It is often supposed that humans can get what they want from this world provided they are prepared to work hard enough for it - that with our superior intelligence we can win wealth by exploiting the earth's resources, while animals can only follow their instincts in the struggle for survival. The ability of humans to exploit their environment is presumed somehow to give us rights over animals and nature. YThis misconception lives at the root of the expansion of human domination of the planet over the past 500 years.
A different concept is taught by the Vedas. This planet and all she produces does not belong to humanity, any more than she belongs to the other species living here. The earth is satisfied when she sees her produce symbolically returned to God, its original source. This principle is taught in the classic Vedic text Isha Upanishad;
Everything in the universe belongs to the Lord. Therefore take only what you need that is set aside for you. Do not take anything else, for you know to whom it belongs.