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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Tagged With "Hare Krishna"


Re: Sun Salutation

yogionefromobie ·
Hi Friends. It took me a few seconds to see that you do have the breaths included - the IN and OUT and IN + OUT in the posture with the eight points of contact - "Butt up." They are good drawings. The Cobra can be and often is done alternatively with the Swan (Hamsasana). The difference is that in the Cobra the arch is from the head to the solar plexus. And in the Swan the arch is all the way down to your hips. If you imagine straightening the arms from the position as shown in the Cobra...

Re: Mirabai

Artministrator ·
Truly beautiful post dear Inda and all! from: Mirabai / Meerabai (c.1498-aft.1550) Because of her late date and her social status, more is known about Mirabai than about earlier Indian women poets. She was born in Rajasthan to a Rajput noble family, and was married in about 1516 to the heir-apparent of the ruler of Mewar. Her husband died before he could attain the throne, and he left no heir. In 1527, the Rajputs opposed a Muslim invasion from...

Re: Bowl of Saki

Inda ·
Lord Shri Krishna says: I am the same to all beings. I favor none, and I hate none. But those who worship Me devotedly, they live in Me, and I in them.

Re: Full awareness in order to meditate

dattaswami ·
TRUE ESSENCE OF YOGA Divine discourse of H.H. Sri DATTA SWAMI Yoga is the most prestigious field of spiritualism. People think about 6 wheels (Chakras) or lotus flowers present in the spinal card, which are not seen by the eyes. They are imaginary and so they carry some inner meaning. When you say a face as a moon, fools search for moon in that face. But, wise people see similarity in the face and moon. Similarly, wheels and lotus flowers should not be searched in the spinal card. Spinal...

Development of various religions

Teo ·
On such surviving fragments which, in recent times, have strangely inspired them, and from which with thier bob-tailed Reason they have borrowed ideas for inventing their newer and ever newer religious teachings, there were based five religions which...

Ancient symbols of eyes explained

Teo ·
The Left Eye of Heru symbolizes the "Power of the God of Light." It implies that one has attained all of the qualities as personified by Horus, that we have vanquished the enemies of Osiris (ignorance, egoism, selfishness, disharmony, mental...

Astrological origins of Christmas-are you Sirius?

Teo · In the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice occurs around December 21st, when the Sun is at its greatest distance below the celestial equator. The Vernal Equinox occurs around March 21st when the sun...

Stepping out of the creatura and entering the plemora.. the imperishable Brahma

Teo ·
They could sit back and watch the play as if they were God himself. In fact they could blend with God for God, the Supreme Brahma, was present in all of his creations. God was the Higher Self, the Atman. Human beings, by freeing themselves from the...

CD Notes: Soulsa

Teo ·

Black Evolutionary - all the intensity of "Revolutionary" but softer, more natural! EVOLUTIONARY

Teo ·
Welcome, this forum explains UNIDIVERSITY, MULTIITE, TRADIGITAL, CAREFULFILL and other out-of-the-box ideas brought to you by Givnology Wellness Arts so lets get being more well, artistic and giving! As Afro-Centric as I am, having played in West African High Life All Stars, Ira Del Caribe, Zulu Spear and many other multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-stylistic bands and playing multi-keyboards, singing, dancing, interacting, writing song-lists and so on.. I feel its my duty to share back...

Re: Black Evolutionary - all the intensity of "Revolutionary" but softer, more natural! EVOLUTIONARY

Sue 1 ·
Thanks for sharing this fun music Teo. Very enjoyable.
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