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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Reply to "You Are the Magic - draft"

You are all SOOOOO sweet! Angel Angel


Fan Typing SystemError

Just for you all I made a music "sequence," just these lyrical parts.. let's hope it works!

Violin CoolDance CoolDance Violin

Here are 2 versions, one with PIANO and VIOLIN SECTION, and one with GUITAR and FLUTE.

Here is another verse, more to come.. I think..

Look, at how you see
not with your eyes

One little cloud
make cloudy skies.

Look - for - the magic

Hear - for - the magic

Look - for - the magic

You - are - the magic

your inner voice

comes from a place
deep inside

magical world

no need to try
be alive

Look - for - the magic

Hear - for - the magic

Look - for - the magic

You - are - the magic


Love n light, Teo Wave2 Wave2 RaisedBrows RaisedBrows Wizard Wizard Colors Colors Cloud9 Cloud9

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

Last edited by Teo
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