Quicktime 7 runs both X and Classic 9 on one license. I wish they'd tell you that on the support site. They only say your license will be erased on your earlier version. They neglect to say you have to throw it out on Classic 9 and not to repace the old version six license which halfway works and stops the new one. The frustration is the old one has some features that are lost in the new version.
I'm working on replacing "real" sys9. Classic 9 has no cojones. The housecleaning metaphor does apply. Cojones has a place too.
My dear friend Leslie Moore used to say that every item in a household should have a place where it goes. (Good ol' Les' is Moore). Could she ever bake a pie and leave the kitchen sparkling!
Now that our houses have all these extra rooms in cyberspace we have to pick up the dirty laundry arange all the furniture and make sure we don't trip on anything when going from room to room there too.
Don't forget (if you're a linguist) it's pronounced "fung schweee" not "Fung schway!"