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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Tagged With "quantified self"


Re: I was already afraid of huge trucks.. now no driver???

yoko ·
Self driving cars are totally scary. I don't want to be near any of them.

Re: Dreams After Death

Inda ·
One hour of earth caressed by heaven's fragrance, Long faded from the earthly memory now, When soul encircled soul among the smiling roses, As vesper sunbeams bathed your virgin brow. One hour which reached the crest of every rapture, In which Life's sea had wearied of every storm, When breathed the very essence of your virgin passion, From out the halo of your hallowed form. All words were mute-the soul had met the spirit, I pressed no kiss but wrapt my life in yours, And soul with soul we...

Re: What is Wealth

Sue 1 ·
Spiritual wealth is something much more significant than material wealth. It is the route to pure happiness. But how can a person cultivate a sense of spiritual wealth? It’s simple enough to become materially wealthy, but spiritual wealth is something different. It takes patience, self-discipline, and strength to become a spiritually wealthy person. I think I missed this interesting post. Thank you Inda

Re: Transformation

yoko ·
Thank you for this wisdom. There is a chain of transformation through which the Self persists. I am happy to be in a human body for this time, as I have been in the past and will be again in the future. I am content to be in a limitless succession of different forms. Why then should I fear death? It is the beginning of my next period of contentment. ~Chuang Tzu ------------ Love, yoko

Re: Reaching for the Light

Teo ·
Re: Reaching for the Light

Re: Controlling your health one thought at a time

Inda ·
Thank you Teo. What about 'Integrated Medicine', this is being taught in a lot of medical schools? What is Integrated Medicine? Integrated Medicine couples the latest scientific advances with the most profound insights of ancient healing systems, giving you the best ways to preserve health, increase longevity and speed recovery from illness. Integrated Medicine is a revolutionary approach to healing people — not just treating diseases — using the unique tool called person-centered diagnosis.

Re: Harmony With Nature

Teo ·
Amen and Awomen! You KNOW I truly LOOOVE This post! "Rings my bell!" Thanks dear Inda for starting it! Beautiful images all! Love and *LIGHT BEING*, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Far....)

Re: Charistics of creative people - Dr. Deepak Chopra

Vicky2 ·
Thank you for this nice post Teo, and the pictures of Dr. Deepak Chopra.

Re: Japanese Classic Writing

yoko ·
Thank you all for joining me in my post. Zeami, a famous Noh author, in his play Izutzu, some verses: "A boy and a girl, the children of two men who traveled over the countryside, used to play together beside a well. As they grew up, they both felt rather self-conscious about continuing the old relationship, but the boy had set his heart on marrying the girl, and she was determined that she would be his wife, and refused to agree when her father tried to betroth her to someone else. The boy...

Re: Ayurveda, Samhita, 5 elements, my notes on Simon's book

Vicky2 ·
Thank you for sharing the information on Dr. Simon's book. It is very interesting and I will look out for the book. Love, Vicky From the book: All Ayurvedic interventions are ultimately intended to transform object referral into self-referral, and to restore the memory of wholeness.

Re: On the "law of attraction"

Teo ·
Wow! Such juicy, meaty concersation! Thank you ever so, dear Staranza Nutty Buddy Sylvie for starting this topic/forum/discussion, and .. yum yum.. allow me to dive in! It is soooo great to hear/read "the most beautiful and fun experiences are happening..." yay of yays! hey danebe, you are a gem and now you are just experiencing yourself! Let me back up, to the topic heading. Attraction. Like magnetism - often the key is BE WHAT YOU WISH, it'll simply resonate, gravitate, harmonize and...

Re: Tapping messages on the wall of my cell

Inda ·
We all have a shadow self that is a part of our total reality. The shadow is not here to hurt you but to point out where you are incomplete. When the shadow is embraced, it can be healed. When it is healed, it turns into love. When you can live with all your opposite qualities, you will be living your total self as a wizard. The Way of the Wizard Deepak Chopra

Re: Imprinted in snow

Teo ·
Beautiful! Thank you for imprinting your heavens in us! Love and snowy-white-light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, Soul....)

Re: enrichment, of ever deeper and more encompassing levels of one’s own self

Vicky2 ·
Thank you Teo. I missed this very interesting post. Love, Vicky

Re: Charistics of creative people - Dr. Deepak Chopra

Vicky2 ·
This is a very good reminder. Thank you Teo. Love, Vicky quote: Creative people have the following characteristics: They are able to enjoy SILENCE. They connect with and enjoy NATURE. They trust their FEELINGS. They can enjoy and function in the midst of CHAOS and CONFUSION. They are CHILDLIKE. They are SELF-REFERRAL. They are not rigidly attached to any POINT OF VIEW.

Re: Something on a lighter note..God has a sense of humor

Vicky2 ·
This is priceless. The chocolate box is looking at me, now I really do need all the help I can get.

Re: Description of Wealth

Teo ·
YOU are our wealth, dear Givnologists, dear Sue! Especially considering Inda's point! Well said! ... Weal said? he he.. another approach from OK! Enough money!!

Re: Daydreaming and Other Mental Exercises are Good for You

Vicky2 ·
Thank you again for this topic Inda. I will try to remember these valuable points. Daydream Collect positive emotional moments. Learn ways to cope with negative thoughts. Emotional Support. Self-esteem and confidence. Realistic attitude. Mental agility. Exercise. Do one thing at a time. Enjoy hobbies. Set personal goals. Love, Vicky

Re: digital music player for classical music

yogionefromobie ·
I don't buy your premise. More accurately you mean that you in particular are "having nightmares" using it for organizing your collections. It's an exceptionally user friendly piece of software and if it's giving you trouble - what isn't? You want something better than i tunes for music collections tailor made? Tell me when you find one. You won't. For starters you can open a running itunes file and with a "get info" command, open a window to add any notes you want and to classify the track...

Re: Many Disguises

Vicky2 ·
This is the first post in this category. This is very inspiring. Our ego does create a lot of personalities for us. It is a very good question who we really are? Love, Vicky

Re: Now And Zen: Reflect on your original nature...

Inda ·
Thank you Teo. Like Sue, I need to go back to eternity to find out what my original nature is. The brain needs to take a long walk stretch “If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.”....Zen quote A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao Tzu Zen: Seeing into one's own nature. Hui-neng Alas! the world is full of enormous lights and mysteries, and man shuts them from himself with one small hand!....Zen Quote by Baal Shem Tov. The unreal is more...

Re: Love Poems

Sue 1 ·
This post is very appropriate for St.Valentine,s day which is here very soon. Thank you Inda. Love by Samuel Taylor Coleridge And in Life's noisiest hour, There whispers still the ceaseless Love of Thee, The heart's Self-solace and soliloquy. You mould my Hopes, you fashion me within ; And to the leading Love-throb in the Heart Thro' all my Being, thro' my pulse's beat ; You lie in all my many Thoughts, like Light, Like the fair light of Dawn, or summer Eve On rippling Stream, or...

Re: Classic Spring Poems

Inda ·
Spring Blossom Kabir Spring blossoms — the cherry blossom, plum blossom, peach blossom — suddenly appear on seemingly dead branches, heralds of the coming spring. They represent the gentle, almost unnoticed flowering of enlightenment, the surprisingly quiet recognition of the Buddha-mind. These spring blossoms appear only after the hard, lonely winter of meditation and spiritual practice, yet when they peek forth, their appearance is natural, effortless. Spring blossoms are the new life that...

Re: Pure Consciousness

Sue 1 ·
Thank you Inda for the post.

Re: smudging

riltdrypelp (Guest) ·
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Re: smudging

jalliasia (Guest) ·
What's up , my name is Doris It is such a awesome forum which you have here, keep up the excellent work . I would like to share one of the tips from my blog with you, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Blogging Tip # 3: Put The Reader In Thoughts. At the time you write, you have to don't forget that you just aren't writing for your self, but you will be writing...

Re: Find the Life You Really Want

Vicky2 ·
Thank you yoko for the informative post. Love, Vicky

Re: Benefits of Walking

Alven Pitt ·
There are many benefits of walking such as: # It deflects diabetes # It lowers high blood pressure # Help you handle stress # Helps you sleep better # Improves your self esteem etc... I also do walking daily and I enjoy doing it.

Re: Benefits of Walking

RexFarrales ·
Walking is the best way to keep your self fit and fine as it is considered as one of the best exercise...Also there are many other benefits of walking which are already mentioned above...

Re: No longer posting samples of music - it is now built into Givnology

Sue 1 ·
Thanks Teo. Almost 6 years later. I don't know why we did not see this post??? I like Quotes to Live by. Quotes to live by: Mind your wants, because somebody wants your mind Your Dogma chases my Karma, but my Karma runs over your Dogma Once you stop wanting it, it will appear The Inner Self is the Highest thing to Devote to May you find yourself in the world, and may you enjoy the company Wherever you go, there you are Why do you think they're called Programming Departments (TV, Radio,...

Re: Mind- Set Affects Health

Vicky2 ·
Thank you again yoko for this very interesting topic. It gives me something to think about. Love, Vicky The power of imagination and self-suggestion have been documented in most cultures for thousand of years, with the use of witchcraft and sorcery. Both claim to use supernatural or magical powers, such magic spells, curses or magic potions, to influence people either favorably or adversely. Such potions and spells work almost certainly...

Re: I express my faith through prayer

Inda ·
Thank you Vicky for bringing back this very early post. My soul can lead me to healing. I will become one with my true self. The Deeper Wound, Deepak Chopra

Re: Classic Spring Poems

Inda ·
And he looked upon that one, and there was in his voice a sound like a star singing, and he said: "In your waking dream, when you are hushed and listening to your deeper self, your thoughts, like snowflakes, fall and flutter and garment all the sounds of your spaces with white silence. 'And what are weaking dreams but clouds that bud and blossom on the sky-tree of your heart? And what are your thoughts but the petals which the winds of your heart scatter upon the hills and its fields....

Re: Classic Spring Poems

Inda ·
Where Spring, the lord of the seasons, reigneth, there the Unstruck Music sounds of itself, there the streams of light flow in all directions; Few are the men who can cross to that shore! There, where millions of Krishnas stand with hands folded, Where millions of Vishnus bow their heads, Where millions of Brahmas are reading the Vedas, Where millions of Shivas are lost in contemplation. Where millions of Indras dwell in the sky, Where the demi-gods and the munis are outnumbered, Where...

Re: Reaching for the Light

Inda ·
Re: Reaching for the Light

Re: Imprinted in snow

Inda ·
Thank you again Margherita, for the lovely words.

Re: Transformation

Vicky2 ·
Re: Transformation

Re: Harmony With Nature

Vicky2 ·
This is the wisdom of all love and all power. The way of all love revolves around total acceptance for all. This includes self acceptance and the acceptance of others. When one has acquired total acceptance it will be easy to know inner peace. With inner peace there will be more happiness, even in times of change. Most people will not even try to grasp the wisdom of living in harmony with nature, or, of total acceptance and inner peace.

Re: Pure Consciousness

Vicky2 ·
That pure consciousness Which is the all-knowing, indwelling Self Is neither born nor does it die. It did not originate from anything, Nor has it ever become anything. Unborn, undying, constant - It lives when the body dies. Those who think it can be deastroyed Or that it destroys - Neither of them knows. For the Self does not destroy Nor can it e destroyed... ~ From the Katha Upanishad

Re: Pure Consciousness

yoko ·
Just as the sun Sees the world by its own light And yet remains free from its darkness, So the Self, The inner being of all beings, Remains free from the sorrows Of that in which it is embodied. There is only one Power - And it is that which is in the hearts of all. Who knows this to be true Gains eternal peace. ~ From the Katha Upanishad Nice thread. thank you Inda for staring it. Somehow I had missed this post as well.

Re: Pure Consciousness

Sue 1 ·
For the Self does not destroy Nor can it e destroyed... May all the victims of terrorism at peace.

Re: Pure Consciousness

Vicky2 ·
That pure consciousness Which is the all-knowing, indwelling Self Is neither born nor does it die. It did not originate from anything, Nor has it ever become anything. Unborn, undying, constant - It lives when the body dies. Those who think it can be deastroyed Or that it destroys - Neither of them knows. For the Self does not destroy Nor can it be destroyed... ~ From the Katha Upanishad

Re: River of tears

Inda ·
River of tears A river of tears threatens my mood of cheerfulness. Heavy tides of sorrow splash against my mind. In vain I fight to cling to the light. I am a grain of sand tumbling in swirls of torment. Atop thoughts of death, a memory flows reminding me of times when I was a rock, withstanding waves of poison towering menacingly against my certainty. I take a new breath willing myself back into divine consciousness. I tame the agony by one single glance holding all the strength and all the...

Re: Slowing Down the Aging Process

Inda ·
We can prepare for stress by learning some self-management tips. What is stress? Each person responds to stress in a different way, but too much stress can lead to health problems. Stress is the body's natural defense against predators and danger. It flushes the body with hormones to prepare systems to evade or confront danger. This is known as the "fight-or-flight" mechanism. When we are faced with a challenge, part of our response is...

Re: Controlling your health one thought at a time

Inda ·
Our search to understand the true nature of the self has long engaged science and religion in a tug of war, but as studies examining the health benefits of prayer and meditation continue to emerge, their collaboration seems obvious for a holistic approach to life. Advances in neurobiology and medicine allow us to delve into the inner workings of the brain to find answers to our age-old questions. Doctors and clergy work hand in hand toward patients’ well-being. Many medical schools offer...

Re: Abundance is a state of mine

yoko ·
At just about any point in time, one could say to one's self: "I could be doing so much better, having so much more!" and at that exact time there are so many people who wish that they had as much as you! There is always more to be had, always less too! Be thankful! Count your blessings, not your failings! Thank you Teo.

Re: Something on a lighter note..God has a sense of humor

Vicky2 ·
Originally posted by JOTI Dear Lord, So far today , I am doing all right. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or self-indulgent. I have not whined, complained, cursed, or eaten any chocolate. I have charged nothing on my credit card. But I will be getting out of bed in a minute, and I think that I will really need your help then....... Thank you for sharing this Teo. We need something on a lighter note to get us throug all this corona shut-down. Just...

Re: Abundance is a state of mine

Vicky2 ·
Thank you again Teo, this is very appropriate at the moment. At just about any point in time, one could say to one's self: "I could be doing so much better, having so much more!" and at that exact time there are so many people who wish that they had as much as you! There is always more to be had, always less too! Be thankful! Count your blessings, not your failings!

Re: Incomparable You

stephen (Guest) ·
It is the spires of belltowers The spirit of loving freedom Cascades the self into sharing. A handshake A morning smile A bidding of good-day. It is in the sphere of influence The kindness of everydays moments Profess the feeling of belonging. A ... stephen

Re: The Challenge of the Highest Self

Inda ·
Thank you Teo for the enlightening message. We can learn to let go of hatred and fear. We can rest in forgiveness, love and peace; yet to sustain love we must cultivate and strengthen the natural compa*sion within us. ****************** Love, Inda
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