Well said Gisele. "So called enlightened" is right! So called HUMANITY!quote:Originally posted by dear Gisele:
May everyone be entitled to their education, and not be left in ignorance; even though, I believe that a lot of the so called enlightened human race is ignorant with all the knowledge that we are supposed to have.
Luckily, we have some rather enlightened souls here @ Givnology... thanks God and Angels!!!

Those members in Toronto, Canada, well, you have a special place in my heart. Did you know:
York the original name of Toronto, was the first place where slavery was illegal?
Niagara Falls was where they could sneak over the border, to St. Catherines the town next door. You can see Toronto from that side of lake Ontario I believe!
Harriet Tubman took over 100 trips down south to rescue slaves, bringing them to (truly enlightened) Ontario.

Telling Torontonians about slavery is like preaching to the choir - they're already awakened beings!

But the truth is just what we've all been focusing on: EDUCATION IS THE KEY!!!

Specifically, smart communication skills are imperitive! Sadly, people say "talking black" is that filth that passes as entertainment nowadays...

I think how Sammy Davis Jr.s song "Candyman" was so sweet.. he he.. and.. what a difference in the popular African-American music of the day huh? SEEMS THEY DROPPED OUT! AAaaahhh... Nat King Cole... Harry Belefonte... the good old daze...
May our sharing of information be fun and helpful. Amen. And so it is.
Love and LIGHT BEING, Teo