I think Ghandi has a book "My Relationship With The Truth" that I have been wanting to peep..

I like Inda's answer best, and I truly believe that LOVE is the one eternal truth, well, all of existence really.. but let's "discuss," these are "discussions" eh? he he..

Originally posted by Lynette:
And Beauty spoke to me first: I am not mere images, I only appear to you as an image. I exist in a higher form. Of all the images you see, I am the arrangement which pleases most. I am light and shadow and motion and joy. You view me not just with the eye, for I am more. You have never beheld my pure form, but have seen glimpses of me in the setting sun across the water, or the clouds drifting across the clear blue sky or the sunlight dancing on the leaves of a tree wet with freshly fallen rain. My gift to you was imagination when earthly images failed you. I am the source of your inspiration and creativity.
Your writing here reminds me of a phrase I think often, "being see." It is a combination of "the seer seeing the seen" which is one way of saying "creation wrapping around to experience itself" which is a way Dr. Deepak Chopra writes about .. creation.. My phrase "being see" means that there is something called seeing, and I will be a part - whether the seer, seeing or seen. Also fun word put with "the sea" eh?.. see? he he..

Allow me to digress. In one song of mine "I Is 1" I composed a dialog between "I and I," one has created something, "Afrocentrics." He explains that it is the unlimited power of appreciating Africa's wisdom, splendor and love, the other says "everyone already does!" and he answers: "Yes, they will have to forget, for thousands of years..." which is all to say, sometimes the thing will be there, but not.. visible? important? noticeworthy? until a certain time or situation.. make sense? Like: real music played by real musicians, well, now that the radio and video are all full of electronic crap, the real performing ability is like.. very useful again/all of a sudden.. maybe that's not the best example.. well.. like..
In this world of so much fear and hate, it is like the best opportunity for loving words and entertainment, things that educate away fears and such with simple truths - the common sense that isn't very common anymore!
I think in your writing you veeery sneakily wove around the idea that "truth" is a subjective thing, I mean, for a native a factory on their land truly is negative, for a businessman it truly is positive.. that's just one example. But you skirted that excellently, because you didn't even pinpoint the "truth" that you are seeking, you left the whole writing up to the reader's interpretation - and that, dear Lynette, is sheer genius. In my little opinion that is.
Writings like this, that question basic, but still cosmic things like: "what is truth?" are exceptionally useful and helpful when the world is in such turmoil, and we need focus and clear vision to know what is truly best to do. The way you asked it, inticing the reader to think you will give it away, but making the reader experience his own clouds and subtle truths.. that is great writing!

OK enough digressionalizations.. dpm (Dancing Pearly Margherita), that is one of my favorite graphics you share with us! Often I leave it on my screen!

All of these replies are.. TRUTHfully, wonderful! he he..

You are quite the talent dear Lynette! Hoping you will continue to bless us with your truths, and questions about the truth. Wonderful stuff.
Love and light being, Teo