The buddhists say that some folks use pretty things to decorate the interior of their own prisons. The buddhists have a point. Sometimes it can be true, and you'll feel it when you enter the door of a house or a room. Or it could be the experience of subjective reality.
Sometimes you enter the house of a friend and you know you are entering a temple. That could be subjective too. I know I've entered actual temples and felt a bit uncomfortable there.
Rogues there are in religious orders. Medicinal plants grow on the same hills as poisonous ones. It's all relative and largely in the eye of the beholder. It's good to have a sense of what's what and it's not all subjective. Watch out that stuff is poison ivy.
A smiling homeless person covered with tattoos of demons and skulls could be very effectively arranging all the furniture of his troubled mind and spirit on his skin. The skin could be the only room in his "house" - given he is a houseless person. Exterior decoration is part of it too, if clothes don't make the man.
The Tibetans visualize wrathful dieties on their exterior in certain meditation practices, wearing their wrathful natures like a coat of mail to ward off illusion. It doesn't require ink to do that.
Ink ink a bottle of ink. Who am I to judge?
It's a good thing the smile is part of the wall decoration of the street urchin. How is that cheerful disposition within such a frame possible - if you knew of that character's history and what adversity he may have experienced?
Baby it's cold outside.
The more fortunate must count their blessings. Cheer for the cheerful whatever skin they are in. Be thankful for walls and a ceiling.
I'm thankful to Mastsumi Kanemitsu for giving me a portfolio of prints and ink washes.
The fog here in SF is nature's way of arranging the clouds for a balance of shadow and light.
Netiquette is a good thing. So is jes' plain etiquette. The cab driver's union in NY's motto is "it's nice to be nice" - but are they? Sometimes.
You don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows. Nor do we need a consultant to figure the right position of the head of the bed relative to the door.
Peace in the heart and and open mind are the best decoration of our own interior. N'est-ce pas?
No plan to get a tattoo today.
Thanks for the always cool links to the undiluted uncommercialized pics and points of view.