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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Tagged With "Krishna Consciousness"


Re: Our Living Oceans

Sue 1 ·
1. Mind Your Carbon Footprint and Reduce Energy Consumption Reduce the effects of climate change on the ocean by leaving the car at home when you can and being conscious of your energy use at home and work. A few things you can do to get started today: Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs, take the stairs, and bundle up or use a fan to avoid oversetting your thermostat. 2. Make Safe, Sustainable Seafood Choices Global fish populations are rapidly being depleted due to demand, loss of...

Re: Harmony With Nature

Sue 1 ·
It is very often difficult to accept people and things that differ with our own ideas. We need to make a conscious effort to accept that things are as they ought to be. We also need to like ourselves, no matter what our thoughts and deeds have been. Love, Sue

Re: Japanese Classic Writing

yoko ·
Thank you all for joining me in my post. Zeami, a famous Noh author, in his play Izutzu, some verses: "A boy and a girl, the children of two men who traveled over the countryside, used to play together beside a well. As they grew up, they both felt rather self-conscious about continuing the old relationship, but the boy had set his heart on marrying the girl, and she was determined that she would be his wife, and refused to agree when her father tried to betroth her to someone else. The boy...

Re: Brainy Animals

Margherita ·
Thank you so much dear Inda for this post. I am certain that these beautiful animals and others too are at a high position of evolution. I firmly believe that they also have a soul and will continue to exist consciously on another level after death. My deepest hope is that people may respect animals (and all life), in order not to hurt them. We should allow them to build a relationship of mutual respect and love with their co-inhabitants of planet Earth, with US humans, who in so many cases...

Re: Imprinted in snow

Teo ·
Beautiful! Thank you for imprinting your heavens in us! Love and snowy-white-light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, Soul....)

Re: Happy Meals

Inda ·
Dear yoko, Thank you for this post. I am very often guilty of eating my lunch fast, without even knowing or thinking about what I am eating. I will give my meal a conscious thought from now on. I do try to eat healthy dinners and serve them as presentable as possible. Please go ahead and use any of our old images; there are many nice pictures stored away in the old posts and it is nice to bring them out again. Love, Inda

Re: "The Story" quote from Michelle (LionKing, Forest)

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Teo. I missed this original and very intereswtying post. Love, Vicky

Re: Shadows

Vicky2 ·
Dear Barbara, many thanks, wherever you are. Love, Vicky

Re: Imprinted in snow

Inda ·
Thank you again Margherita, for the lovely words.

Re: Happy American Thanksgiving

Vicky2 ·
Thank you, Father, for having created us and given us to each other in the human family. Thank you for being with us in all our joys and sorrows, for your comfort in our sadness, your companionship in our loneliness. Thank you for yesterday, today, tomorrow and for the whole of our lives. Thank you for friends, for health and for grace. May we live this and every day conscious of all that has been given to us. From The Catholic Prayer Book , compiled by Msgr. Michael Buckley HAPPY AMERICAN...

Re: Self quest

Margherita ·
Wow POP! Conscious breathing brings surprising gifts! You are too cute, dear starry sky! Love you, Margherita

Re: I Just Called to Say I Love You

Francois ·
Thanks for all your comments. I like Stevie Wonder too! I was pulling into a parking space and this song came on the radio, and I just had to listen to it... Good thing I was conscious of being seen... other wise I would have sung out loud! Don't know what it is about this song but I get misty eyed when I hear it and picture Sandi.....

Re: Poems by Kabir

Inda ·
Between the Poles of the Conscious Between the poles of the conscious and the unconscious, there has the mind made a swing: Thereon hang all beings and all worlds, and that swing never ceases its sway. Millions of beings are there: the sun and the moon in their courses are there: Millions of ages pass, and the swing goes on. All swing! the sky and the earth and the air and the water; and the Lord Himself taking form: And the sight of this has made Kabîr a servant. - Kabir

Re: Poems by Kabir

Sue 1 ·
I have been thinking Are you looking for me? There's a moon in my body My body and my mind The bhakti path O servant where dost thou seek me O friend Do not go to the garden of flowers Tell me brother The Swan Flies away Abode of the Beloved I said to this wanting creature inside me Within this Earthen Vessel Between the Poles of the Conscious The Light of the Sun Kabir Poems II Songs of Kabir Songs of Kabir 20-40 Hafiz Vivekananda Blake Lord Buddha Mirabai Lao Tzu ... My body and my...

Re: Remembering John Denver

yogionefromobie ·
I love the videos that John Denver made up in Alaska with his friend with the plane and the remote living situation. PBS plays it from time to time. The music is well recorded and the imagery works wonderfully with the message of his lyrics. I've not been to Alaska I am Ayurvedically a "hot" person. My favorite computer "game" is Austin Meyers X-Plane which has Glasairs and numerous other small aircraft that you can simulate in flight and that work realistically. My understanding is that...

Re: Self betterment, self empowerment, self awareness growing

Barbara ·
Dear Inda, This is very revealing. Made me think that there is truly a difference in being self conscious and having conscious awareness of THE SELF(GOD). He even knows the numbers of hairs on our heads--such a close relationship we can have with our Creator. Filled with Blessings... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~BARBARA We are living Miracles....

Re: Shadows

Teo ·
So true Barbara! Breathing in the glory. Breathing out the glory. Shadows dissapear in the light! May we all "be quiet and still feeling the Living Intgelligence within flowing through our conscious mind, revealing to us everything we need to know." Amen. Love life n light, Teo --------------- May you find yourself in the world, and may you enjoy the company.

Re: A story with roots in the world of dreams

Inda ·
Suddenly all this water and the turtles have made me dream of dolphins. ************************** ...Your arms are violin bows Always moving. I have become very conscious upon Whom we all play. Thus my eyes have filled with warm Soft oceans of divine music Where jeweled dolphins dance Then leap into this World. ~ Hafiz

Re: Collective conscious, subconscious and unconscious

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Teo. Let us all be conscious and do things that are good for everyone and good for the Earth. Let us not join those that are unconscious and miss the reason for being here. Vicky

Re: On Being Less

Margherita ·
Dissolving into each other, collapsing into each other .....fearless, yes I can relate to this, I have experienced it and I was conscious that I had gone far, pointing to the stars. It's like dying to ourselves and rebirthing into something far greater, totally detached from ego. Weightless, without any limits, expanding, not witholding anything. There is nothing and no one we can possess, by flowing freely into each other we give and receive contemporaneously and this merging makes us aware...

Re: Holy Wholeness - a work in progress

Teo ·
Each section will have 3 functions, indented differently (you see that I work from outline in). My idea is now this: Each section will have a) quotes, poems, sayings that impart it's wisdom, b) practical exercises that allow one to manifest the wisdom of that section, c) writings and commentary on that section. For example, the Obrahmtala section might have something like: Sayings: The all experiencing itself is wrapping around to view itself being the seen seeing the seer. Mind your wants...

Re: Holy Wholeness - a work in progress

Teo ·
(1) Obrahmtala Sayings: The all experiencing itself is wrapping around to view itself being the seen seeing the seer. Mind your wants because someone wants your mind. When you are at the precipice before the highest, careful to not look down! "Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter." The unified field, the conscious all, can never be described in words because as soon as you name (and claim) it, it will move on as a necessity of itself's function of being unknowable. Practices:...

Re: Holy Wholeness - a work in progress

Teo ·
(1) Obrahmtala Words: The all experiencing itself is wrapping around to view itself being the seen seeing the seer. Mind your wants because someone wants your mind. When you are at the precipice before the highest, careful to not look down! "Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter." The unified field, the conscious all, can never be described in words because as soon as you name (and claim) it, it will move on as a necessity of itself's function of being unknowable. Actions:...

Re: The Art of Slowing Down

Sue 1 ·
Thanks for the reminder. I find myself constantly on a treadmill. I will make a conscious effort to slow down and experience what life is all about before it slips away. Thank you for the beautiful pictures Margherita. Sue

Re: Happy is up, sad is down! -Verticality from George Lakoff

Inda ·

Re: On attainment

Teo ·
Wow I find this soooo interesting Staranza Nutty-Buddy Sylvie! Talking about nothing again... My uncle Paul Warwick and aunt Jenny used to run Chugyam Trungpta's meditation center where people would come to meditate for a weekend, literally. Trungpta's book I read first was: "Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism." Think of what the title means for a minute. Do you remember that YOGALYMPICS post a few years ago where the yogi was yelling at the others: "I am more enlightened than you!" what...

Re: Lucid Dreaming (book, pen and light handy, dated-page to write&remember)

losgann ·
Thanks for the reminder, Teo. It's been a while since I have done any lucid dreaming and it's time to get back into it. The first time around it was a gift during a period of change in my spiritual life. And I had some particularly vivid dreams during that time. It was an incredible experience. I guess this time I will have to make a conscious effort.

Re: Ascension Science: Astronauts of the soul

Inda ·
Thank you for sharing Teo. I enjoyed your reply Nick. ************************** "The kingdom of God is within." --Luke 17:21 The crown opens as the ego stops resisting; we allow powerful energy to flow up through our heads. We have moved well beyond the cycle of struggle. Heaven is where we are. Our bodies move closer to the frequency of light (ascension). "Lightness of Heart equals lightness of body. Aim for the moon. Miss and become a star."...




Barbara ·
THE SHADOWS FLEE AWAY Be quiet and still feeling the Living Intgelligence within flowing through our conscious mind, revealing to us everything we need to know. There is only one mind; use it and go forward in the light, moving from glory to glory...

Higher state of being

Teo ·
There are several states of consciousness: sleep, in which our machine still functions but at very low pressure. waking state, as we are at this moment. what is called self-consciousness. It is the moment when a man is aware both of himself and of his...

enrichment, of ever deeper and more encompassing levels of one’s own self

Teo ·
Thus, to give just a few very brief and general examples, the aim of psychoanalysis and most forms of conventional psychotherapy is to heal the radical split between the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche so that a person is put in touch...

"Animated automaton" - Gurdjieff quote

Teo ·
Every one of you is a rather uninteresting example of an animated automaton. You think that a "soul," and even a "spirit," is necessary to do what you do and live as you live. But perhaps it is enough to have a key for winding up the spring of your...

The terror of infinity -P.D. Ouspensky

Teo ·
The world is one - but the means of perceiving it are different. And with imperfect means of perception it is impossible to penetrate into that which is accessible only to the perfect. Attempts with the logic of the phenomenal world to penetrate in...

"The Story" quote from Michelle (LionKing, Forest)

Teo ·
Our whole ego system is a story and we fail to live in reality, the here-now, because we believe these stories. An innocent remark, a gesture, a photo, meeting someone, a look and a hundred different things could trigger your story. The story is the...

Evidence of UFO's Finally Emerges

Topaz ·
This was given by ETs to a pilot in France for dissemination to the world. I have answered YES! Change The World. Decide Whether We Should Show Up. Whoever transmitted this translated message to you is irrelevant, and should remain anonymous in your...

Collective conscious, subconscious and unconscious

Teo ·
Dear friends, Carl Jung sort of started the "collective consciousness" idea, it integrates well into the "unified field" theories, and is a great thing to ponder. Collective subconscious: this would be things that collectivelly are "under" or sub- eh?...

Happy is up, sad is down! -Verticality from George Lakoff

Teo ·
HAPPY IS UP; SAD IS DOWN I'm feeling up . That boosted my spirits. My spirits rose . You're in high spirits. Thinking about her always gives me a lift . I'm feeling down . I'm depressed . He's really low these days. I fell into a depression. My spirits sank . Physical basis: Drooping posture typically goes along with sadness and depression, erect posture with a positive emotional state. CONSCIOUS IS UP; UNCONSCIOUS IS DOWN Get up . Wake up . I'm up already. He rises early in the morning. He...

Create a new, empirically responsible philosophy - Philosophy In The Flesh, George Lakoff

Teo ·
p11 Why "Cognative" Unconscious? The term cognative has two very different meanings, which can sometimes create confusion. In cognative science, the term cognative is used for any kind of mental operation or structure that can be studied in precise...

Construct images with intangibles-from The Memory Book

Teo ·
To repeat, you do have to use a bit of imagination, and the more often you form conscious associations, the easier it will become because you will be improving your imaginatioin as you improve your memory. As Aristotle explained in De anima, quote:...

Creative visualization is one of the most important tools we have for creating and maintaining good health

Teo ·
From: here quote: Close your eyes, close out sound as best you can, and picture yourself in a quiet, restful place from your memory. Maybe it's a beach, a certain sunset, a mountain retreat or a park bench. If you cannot honestly recall one, create a...

Ascension Science: Astronauts of the soul

Teo · quote: From: Ascension Science Astronauts of the soul ascend upwards by nurturing themselves as much as they would love a helpless babe. The body feels increasingly light and the mind...

Schumann's critical antennae - from the book Romantic Music

Teo ·
Romantic Music @ Amazon Books Chapter 2, Shadow and stimulus: the move away from Classicism It is a good deal easier to proclaim that the galant and Classical masters were not primarily Romantics than it is to distinguish what is Romantin in their music from what is not. There are nevertheless certain unmistakable signs of features too disruptive, or too imprecise, to be suitable for full exploitation within Classicism itself. Reference has already been made to the empfindsamer Stil of...

Tomorrow you’ll die – elimination of fear of death in 3 days

debbielorina ·
Death is an illusion. Death is actually an interval between two states or planes of consciousness. Matter is neither created nor destroyed; it only changes form. Death is therefore a Change or transformation, which is essential for the renewal of...

Merge of dualities – your way to the kingdom of God

lewisbrane1415 ·
“When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one... then you will enter the kingdom [of God]." The Gospel of Thomas Dualities exist only in our mind and nowhere else. There is no separation or conflict in the Universe, and what we perceive as separation exists only because of a mental “charge,” which keeps dualities at a distance from...

Treatment of skin diseases and acne

debbielorina ·
Master’s Solution: Treatment of skin diseases and acne Use our natural acne and skin disease treatment subconscious instruction to help to clear your skin; remove your spots and zits and gain your confidence back. Do you suffer from spots, zits,...

Spiritual & Inspirational web sites-enough links for three lifetimes

Artministrator · Spiritual & Inspirational Web Sites Site Name: The Tree of The Golden Light Site Description: Site of Nancy Tate. Messages of Peace, cooperation in Light and...

Imprinted in snow

Margherita ·
Imprinted in snow Cold thin air and self-conscious laughter left us breathless and with hurting chests as we conquered the quiet top of the hill hand in hand exchanging energy waves our footprint designs revealing to the skies our secret intentions,...

Re: How consciousness becomes intelligence-Deepak Chopra quote

Inda ·
Thank you Teo. Great post ******************* Being in touch with your needs is the most powerful way to be in touch with where your inner intelligence is heading at any given moment. This attentiveness makes a conscious person, someone who is evolving along lines no one else will exactly duplicate, not even the greatest of masters. Our pure awareness is already whole, already healed. If we feel divided inside, the solution is to bring ourselves back to wholeness. Consciousness is its own...

Re: Wash Your Hands

yoko ·
Thank you for the information. This is a very valuable topic. To maintain good hygiene, hands should always be washed after using the toilet, changing a diaper, tending to someone who is sick, or handling raw meat, fish, or poultry. Hands should also be washed before eating, handling or cooking food. Conventionally, the use of soap and warm running water and the washing of all surfaces thoroughly, including under fingernails is seen as necessary. One should rub wet, soapy hands together...
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