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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Tomorrow you’ll die – elimination of fear of death in 3 days

Death is an illusion. Death is actually an interval between two states or planes of consciousness. Matter is neither created nor destroyed; it only changes form. Death is therefore a Change or transformation, which is essential for the renewal of energy (the life force) and spiritual growth, a process similar to a caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly. Attachment to the material form (the Physical body) causes fear of death. There is much superstition, fear and ignorance among people with regard to the nature of death. We need to remove the IGNORANCE that makes us fear death.
We are most conspicuously attached to our bodies. We can sense life through our bodies. The identification of the Self with the physical form misleads one into thinking that the dissolution of the physical body results in the annihilation of the Self. We relish physical comforts and the pleasures of the senses. But if we consider this attachment, we will see that it is a potential source of suffering. This is because the body is constantly changing. We wish we could remain alive forever, but moment after moment the body is passing from youth to old age, from life to death. When we contemplate sickness, old age and the ever present threat of death, anxiety overwhelms us. Thus, we seek to elude the inevitable by evading the thought of it. Lust for life and fear of death are forms of attachment.
We are attached not only to our bodies but also to our possessions, like our clothes, our car, our house and our wealth. We are loath to part with these things and always try to accumulate more of them. We are also attached to memories of the past or anticipation of the future.
The aim of “Solution: Life” is to root out each and every point of attachment until there is not even a speck of dust left for the mind to grasp. This means that not only coarse forms of attachment such as passions and desires must be uprooted, but also the more subtle threads of intellectual attachment such as convictions.
Religious doctrines and materialistic educational systems have inadvertently encouraged man’s negative attitude towards death. They paint horrible conditions of the after-death state, ranging from eternal punishment and torture far worse than the cruelties and atrocities of the Inquisition, to the materialistic view of nihilism and annihilation. Religion and the academic institutions offer no real comfort or solace to those whose loved ones have faced the great change.
The fear of death is actually man’s fear of the unknown, and it indicates man’s bondage to his ignorance which ultimately develops into superstition. Because of the underlying fear, man laboriously attempts to postpone death through medicine and other means. Knowing the true nature of death releases man from his bondage to his fears and from his varied superstitions pertaining to it.
Philosophically speaking, this is the state of duality, and unless man perceives the One Reality underlying the dualistic worlds, as well as his true nature, he lives in fear and in a state of slavery. Mystics call this “dying while living,” and advanced mystics have reached a state where they may predetermine and trigger the time and process of their physical and mystical deaths.
The fear of death has a lot of branches, such as the fear of being helpless in old age or of having a large amount of sex in order to have more children, so saving your body from death. Life and death are just dualities and them has to be merged in your mind by use of Merge technique. “Solution: Life” will substantially increase our enjoyment of life, of every breath and of the sun's light.
The “Solution: Life” instruction could be read one time, including the phrases “Instruction for the Sub Conscious Mind” and “End of instructions.” Please note that for the use of MASTER SOLUTION: LOVE you need to read the following processors “Clap”, “Execute it”, “Merge”, “Hoppo”. All solutions are FREE.
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