Dearestestest friends, I'm so glad you liked this post and what wonderful replies! I realized while looking for something completely else that I had this writing on Zen, I'll paste it below.
Love, peace and chicken grease,
Thirty minutes to enlightenment
the demystification of zen
a definitive guide to the realization of nirvana.
a post cultural, post existential, zen encounter.
the following zen encounter has been written to enlighten you to
The cause of human suffering and conflict and will explain how you can
Eliminate that cause from the mind.
chapter contents
(1) the tao
(2) zen
(3) enlightenment and satori
(4) nirvana
(5) the cause of human suffering and conflict
(6) the ego and super-ego
(7) sensual perception
(8) love and hate
(9) the centered mind
(10) freedom from desire
(11) the book of genesis
(12) the christ spirit within
(13) the four noble truths
(14) the aquarian age and the biblical millennium
(15) perfect-less-ness
(16) therefore
(17) in conclusion
the "tao"
the chinese word tao is used in an attempt to identify by name
That nameless energy-substance we call physical and non-physical
Reality in all of its manifestations, both known and unknown.
that which we call the tao exists with or without our
Experiential perception, affirmation or negation of it and exists
Aside from any conceptual vocabulary describing it.
separated mentally from it, we call it the tao, eden or reality.
Reunited with it, there is no need.
the way to being psychologically at one with the tao can be known
And stated. The tao itself can only be experienced.
the way for the mind to be once again at one with the tao is not
Difficult. Only our lack of desire for the truth concerning the cause
Of human suffering and conflict and how to eliminate that cause from
The mind, keeps us from it.
those who know the way, point directly to the truth of the matter
And do so namelessly.
it must first be understood that zen is a means to psychological
Transformation and not a religion.
zen is the teaching that identifies and eliminates the "gateless"
Gates that psychologically exist between the schizophrenic, cultural-
Existential mind, and a state of mind at one with the tao, called
zen does not represent nirvana, nor the tao, but represents the
Means to be at one with those ends. Zen is the method of travel,
Nirvana the destination.
zen consists of two parts. They are "enlightenment" and
"satori", enlightenment being the necessary ingredient for the
Realization of satori. If there is no enlightenment, there can be no
Satori and consequently no nirvana.
enlightenment and satori
the word "enlightenment", as used in this text, is to know of
Human suffering and conflict, to know its cause, and how to eliminate
That cause from the mind.
the word "satori, as used, is the consequence of this
Enlightenment and is our affirmative commitment to eliminate from the
Mind, the cause of confusion, conflict and insanity, once known, and
The relative time necessary to do so.
if the reason for committing ourselves to eliminating the cause
Of suffering from the mind is out of compassion for our own suffering
Or for our own gains, we will experience a pseudo-satori, which is
Pretentious and no satori at all. If the reason for our commitment is
Out of compassion for all suffering, of which our own suffering is but
A part, and for no personal gains, our satori is.
"eliminating the cause of suffering and conflict from the mind"
Is accomplished the same way we would eliminate any unwanted habitual
Activity. When the habitual response occurs, we must discipline
Ourselves to correct that response each time it happens. In time
There will be no habit to correct.
it must be understood by all involved in zen, that satori is a
Private, personal matter and must remain so. Satori must never be
Bragged about or demanded of others. Your satori, or lack of it, is
No ones business.
nirvana is a state of mind free of the causes of human suffering
And conflict, is the consequence of enlightenment and satori, and is
Mind at one with the tao. Nirvana is mind unencumbered by evaluation,
Comparison and discrimination. It is a mind peacefully at one with
All things. This non-judgemental mind is one of sensual experience
Of, and spontaneous participation in the tao.
the cause of human suffering and conflict
the cause of human suffering and conflict is our commitment to
The illusions we call values, morals and ethics.
values, morals and ethics do not exist outside of our cultural-
Existential minds. They do not exist in reality and are therefore a
Figment of our culturally and existentially indoctrinated imagination.
We believe or think values exist when in fact they do not. This
Describes the schizophrenic mind. The schizophrenic mind is separated
From reality and centered in unreality or what psychologists call
Fantasy, believing this fantasy to be real. Cultural/existential
Humanity exists entirely within the framework of illusionary values,
Morals and ethics and is therefore absolutely schizophrenic.
we are either affirmatively committed to the existence of values,
Morals and ethics or we are not. If we are committed to the existence
Of values, morals and ethics, we are schizophrenic and consequently
Insane. If we are not committed to values, morals and ethics, then
Confusion, conflict and insanity are not a part of our psychological
Nature. The term insane is used to describe the personal and social
Actions of the schizophrenic personality.
there can be no conflict without the values of right or wrong
Being offended or defended.
there can be no guilt or repression without the values of right
Or wrong, good or bad having been applied.
there can be no psychological neurosis or psychosis without the
Fears associated with the loss or gain of that valued.
there can be no anxiety without the anticipation or expectation
Concerning future uncertainties about success or failure.
there can be no frustration without a desired goal being
the illusionary concepts of values, morals and ethics exist so
That we may judge, separate and divide, and then pit the one side
Against the other. This enables the persons involved to feel either
Superior or inferior as the case may be. This is the underlying
Motivation for all cultural-existential activity.
due to the divisive and conflicting nature of duality,
Cultural/existential humanity can be described as being not only
Sociopathic (anti-social) in its attitude and response to humankind,
But also psychopathic (aggressively anti-social) much of that time.
since confusion, conflict and insanity are the consequence of our
Commitment to values, morals and ethics, and peace exists when there
Is no confusion, conflict or insanity present, it can be concluded
That peace is the consequence of having no values, no morals and no
if values, morals and ethics are the direct cause of all human
Suffering and conflict and do not exist in the tao/eden/reality, and
If peace and sanity are to be realized, we must refuse to take part in
Their use.
the ego and super-ego
the ego is defined as a primary state of mind, at one with
Reality, having no conscience and is consciously aware of "i am" and
"it is".
the "super-ego" is a secondary state of mind, not existing at
Birth, but originating at the moment of our affirmative commitment to
Values, morals and ethics and only then after intensive
Cultural/existential indoctrination, creates ego conscience, and is
Mind self-consciously aware of "i am more or less than" and "it is
More or less than".
the "ego" perceives reality as it is. The super-ego places
Values, morals and ethics on that perception.
the "super-ego" is the psychological judge, jury and keeper of
Prison of the cultural/existential mind.
the cultural mind and the existential mind are both rooted in
Super-ego function, stated by their values, morals and ethics. The
Difference being, the cultural mind speaks of "our" values and the
Existential mind speaks of "my" values.
the post cultural/existential, reality centered mind speaks of
"no" values.
zen, as represented by enlightenment and satori, is in direct
Opposition of the fascistic/dictatorial control the super-ego has over
The mind of the individual and over the cultural pattern.
zen, as presented, is the mortal enemy of the
Cultural/existential super-ego.
zen, is the mortal enemy of any individual, organization or
Religion committed to the illusion that is values, morals or ethics.
our senses are perceiving reality with mindless perfection. Do
Not miss this sensual excitment by placing value, moral or ethical
Mindfulness in the path of this non-dualistic experience.
see with your eyes, not with your dualistic mind's eye. When our
Illusionary dualistic mind enters, we no longer see things as they are
But as our culturally and existentially indoctrinated, prejudicial
Mind's eye would like them to be.
love and hate
love and hate are the emotional, mental/verbal responses to
Valuableness. First we value, then we love or hate accordingly.
Without value there can be no love or hate. No desire for it. No
Anxiety, frustration or anger because of it.
love is inherently hateful.
the reality centered mind is neither loving nor hateful but is to
The contrary, compassionately understanding of and towards all things.
the centered mind
being neither for this nor against that, the buddha/christ/reality
Mind is absolutely centered and being no longer innocent to the cause
Of human suffering and conflict, cannot be taken from that center.
the illusionary, dualistic, valuistic, cultural/existential mind,
Being for this and against that, is absolutely off center at all
since the cultural/existential mind is off center, the body,
Consequently, is also off center. This is due to the stress created
By neurosis, psychosis, guilt, repression, anxiety, frustration and
Depression, which are the by-products of our value, moral and ethical
as the non-centered mind centers, stress is eliminated, thereby
Centering the body and eliminating the need for stress management.
therefore, do no be concerned with centering the body; be
Concerned with centering the mind. By centering the mind, biological
And mental tranquility will follow.
freedom from desire
we cannot have freedom from the imaginary prison of the cultural-
Existential mind without desiring it, although, paradoxically, the act
Of "desiring" freedom will keep us from being free.
first we value, then we desire that which we value. To eliminate
Desire, we must eliminate from the mind the need to value.
if we desire to be free from the prison of the
Cultural/existential mind, we must not place any importance on the
Means or the end, for to value the means (zen) or the end (nirvana) is
To imprison ourselves hopelessly in desire.
zen, by eliminating value, consequently eliminates desire.
the message in the biblical "book of genesis" as the key to
Individual and social salvation.
it states, "do as you will in the garden of eden, but do not eat
From the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." If we do eat and
Thereby possess the knowledge of good and evil, we will consequently
Psychologically separate ourselves from eden, to suffer and to cause
Suffering to others until we realize the error we have made. Once
Realized, we must refuse to partake of the knowledge of good and evil,
The knowledge of which is the direct and only cause of human suffering
And conflict, thereby realizing eden once again.
this so called "banishment from eden" or "fall from eden through
The "gateless" gates of hell," is in actuality, a psychological break
With reality, with all of the confusion, conflict and insanity,
Clinically associated with the schizophrenic personality.
the christ spirit within
the "second coming of christ" is ourselves as non-dualistic, non-
Judgemental, reality centered minds.
the so called "anti-christ" is none other than christianity
Itself, as expressed through its commitment to illusionary values,
Morals and ethics and any practitioner thereof.
christians, by virtue of their commitment to illusionary values,
Morals and ethics, which are the cause of all human suffering and
Conflict, are either innocently or knowingly doing the work of the
"satanistic" super-ego mind.
belief in christ is irrelevant. That belief only blinds us to
The truth of the matter, which is, "that we are to be the christ which
In essence we already are."
free the christ mind imprisoned within by the "satanistic" super-
the zen teachings of guatama siddhartha-buddha. (the so called
"four noble truths").
(1) to know that cultural/existential humanity suffers and to
Understand the nature of that suffering.
suffering is defined as confusion, conflict and insanity, which
Is neurosis, psychosis, guilt, repression, anxiety, frustration,
Depression, and the biological stress created by them.
(2) to know its cause.
the cause of suffering is our affirmative commitment to
Illusionary duality, which is values, morals and ethics, which is
Good and bad, right and wrong, ugly and beautiful, great and inferior,
(3) to know of its ending.
the end of suffering and conflict is called nirvana, which is
Mind at one with the tao/eden/reality, which is mind free from the
Need for values, morals and ethics and the confusion, conflict and
Insanity created by them.
(4) to know the way thereto.
to know that cultural humanity suffers, to know the cause of that
Suffering and thereby vigorously committing ourselves to eliminate
From the mind, the cause of that suffering, which is our commitment to
Illusionary duality, which is values, morals and ethics.
buddhism, as represented by its commitment to values, morals and
Ethics, is anti-buddha mind.
the "aquarian age" and the "biblical millennium"
the aquarian age is a term used to signify a time of absolute
Peaceful coexistence with self, others and nature.
the millennium is defined as an "age of peace" during which the
"christ mind" is to inhabit the earth.
the definitions for the aquarian age and the biblical millennium,
Are in essence the same.
when the non-dualistic buddha/christ/reality mind is realized,
The aquarian age and millennium will be realized, not before.
the "perfect" non-dualistic mind is neither perfect nor
the "perfect" mind is perfectly indifferent, being neither for
Nor against.
this mind is neither proud nor humble, pure or impure.
the "perfect" mind has nothing to gain, nothing to lose, needs
Nothing added, nothing subtracted.
in reality, not a thing is more or less than perfect.
the buddha mind and the christ mind are "perfect" minds centered
In reality, nothing more, nothing less.
as the foregoing facts are fully understood, we are enlightened.
if we affimatively and aggressively commit ourselves to this
Knowledge, we have experienced satori. Satori is the time spent from
The moment of our commitment to the elimination of all values, morals
And ethics from the mind.
consequently, we are on the path to a mind at one with the tao,
Which is the mind of buddha.
consequently, we are on the path to a mind at one with eden,
Which is the mind of a christ.
consequently, we are on the path to a mind at one with reality,
Free of schizophrenic illusions and the confusion, conflict and
Insanity created by them.
all three minds described, being one and the same mind.
in conclusion
the way to individual and social sanity is not difficult.
only our lack of desire for the truth concerning the cause of
Human suffering and conflict and how to eliminate that cause from the
Mind, keeps us from it.
there is but one path. All others lead to further confusion,
Conflict and insanity.
we must eliminate from the mind the culturally and existentially
Indoctrinated, illusionary concepts of good and bad, right and wrong,
Ugly and beautiful, great and inferior, etc.
we must eliminate from the mind all value, moral and ethical
in time our entire being will be at one with reality.
the need will no longer exist to differentiate judgementally
Between this and that.
values, morals and ethics do not exist in the tao/eden/reality,
So refuse to take part in their use.
follow this path and you walk in absolute peace, the seeds of
Confusion, conflict and insanity having been eliminated.
this is the way and the teaching of zen, which is the way and the
Teaching of the buddhas, the christs, and in time the teaching of
Educational psychologists for the prevention of future schizophrenic
so that others may have the opportunity to read this work, please
Feel free to copy and pass along this information. Your cooperation
Is appreciated. Thank you.
for further communication or information contact
zen encounters
west east
box 282 alikakos
roslyn, wa 98941 cass, wv 24927
Phone: 509-649-2360 304-456-4200