Teilhard De Chardin the French Paleontologist a jesuit scholar who subscribed to the theories of evolution and who nearly was excommunicated for his beliefs, described evolution as taking three forms:
Diversification, Synthesis, and Groping.
Existing life forms tend to split from their norms and create new diversified ways of operating; Or differing groups with difference modes of survival within a species can learn from each other and by sharing information assimilate the behavior of their neighbors. Or even with no frame of reference we can experiment and find new ways of approaching a problem and get better at what we do either by blind luck i.e. serendipity or by making educated guesses. We often enter new territory stumbling and feeling our way.
In each case we grow and became greater for our efforts.
And again you have a view of life that follows the law of three.
In astrology of course you have the qualities of "fixed" "cardinal" and "mutable" which also correspond to the various examples that make the triangle architecturally the most stable form - as well as the most stable form in nature when it occurs in nature as it often does.
In the interest of symmetry perhaps or because the whole arc of the circle can be so naturally be subdivided into four tringles comprising the full circle and a sort of natural three against four we have the origins of our clocks and our base twelve system of measuring time. Our scientists both describe and emulate nature.
In the case of chronometers (sundials and clocks) you have the law of three expressed as the product of the four elements earth air fire and water. The Fifth element ether is perhaps not so obvious in the glyph for the celestial sphere represented by twelve astrological signs in the vedic and babylonian systems. But the pentile (breaking the circle into five 72˚ segments) is the basis of the pentagram (five pointed star) that is associated with magic, both "black" and "white." Magic is perhaps best represented as the etheric element which can manifest itself through the other four - and of course our very perceptions are based on five physical senses - and the sixth mind sense.
The prime numbers are both integers and whole numbers and provide the bridge for easy ways to measure the universe like base ten mathematics - that allow us to have a sense of the vastness of the immeasurable - and at the same time to grasp what is axiomatic - "All is one" - "E pluribus Unum - (the all is comprised of the many).
The prime numbers are both revealing and significant when applied to the our spiritual natures. Beside the basic "Om, Tat, Sat" that Teo refers to (creative, sustaining, and cleansing principles) also can be seen as a sort of cosmic three against four using the four noble truths - the truth of suffering - the truth of the arising of suffering - the truth of the cessation of suffering - and the truth of the eightfold path that leads to the cessation of suffering.
One contemplates the four noble truths best in an inner silence that one achieves by acknowledging the three parts of the breath: the inbreath - the pause while one retains the breath - followed by the outbreath into a new cycle.
There is a name in Pranayama for that point between outbreath and inbreath too, but generally the breath is seen also as following the law of three in yogic breath science.
I know that Teo appreciates the corroborative nature of music - how it bears out the law of three - the four directions (winds truths etc.) - the "devil's tone" which is either the augmented fourth or diminished fifth interval, and how the numerics actually have qualities that can be demonstrated musically.
Whether we resonate with each other or clash to some extent depends on our awareness of these principle. One is still the loneliest number; two is the number of binary codes and with three gives us the hexidecimal system.
Three will always be the charm.
And if we keep talking to each other some lucky one among us will be the "hundredth monkey." The bubble may be the most perfect form in nature. But the triangle will always be the most stable.
All this deserves a chorus of whinny's from the cosmic stable.