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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Reply to "Who do we pray to?"

Sir Asar,

I'm really glad you posted this funny question. It really makes one think! (troooouble! he he..)

I have been so many years aware that the external and the internal of the self are integrally connected, so to me it is not unusual to "project" or "externalize," since they are basically one, there would be no individual without being part of the whole and so forth...

This post has reminded me of meditations I read years ago of visualizing being a solar system. The sun like, in the heart, and the planets orbiting the body. Then it reminds me of a musical idea that each human body is actually an orchestra - and in ways this is even proven fact. So now I am thinking that each human body is possibly an entire galaxy..

It is funny to me that a little question like you posed could expand ideas so... wow! Clap

I have been reading Wayne Dyer's "Manifest Your Destiny" and he talks about how talking to God is an inner conversation and the church has co-opted the idea so that you have to use their methods to communicate with God, and the problem with that is that one creates the division. It is not very different from what you are stating. It is a strange thing, to say to someone "God is within," to try and say that, words are lousy means for getting the idea across! People will always find some unintended meaning and ... it ends up not worth trying to say it! Wall

But I like how you pose a question, "Who do we pray to?" and in that question the reader has to reevaluate so much! Preeeety slick I'd say (that is supposed to be a compliment). I really like your Givnologizing!!!

Love and light being, Teo Violin CoolDance CoolDance Violin

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

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