playing or talking to both, they just have to understand that they are loved. Good luck and plenty of joy with Ollie and Lilie! Love, Margherita Two cats by Darcy Daniell
Re: When I close my eyes
<table border=8 background=http://members.aol.com/freezedried/leonardo/images/lv05.jpg><tr><td background=http://members.aol.com/freezedried/leonardo/images/lv05.jpg> <blockquote><font size=+1 color=purple face=sand>[i][b]<blink> When I close my eyes I discover many truths deep within my soul </blink>[/b][/i]</font></td></tr></table> The only strange thing about doing this in these discussions is this: Instead of having to use...
Re: A story with roots in the world of dreams
Oh yes, dear Lilie, we should learn from the cats to be patient and trusting, when we wait for something or someone! Have a beautiful Sunday, dear. It's quite lonely in here and I am glad you came in. Love, Margherita
Re: Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
Thank you dear Inda for sharing. I am not very much acquainted with Indian divinities and I am glad to learn something more. I remember Eric's poem "Ode to Shiva". My world is shattered by your touch - I am a thousand broken pieces flying in your wind. You carry me to places unknown...yet haunt familiar to my soul. We have flown this way before. The touch that destroys is my salvation. The wind that carries...is your love. I fall to your touch. And rise...reborn to your wind. by Eric P.
Re: Triamazikamno - sacred law of 3
Teilhard De Chardin the French Paleontologist a jesuit scholar who subscribed to the theories of evolution and who nearly was excommunicated for his beliefs, described evolution as taking three forms: Diversification, Synthesis, and Groping. Existing life forms tend to split from their norms and create new diversified ways of operating; Or differing groups with difference modes of survival within a species can learn from each other and by sharing information assimilate the behavior of their...
Re: How to put music in your post
Thank you for sharing this Teo. Now I have a lot more to learn. Vicky
Re: Zen or Mahayana Buddhism asserts that enlightenment can be attained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition rather than through faith and devotion and that is practiced mainly in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
This nice little topic has now eliminated confusion,conflict and insanity from my brain. Thank you for the short but very informative reply Teo.
Re: Zen or Mahayana Buddhism asserts that enlightenment can be attained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition rather than through faith and devotion and that is practiced mainly in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
My goodness Teo. What a long reply. Here is a little bit of your reply . we must eliminate from the mind the culturally and existentially Indoctrinated, illusionary concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, Ugly and beautiful, great and inferior, etc. we must eliminate from the mind all value, moral and ethical Judgements. in time our entire being will be at one with reality. the need will no longer exist to differentiate judgementally Between this and that. values, morals and ethics do not...
Re: Zen or Mahayana Buddhism asserts that enlightenment can be attained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition rather than through faith and devotion and that is practiced mainly in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
Thank you Teo for this very interesting and very long topic. Obviously some situations are harder than others; there’s no doubt about it, some situations are harder than others. But nonetheless from a Buddhist point of view, in any situation, no matter how extreme, it is possible to let go, be present, and experience existence beyond suffering in that moment. Even though we may suffer deeply in that moment on a personal level.
Re: Zen or Mahayana Buddhism asserts that enlightenment can be attained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition rather than through faith and devotion and that is practiced mainly in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
but we need to be able to be aware within our actions and to let go of the desire to impose what we believe is right on others. Nice little post. Thank you Teo. It is very informative.
Re: Zen or Mahayana Buddhism asserts that enlightenment can be attained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition rather than through faith and devotion and that is practiced mainly in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
It’s something that reveals itself in practice. It’s always there, glimpsed in moments. And with time those moments can come more often. They can be a source of inspiration in your life. You’ll always have work to do from the point of view of Zen. There’s never a kind of moment that suddenly everything is OK forever. As long as you’re alive there will be problems, which are both sources of suffering and opportunities for awareness. But the moments of letting go that come in practice are a...
Re: Zen or Mahayana Buddhism asserts that enlightenment can be attained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition rather than through faith and devotion and that is practiced mainly in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
Dearestestest friends, I'm so glad you liked this post and what wonderful replies! I realized while looking for something completely else that I had this writing on Zen, I'll paste it below. Love, peace and chicken grease, Teom Thirty minutes to enlightenment the demystification of zen a definitive guide to the realization of nirvana. a post cultural, post existential, zen encounter. the following zen encounter has been written to enlighten you to The cause of human suffering and conflict...
Re: Prayer for new board
All the prayers and well wishes are very touching, and worthy of this beautiful site. Sending many congratulations and good wishes to this knoledge-giving and sharing site. I am deeply grateful for being able to come here and participate, and learn with so many wonderful beings. Many thanks, Christina
Re: How to Settle Our Differences
Thank you. I hope that we will stop having wars. Maybe we can learn to talk instead of killing each other all over the world. Vicky
Re: How to Settle Our Differences
I am pleased to learn you feel this way. with a strong united vision of an ideal One World society I think we have a great chance of shaping such a future. some visions I hold (although how to acheive them I will leave up to God ): no corporate crime intermixed with govt. dealings. a fair and balanced media with more focus on real news and not what is handed to them from PR people with some corporate agenda. I want to see REAL investigative reporting. earth-friendly energy policies and...
Re: Posts, poems, prayers, positivity
AMEN! You are right, dear Teo. We need a island of peace! Unless we learn to not let ourselves be influenced by all the bad and horrifying news, indeed it is better to limit the bombardment by them. The strongest faith can shake, if you only concentrate on negative events. However the best thing we can do is taking notice of bad news and trying to neutralize them and send out healing energy to that person or situation. This needs power, power of faith. My husband, who "absorbs" a lot of news...
Re: The fourth way - the four bodies
Hello again Teo! My reading material is piling up!! Thanks for all this info. Haven't really got to know everything about my one body, now I need to learn about all four?? It's interesting stuff, though. Thank you. Sue
Re: The winged heart
Thank you so very much. This text is a translation from the Swedish original. By all the encouragement from all of you, I have started to more and more trust this creatives side of myself....now writing a lot of poems on Swedish sites..and they like it! Teo, I would love to learn from you Thank you again
Re: How to put images behind text
Look at Margherita's "When I Close My Eyes," I used her picture and text as examples. Hey, we all know "No great things are simple." So it's not that big of a deal.. he he.. what I mean to show you in THIS reply here is, just look at a post you wish to learn from. DPM, Karima, JC, for example, I'll make a table and background HERE in this reply, so if you want to see how, just click the quote icon and lookie! My successes are here Now there's no fear All that I want and I need It comes to...
Re: Holy Wholeness - a work in progress
Each section will have 3 functions, indented differently (you see that I work from outline in). My idea is now this: Each section will have a) quotes, poems, sayings that impart it's wisdom, b) practical exercises that allow one to manifest the wisdom of that section, c) writings and commentary on that section. For example, the Obrahmtala section might have something like: Sayings: The all experiencing itself is wrapping around to view itself being the seen seeing the seer. Mind your wants...
Re: Holy Wholeness - a work in progress
(1) Obrahmtala Sayings: The all experiencing itself is wrapping around to view itself being the seen seeing the seer. Mind your wants because someone wants your mind. When you are at the precipice before the highest, careful to not look down! "Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter." The unified field, the conscious all, can never be described in words because as soon as you name (and claim) it, it will move on as a necessity of itself's function of being unknowable. Practices:...
Re: Holy Wholeness - a work in progress
(1) Obrahmtala Words: The all experiencing itself is wrapping around to view itself being the seen seeing the seer. Mind your wants because someone wants your mind. When you are at the precipice before the highest, careful to not look down! "Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter." The unified field, the conscious all, can never be described in words because as soon as you name (and claim) it, it will move on as a necessity of itself's function of being unknowable. Actions:...
Re: Peace Priest - Atari Global Peace software
I am not well informed abut computers either, my friend is helping me with my posts, but thank you for sharing. I will learn...eventually. Gisele
Re: A Native American Indian Prayer
Native American Prayer for Peace O Great Spirit of our Ancestors, I raise my pipe to you. To your messengers the four winds, and to Mother Earth who provides for your children. Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect, and to be kind to each other so that they may grow with peace in mind. Let us learn to share all good things that you provide for us on this Earth. Love to all, Sandy For a few days there I couldn't reply. Everything showed up really really tiny and I kept...
Re: The Healing Power of Coffee
Dear Inda, Thanks for the information. I seem to learn something new here every day. I love the smell of fresh brewed coffee. Along with a cinnamon roll it is heavenly! Have a coffee-happy week! Love, Barbara
Re: The Wolf, Goat and Cabbage
Absotivelutely! I remember the tests where monkeys were in a room with boxes, and a banana way high, the smart monkey could stack the boxes and get it. I read all these metaspiropsychobabble books, but sometimes I think that there is a good lesson, hopefully we can learn to stack our boxes, or carry our groceries safely! First trip would have to be goat. Second trip either fox or cabbage, but the key to the whole thing that isn't put in the instructions is: he takes the cabbage back on this...