<table border=8 background=http://members.aol.com/freezedried/leonardo/images/lv05.jpg><tr><td background=http://members.aol.com/freezedried/leonardo/images/lv05.jpg> <blockquote><font size=+1 color=purple face=sand>[i][b]<blink> When I close my eyes I discover many truths deep within my soul </blink>[/b][/i]</font></td></tr></table>
The only strange thing about doing this in these discussions is this:
Instead of having to use EITHER HTML (things with the greater than and less than symbols), or UBB (the way these discussions allow to edit like the bold and italic 'tags') you can use BOTH!!!!
That is why there are html things with the greater than and less than AND the things with B, BLINK, I inside (bold, blink, italic). By the way with HTML and UBB capitalization doesn't matter.
You'll see I made a whole post teaching you buddies this stuff...
By the way, dear dpm and all interested:
This type of knowledge is transferred, as I am doing now from me to you all, with this one catch:
This type of knowledge should always and forever be given away to anyone asking. They should be told this same rule. This is like the shareware approach, we are all building the best whatever we can together eh?
When knowledge is given in this form, eventually who you gave the information to becomes YOUR guru, they learn it and perfect it, and they can teach you stuff later. Really! So once you are so excited learning how to do this and post lots of greeeeat text / images posts.. also let others know how!
Promise! OK! Now go make more beauty!

Love n light, Teo

Teo's presence: Givnology forums, freeboards, tradigital music, Third Millennium Thinking, new media
May we have enough compassion so that people with solutions for us all can bring them to us without fear