The keys to all the ancient arts are lost, were lost many centuries ago. And therefore there is no longer a sacred art embodying laws of the Great Knowledge, and so serving to influence the instincts of the multitude.
There are no creators today. The contemporary priests of art do not create but imitate. They run after beauty and likeness or what is called originality, without possessing even the necessary knowledge. Not knowing, and not being able to do anything, since they are groping in the dark, they are praised by the crowd, which places them on a pedestal. Sacred art vanished and left behind only the halo which surrounded its servants. All the current words about the divine spark, talent, genius, creation, sacred art, have no solid basis--they are anachronisms. What are these talents?
Either the shoemaker's craft must be called art, or all contemporary art must be called craft. In what way is a shoemaker sewing fashionable custom shoes of beautiful design inferior to an artist who pursues the aim of imitation or originality? With knowledge, the sewing of shoes may be sacred art too, but without it, a priest of contemporary art is worse than a cobbler.
We are surely bringing back SACRED ART here @ Givnology! AMEN!
I like the idea of sacred cobblers. Feet are important! Nice beautiful shoes CAN be sacred! he he..
May our art have message and massage. Amen.
Love and lightbeams, Teo

"Truth is fragile, as glass, but it can shine for all time!" - Use Art To Say Something
Mind your wants, because somebody wants your mind! - George Clinton.
Forgive my thinking I have something valuable to say to you, I just love you so much...