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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Tagged With "Latin America"


Re: Edutainment: Videos with optional captions teaching while entertaining

Vicky2 ·
This is very nice Teo. Thank you for sharing.

Re: Edutainment: Videos with optional captions teaching while entertaining

Sue 1 ·
Sounds very nice. Thank you Teo.

Re: Edutainment: Videos with optional captions teaching while entertaining

Inda ·
Nice video Teo. Thank you for posting it for us to enjoy.

Re: Edutainment: Videos with optional captions teaching while entertaining

yoko ·
Thank you for sharing Teo. This is very nice. I love classical music.

Re: Feathery Astilbes

yoko ·
Thank you for this interesting post, Inda. I see Astilbe growing in many gardens at the moment. They are also found in abundance in Asia. Astilbe native to eastern Asia and North America. They are often grown in gardens for their erect, featherlike flower spikes of white, yellow, pink, magenta, or purple, which rise above clumps of fernlike leaves from mid- to late summer. The temple bell stops but I still hear the sound coming out of the flowers. ~Basho


Inda ·
During her absence, much turmoil occurred back in Hawaii. King Kalakaua died in 1891, and Princess Lydia Liliʻuokalani became Queen. Liliʻuokalani immediately appointed Kaʻiulani as her heir, and Kaʻiulani became the Crown Princess. In 1893, the Hawaiian monarchy was overthrown and the new government attempted to become a part of the United States. The news arrived to Kaʻiulani on January 30, 1893 in a short telegram that said: "'Queen Deposed', 'Monarchy Abrogated', 'Break News to...

Re: What is Wealth

colinwesley ·
A lot of people in America are still struggling in looking for the best highest paying jobs. They are looking for the best jobs in order to pay for their bills. The annual Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans discovered that the net worth of the super-rich has climbed in the last 12 months. The income gap continues to widen, as the middle class recedes. A cash advance can help you pay for things even if you aren’t rich. If you need help with your expenses, you should try availing a cash...

Re: Once I was an Island

Teo ·
That's nice of you to say that Sandy! It's sort of... ALL ONE ... at least to me... in a way... see: Joie used to tell me about the calendars she did, with her photography, Sylvie mentioned some CDs for central america, Eric convinced me to ask poets to help my WellBeingCreativity idea of like, multimedia, and Givnology is the extension from that! Maybe that sounds like a long story, but it's sort of all one little blip, the loving compassionate artistry from the old Chopra boards, still in...

Re: Embedding YOUTUBE and MPG videos right into posts!

yogionefromobie ·
Good Old Liberace. I remember him from live television in New York in the days when Kate Smith The original Fat Lady closed the broadcast day with When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain. When we were small children my sister and I thought Liberace was boss! Oiving Boilin may have written God Bless America for Kate Smith - but nobody great or small does John Philip Souza better than the Muppets. Happy Independence day. No offense intended to our neighbors to the north south east and west. ...

Re: ..the word symphony can be applied to all kinds of structures -Leonard Bernstein

Gisele ·
This is quite alarming information Inda. I think that in Continental Europe the situation is not quite as critical, although their economy is at a very low point as well. Now I live in North America, and personally enjoy the symphony very much. I still try to go as often as I can afford to go, even if I get an inexpensive or last minute seat. Sincerely, Gisele

Re: Dharma-the virtuous path

Teo ·
Thank you for the insightful post dearestest Yoko! My mind is filled with too many ways that I want to answer this! I guess firstly I have to agree that we have too much. It's like you have a favorite favorite album. Then people give you albums, you buy a bunch, your room is full of albums! Then when you remember your favorite one.. can you even find it? Sometimes having so much actually means you don't have the special things! Secondly, I love the title: "Dharma-the virtuous path".

Re: Albinos in Danger

Inda ·
Thank you for the post Sue. I read about it in the newspaper, and this is absolutely shocking. What is the matter with human beings? With all the technology we have available to us we are de-evolving instead of evolving. ********************************************************* This article was in the Globe and Mail newspaper tis morning: Mr. Ash, a 44-year-old B.C. businessman who himself has albinism, is trying to change all of this. He has spent $1-million in a campaign against the albino...

Re: smudging

dvdtoiphoneconverter (Guest) ·
Hello, How is going. I like because I learned a lot here. Now it's time for me to pay back. The reason I want to post this guide on this of is to help people solve the same problem. Please contact me if it is off topic here. This is the guide, hope it would help you. A DVD movie/DVD video backup/copy program copy dvd software, dvd to dvd copy. My 3 years old son has a special interest in cartoons. is especially his favorite. I just can't understand why kids keep...

Re: Flying Somewhere

Vicky2 ·
I think that we need to remember this post at this time of the year. Many people will be flying to warmer climates this time of the year. Sometimes it might not be worth the hassle, and it is better to stay at home. We have had very bad weather right across North America and many flights have been cancelled and delayed. Stay at home!!!!

Re: The Magic of Winter

Inda ·
And here is another little creature that blends in with the winter white. Widely distributed across northern North America and Eurasia, ermines are most abundant in thickets, woodlands, and semi-timbered areas.

Re: Happy American Thanksgiving

Sue 1 ·

Re: Create a new, empirically responsible philosophy - Philosophy In The Flesh, George Lakoff

Inda ·
Thank you for the tiny little interesting post Teo Cognitive Science Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence, embracing philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology. Its intellectual origins are in the mid-1950s when researchers in several fields began to develop theories of mind based on complex representations and computational procedures. Its organizational origins are in the mid-1970s when the Cognitive...

Re: The Beauty of Trees

Vicky2 ·
The coconut palm tree grows in hot areas. It likes frost free areas, and grows in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Pacific region. The tree grows near seas in these areas so the roots can find moisture. In the United States it is found only in Hawaii, the Southern tip of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.Coconuts have supplied some families from the Pacific with shelter, food, drinks, and many of their other needs. The roots supplies's a dye and the trunks are used to...

Re: I Have A Dream

Sue 1 ·
Adding my prayers for Coretta Scott King. She brought kindness and compassion to America. Love, Sue

Re: Rufous Hummingbird

Vicky2 ·
What a fascinating little bird. The result of the experiment that the scietists did is quite amazing. Photos © Dan True Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus) Often described as "feisty," the Rufous may have the ideal size-to-weight ratio among North American hummingbirds. This bird outflies all other species, and usually gets its way at feeders at the expense of slower, less-maneuverable hummers. The Rufous has the longest migration route of all US hummingbirds. Physical Description Average...

Re: Goddess

Inda ·
Yemaya When the people of Africa were enslaved and brought to the Caribbean Islands and South America, they held on to their love of Yemeya, Goddess of the Sea, Womb of Creation. She kept their spirits alive in the horrible conditions of slavery. In music, celebration, ritual and song, Yemeya lives in the hearts of the people. From: The Book of Goddesses by Nancy Blair Yemaya gives healing and hope in despair. Allow yourself to be touched by the healing energy of the beloved Goddess Yemaya.

Re: Native American Prayer

Gisele ·
I have had a chance to be in close contact with many native Americans and so have become interested in their history and customs. Did you know before the white men from Europe arrived in America, more than 500 tribes, about 22 million people inhabited what is the United States, not to mentiuon the rest of America. Gisele

Re: CD Notes: Soulsa

Vicky2 ·
That looks like a very interesting CD. Thank you for sharing. I love the cover.

Re: CD Notes: Soulsa

Sue 1 ·
Nice looking CD Teo. Thank you Teo for posting it on Givnology.

Re: CD Notes: Soulsa

Inda ·
Thanks teo for sharing.

Re: CD Notes: Soulsa

Teo ·
Re: CD Notes: Soulsa

Re: Weapons of mass destruction - a joke

Teo ·
Did you read the rest of the error page dear Inda? It says: Peace in the Middle East Peace in the World Inner Peace Peace You can't force peace , only show it .


Inda ·
Mesopotamia and Its Art More than 4,000 years ago the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers began to teem with life--first the Sumerian, then the Babylonian, Assyrian, Chaldean, and Persian empires. Here too excavations have unearthed evidence of great skill and artistry. From Sumeria have come examples of fine works in marble, diorite, hammered gold, and lapis lazuli. Of the many portraits produced in this area, some of the best are those of Gudea, ruler of Lagash. Babylonian and...

Re: Interesting Architectural Structures

Inda ·
Iolani Palace Hawai'is Royal palace. Official residence of King Kalakaua and Queen Lili'uokalani, the last Monarchs of Hawai'i, 1882-1893 This is the only royal palace in the United States of America.

Re: Elizabeth Barrett Browning

losgann ·
Hey, I was hoping she would answer!!! That's okay, Razi, I doubt that schools in Pakistan teach many classic English poets. On the other hand, they probably teach literature that we don't know about here in North America. By the way, who wrote those beautiful poems you posted? Or have you been holding out on me and not telling me that you write poetry? Well, talk to you later. Namaste



Happy All Hallows Eve!

Margherita ·
History and Customs of Halloween ( ) Halloween is celebrated annually. But just how and when did this peculiar custom originate? Is it, as some claim, a kind of demon worship? Or is it just a harmless vestige...

The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye

Teo ·
quote: From Brian Oblivion in the movie Videodrome [qb]The battle for the mind of north america will be fought in the video arena, the video drome. The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye. Therefore the television screen is part of the physical sturcture of the brain, therefore whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it, therefore television is reality, and reality is less than television.[/qb] One of my favorite movies, so funny...

The Mayan Calendar: The World Will Not End

Teo ·
quote: Originally posted by waynewilson: The Mayan Calendar: The World Will Not End Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam...

From joy all creatures are born, by joy they are sustained, toward joy they progress…

Teo ·
From love the world is born, by love it is sustained, toward love it moves, and into love it enters. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) is widely considered the greatest influence in modern Indian literature. In his native land of Bengal-which is known...

Happy Halloween

Inda ·
From: quote: Pumpkin carving is a popular part of modern America's Halloween celebration. Come October, pumpkins can be found everywhere in the country from doorsteps to dinner tables....

CD Notes: Soulsa

Teo ·

Edutainment: Videos with optional captions teaching while entertaining

Teo ·
All videos there: Turn on Captions / Subtitles

Benefits of Avocado

Inda ·
Avocado Considered to be an almost complete food – so much so that in certain parts of the world babies are weaned using mashed avocado. Native to Central America and has been cultivated for thousands of years, they are rich in potassium and...

The Scent of Lilacs

Inda ·
Lilacs have an advantage over many ornamental shrubs in being extremely tough, adaptable and undemanding. Lilac is not a native to North America, but international horticulturists agree that the lilac grows to a height of perfection in Canada and the...

Dance of the Planets

Inda ·
Picture and information from the "Toronto Star"Nov.29,2008. A rare moment in the dance of the planets brings Jupiter and Venus in close proximity this week. A third event-the moon passing close by-will take place on Monday, December 1, 2008. Viewers...

Finding Your Cup of Tea

Sue 1 ·
From Canadian health and lifestyle winter 2008/09 Second only to water, tea is the world's most consumed drink. Tea provides us with natural fluoride, manganese, potassium, calcium and vitamins B1, B2, B6 and folic acid. Find your own cup of tea....

Homo Sapiens Teenager Consumerensis-species discovered by Robert Bateman

Teo ·
For the last few decades we have been conducting an interesting social experiment in North America. We have been working on the creation of a new variety of human being I will call homo sapiens teenager consumerensis. This being has been cultivated...

Some Butter is Good

Sue 1 ·
For millennia, people around the globe have prized butter for its health benefits. So how did butter become a villain in the quest for good health? At the turn of our century, heart disease in America was rare. By 1960, it was our number one killer....

Fat people is increasing day by day

franziska ·
The Affordable Care Act will change the costing health care and improve the gross domestic product or GDP other America let's look at the cost to the Affordable Care Act on a per American basis at 940 billion dollars paid out over 10 years with more...

Tiny Nectar Eating Bat

Inda ·
Most of this information comes from "National Geographic",March 2014. There is a nectar-drinking bat and a night flowering vine whose lives intertwine in Central America. There is a tiny winged bat whose body is no bigger than your thumb, laps nectar...

Lunar Eclipse 2014

Inda ·
The moon took on a blood-red hue early Tuesday morning on April 14, 2014, during the first total lunar eclipse. This was a celestial site that vowed millions of stargazers across North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. Photo by Tyler...

Thyme Herb

Inda ·
© Copyright The International Herb Association Presents National Herb Week 1997 NATIONAL HERB WEEK 1997 A LITTLE THYME GOES A LONG WAY (A "thymely" Fact Sheet) By Michael Bettler, Chairman, National Herb Week 1997 THYME (Thymus) has been chosen...

National Service Dogs

Inda ·
National Service Dogs is a non-profit, registered charity dedicated to enriching the quality of life and enhancing the independence of children and families living with autism and special needs. National Service Dogs is the only facility that focuses...


Inda · ARTAges- History of Sculpture --- Sculpture, like other arts, is a record of human experience. From earliest times to our own day, sculpture records experiences that range from wars and worship to the simplest...
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